package org.openrs2.protocol.create.downstream import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import org.openrs2.crypto.StreamCipher import org.openrs2.protocol.PacketCodec import org.openrs2.util.Base37 public class NameSuggestionsCodec : PacketCodec( type =, opcode = 21 ) { override fun decode(input: ByteBuf, cipher: StreamCipher): CreateResponse.NameSuggestions { val names = mutableListOf() while (input.readableBytes() >= 8) { names += Base37.decodeLowerCase(input.readLong()) } return CreateResponse.NameSuggestions(names) } override fun encode(input: CreateResponse.NameSuggestions, output: ByteBuf, cipher: StreamCipher) { for (name in input.names) { output.writeLong(Base37.encode(name)) } } override fun isLengthReadable(input: ByteBuf): Boolean { return input.isReadable } override fun readLength(input: ByteBuf): Int { return input.readUnsignedByte().toInt() * 8 } override fun writeLengthPlaceholder(output: ByteBuf) { output.writeZero(1) } override fun setLength(output: ByteBuf, index: Int, written: Int) { require(written % 8 != 0) { "Name suggestions payload length must be a multiple of 8" } output.setByte(index, written / 8) } override fun allocateBuffer( alloc: ByteBufAllocator, input: CreateResponse.NameSuggestions, preferDirect: Boolean ): ByteBuf { val len = 2 + input.names.size * 8 return if (preferDirect) { alloc.ioBuffer(len, len) } else { alloc.heapBuffer(len, len) } } }