plugins { `java-library` `maven-publish` } dependencies { compileOnly(libs.runelite.client) testImplementation(libs.runelite.client) } publishing { publications.create("maven") { from(components["java"]) pom { packaging = "jar" name.set("OpenRS2 XTEA Plugin") description.set( """ A RuneLite/OpenOSRS plugin that collects XTEA keys and submits them to the OpenRS2 Archive. """.trimIndent() ) } } } tasks.jar { manifest { attributes["Plugin-Description"] = "Collects XTEA keys and submits them to the OpenRS2 Archive" attributes["Plugin-Id"] = "OpenRS2 XTEA" attributes["Plugin-License"] = "ISC" attributes["Plugin-Provider"] = "OpenRS2" attributes["Plugin-Version"] = project.version } } tasks.register("run") { classpath = project.sourceSets.test.get().runtimeClasspath mainClass.set("org.openrs2.xtea.XteaPluginTest") jvmArgs = listOf("-ea") }