package import import import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateHandler import import org.openrs2.protocol.Protocol import org.openrs2.protocol.Rs2Decoder import org.openrs2.protocol.Rs2Encoder import org.openrs2.protocol.login.downstream.LoginDownstream import org.openrs2.protocol.login.upstream.LoginUpstream import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton public class Rs2ChannelInitializer @Inject constructor( private val handlerProvider: Provider, @LoginUpstream private val loginUpStreamProtocol: Protocol, @LoginDownstream private val loginDownStreamProtocol: Protocol ) : ChannelInitializer() { override fun initChannel(ch: Channel) { ch.pipeline().addLast( IdleStateHandler(true, TIMEOUT_SECS, TIMEOUT_SECS, TIMEOUT_SECS, TimeUnit.SECONDS), Rs2Decoder(loginUpStreamProtocol), Rs2Encoder(loginDownStreamProtocol), handlerProvider.get() ) } private companion object { /* * On the OSRS servers, login connections take 60 seconds to time out, * but a JS5 connection only takes 30 seconds. It'd be awkward for us * to change the timeouts at runtime to fully emulate that behaviour. */ private const val TIMEOUT_SECS: Long = 30 } }