package org.openrs2.protocol import org.openrs2.protocol.login.ClientOutOfDateCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.InitCrossDomainConnectionCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.InitGameConnectionCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.InitJaggrabConnectionCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.InitJs5RemoteConnectionCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.IpLimitCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.Js5OkCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.RequestWorldListCodec import org.openrs2.protocol.login.ServerFullCodec import public class Protocol(vararg codecs: PacketCodec<*>) { private val decoders = arrayOfNulls>(256) private val encoders = codecs.associateBy(PacketCodec<*>::type) init { for (codec in codecs) { decoders[codec.opcode] = codec } } public fun getDecoder(opcode: Int): PacketCodec<*>? { require(opcode in decoders.indices) return decoders[opcode] } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") public fun getEncoder(type: Class): PacketCodec? { return encoders[type] as PacketCodec? } public companion object { public val LOGIN_UPSTREAM: Protocol = Protocol( InitGameConnectionCodec, InitJs5RemoteConnectionCodec, InitJaggrabConnectionCodec, RequestWorldListCodec, InitCrossDomainConnectionCodec ) public val LOGIN_DOWNSTREAM: Protocol = Protocol( ClientOutOfDateCodec, ServerFullCodec, IpLimitCodec ) /** * Unfortunately the Js5Ok packet's opcode overlaps with the exchange * session keys opcode - the only case where this happens. We therefore * have two LOGIN_DOWNSTREAM protocols to avoid ambiguity: one for * responses to the InitJs5RemoteConnection packet, and one for * responses to all other login packets. */ public val LOGIN_DOWNSTREAM_JS5REMOTE: Protocol = Protocol( Js5OkCodec, ClientOutOfDateCodec, ServerFullCodec, IpLimitCodec ) public val WORLD_LIST_DOWNSTREAM: Protocol = Protocol( WorldListResponseCodec ) } }