package org.openrs2.archive.cache import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.openrs2.buffer.crc32 import org.openrs2.buffer.use import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Archive import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Compression import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Index import org.openrs2.cache.Js5MasterIndex import org.openrs2.cache.MasterIndexFormat import java.time.Instant import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation import kotlin.coroutines.resume import kotlin.coroutines.resumeWithException @ChannelHandler.Sharable public abstract class Js5ChannelHandler( private val bootstrap: Bootstrap, private val gameId: Int, private val hostname: String, private val port: Int, protected var buildMajor: Int, protected var buildMinor: Int?, private val lastMasterIndexId: Int?, private val continuation: Continuation, private val importer: CacheImporter, private val masterIndexFormat: MasterIndexFormat, private val maxInFlightRequests: Int, private val maxBuildAttempts: Int = 10, private val maxReconnectionAttempts: Int = 1 ) : SimpleChannelInboundHandler( { protected data class InFlightRequest(val prefetch: Boolean, val archive: Int, val group: Int) protected data class PendingRequest( val prefetch: Boolean, val archive: Int, val group: Int, val version: Int, val checksum: Int ) private enum class State { ACTIVE, CLIENT_OUT_OF_DATE, RESUMING_CONTINUATION } private var state = State.ACTIVE private var buildAttempts = 0 private var reconnectionAttempts = 0 private val inFlightRequests = mutableSetOf() private val pendingRequests = ArrayDeque() private var masterIndexId: Int = 0 private var sourceId: Int = 0 private var masterIndex: Js5MasterIndex? = null private lateinit var indexes: Array private val groups = mutableListOf() protected abstract fun createInitMessage(): Any protected abstract fun createRequestMessage(prefetch: Boolean, archive: Int, group: Int): Any protected abstract fun createConnectedMessage(): Any? protected abstract fun configurePipeline(pipeline: ChannelPipeline) protected abstract fun incrementVersion() override fun channelActive(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) { ctx.writeAndFlush(createInitMessage(), ctx.voidPromise()) } override fun channelReadComplete(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) { var flush = false while (inFlightRequests.size < maxInFlightRequests) { val request = pendingRequests.removeFirstOrNull() ?: break inFlightRequests += InFlightRequest(request.prefetch, request.archive, { "Requesting archive ${request.archive} group ${}" } ctx.write(createRequestMessage(request.prefetch, request.archive,, ctx.voidPromise()) flush = true } if (flush) { ctx.flush() } if (inFlightRequests.isNotEmpty()) { } } override fun channelInactive(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) { if (state == State.CLIENT_OUT_OF_DATE) { state = State.ACTIVE bootstrap.connect(hostname, port) } else if (state != State.RESUMING_CONTINUATION) { if (isComplete()) { throw Exception("Connection closed unexpectedly") } else if (++reconnectionAttempts > maxReconnectionAttempts) { throw Exception("Connection closed unexpectedly after maximum number of reconnection attempts") } // move in-flight requests back to the pending queue for (request in inFlightRequests) { val prefetch = request.prefetch val archive = request.archive val group = pendingRequests += if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET && group == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { PendingRequest(prefetch, archive, group, 0, 0) } else if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { val entry = masterIndex!!.entries[group] val version = entry.version val checksum = entry.checksum PendingRequest(prefetch, archive, group, version, checksum) } else { val entry = indexes[archive]!![group]!! val version = entry.version val checksum = entry.checksum PendingRequest(prefetch, archive, group, version, checksum) } } inFlightRequests.clear() // re-connect state = State.ACTIVE bootstrap.connect(hostname, port) } } override fun exceptionCaught(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, cause: Throwable) { releaseGroups() state = State.RESUMING_CONTINUATION ctx.close() continuation.resumeWithException(cause) } protected fun handleOk(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) { configurePipeline(ctx.pipeline()) val msg = createConnectedMessage() if (msg != null) { ctx.write(msg, ctx.voidPromise()) } if (masterIndex == null && pendingRequests.isEmpty()) { request(ctx, Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET, Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET, 0, 0) } } protected fun handleClientOutOfDate(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) { if (++buildAttempts > maxBuildAttempts) { throw Exception("Failed to identify current version") } state = State.CLIENT_OUT_OF_DATE incrementVersion() ctx.close() } protected fun handleResponse( ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, prefetch: Boolean, archive: Int, group: Int, data: ByteBuf ) { val request = InFlightRequest(prefetch, archive, group) val removed = inFlightRequests.remove(request) if (!removed) { val type = if (prefetch) { "prefetch" } else { "urgent" } throw Exception("Received response for $type request (archive $archive group $group) not in-flight") } processResponse(ctx, archive, group, data) } protected fun processResponse(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, archive: Int, group: Int, data: ByteBuf) { if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET && group == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { processMasterIndex(ctx, data) } else if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { processIndex(ctx, group, data) } else { processGroup(archive, group, data) } val complete = isComplete() if (groups.size >= CacheImporter.BATCH_SIZE || complete) { runBlocking { importer.importGroups(sourceId, groups) } releaseGroups() } if (complete) { runBlocking { importer.setLastMasterIndexId(gameId, masterIndexId) } state = State.RESUMING_CONTINUATION ctx.close() continuation.resume(Unit) } } protected open fun isComplete(): Boolean { return pendingRequests.isEmpty() && inFlightRequests.isEmpty() } private fun processMasterIndex(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, buf: ByteBuf) { Js5Compression.uncompress(buf.slice()).use { uncompressed -> masterIndex = Js5MasterIndex.readUnverified(uncompressed.slice(), masterIndexFormat) val (masterIndexId, sourceId, rawIndexes) = runBlocking { importer.importMasterIndexAndGetIndexes( masterIndex!!, buf, uncompressed, gameId, buildMajor, buildMinor, lastMasterIndexId, timestamp = ) } this.masterIndexId = masterIndexId this.sourceId = sourceId try { indexes = arrayOfNulls(rawIndexes.size) for ((archive, index) in rawIndexes.withIndex()) { val entry = masterIndex!!.entries[archive] if (entry.version == 0 && entry.checksum == 0) { continue } if (index != null) { processIndex(ctx, archive, index) } else { request(ctx, Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET, archive, entry.version, entry.checksum) } } } finally { rawIndexes.filterNotNull().forEach(ByteBuf::release) } } } private fun processIndex(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, archive: Int, buf: ByteBuf) { val checksum = buf.crc32() val entry = masterIndex!!.entries[archive] if (checksum != entry.checksum) { throw Exception("Index $archive checksum invalid (expected ${entry.checksum}, actual $checksum)") } Js5Compression.uncompress(buf.slice()).use { uncompressed -> val index = indexes[archive] = index if (index.version != entry.version) { throw Exception("Index $archive version invalid (expected ${entry.version}, actual ${index.version})") } val groups = runBlocking { importer.importIndexAndGetMissingGroups(sourceId, archive, index, buf, uncompressed, lastMasterIndexId) } for (group in groups) { val groupEntry = index[group]!! request(ctx, archive, group, groupEntry.version, groupEntry.checksum) } } } private fun processGroup(archive: Int, group: Int, buf: ByteBuf) { val checksum = buf.crc32() val entry = indexes[archive]!![group]!! if (checksum != entry.checksum) { val expected = entry.checksum throw Exception("Archive $archive group $group checksum invalid (expected $expected, actual $checksum)") } val uncompressed = Js5Compression.uncompressUnlessEncrypted(buf.slice()) groups += CacheImporter.Group( archive, group, buf.retain(), uncompressed, entry.version, versionTruncated = false ) } protected open fun request(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, archive: Int, group: Int, version: Int, checksum: Int) { pendingRequests += PendingRequest(false, archive, group, version, checksum) } private fun releaseGroups() { groups.forEach(CacheImporter.Group::release) groups.clear() } private companion object { private val logger = InlineLogger() } }