package org.openrs2.archive.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import org.openrs2.archive.container.Container import org.openrs2.archive.container.ContainerImporter import org.openrs2.buffer.use import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Archive import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Compression import org.openrs2.cache.Js5CompressionType import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Index import org.openrs2.cache.Js5MasterIndex import org.openrs2.cache.Store import org.openrs2.cache.VersionTrailer import org.openrs2.db.Database import import java.sql.Connection import java.sql.Types import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton public class CacheImporter @Inject constructor( private val database: Database, private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator ) { private class MasterIndex( val index: Js5MasterIndex, data: ByteBuf ) : Container(data) { override val encrypted: Boolean = false } private class Index( val index: Js5Index, data: ByteBuf ) : Container(data) { override val encrypted: Boolean = false } private class Group( val archive: Int, val group: Int, data: ByteBuf, val version: Int, override val encrypted: Boolean ) : Container(data) public suspend fun import(store: Store) { database.execute { connection -> ContainerImporter.prepare(connection) // import master index val masterIndex = createMasterIndex(store) try { addMasterIndex(connection, masterIndex) } finally { masterIndex.release() } // import indexes val indexes = mutableListOf() try { for (archive in store.list(Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET)) { indexes += readIndex(store, archive) } for (index in indexes) { addIndex(connection, index) } } finally { indexes.forEach(Index::release) } // import groups val groups = mutableListOf() try { for (archive in store.list()) { if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { continue } for (id in store.list(archive)) { val group = readGroup(store, archive, id) ?: continue groups += group if (groups.size >= BATCH_SIZE) { addGroups(connection, groups) groups.forEach(Group::release) groups.clear() } } } if (groups.isNotEmpty()) { addGroups(connection, groups) } } finally { groups.forEach(Group::release) } } } public suspend fun importMasterIndex(buf: ByteBuf) { Js5Compression.uncompress(buf.slice()).use { uncompressed -> val masterIndex = MasterIndex(, buf) database.execute { connection -> ContainerImporter.prepare(connection) addMasterIndex(connection, masterIndex) } } } private fun createMasterIndex(store: Store): MasterIndex { val index = Js5MasterIndex.create(store) alloc.buffer().use { uncompressed -> index.write(uncompressed) Js5Compression.compress(uncompressed, Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED).use { buf -> return MasterIndex(index, buf.retain()) } } } // TODO(gpe): skip most of this function if we encounter a conflict? private fun addMasterIndex(connection: Connection, masterIndex: MasterIndex) { val containerId = ContainerImporter.addContainer(connection, masterIndex) connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO master_indexes (container_id) VALUES (?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.execute() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO master_index_entries (container_id, archive_id, crc32, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for ((i, entry) in masterIndex.index.entries.withIndex()) { stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, i) stmt.setInt(3, entry.checksum) stmt.setInt(4, entry.version) stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } } private fun readGroup(store: Store, archive: Int, group: Int): Group? { try {, group).use { buf -> val version = VersionTrailer.strip(buf) ?: return null val encrypted = Js5Compression.isEncrypted(buf.slice()) return Group(archive, group, buf.retain(), version, encrypted) } } catch (ex: IOException) { return null } } private fun addGroups(connection: Connection, groups: List) { val containerIds = ContainerImporter.addContainers(connection, groups) connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO groups (archive_id, group_id, container_id, truncated_version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for ((i, group) in groups.withIndex()) { stmt.setInt(1, group.archive) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setLong(3, containerIds[i]) stmt.setInt(4, group.version) stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } } private fun readIndex(store: Store, archive: Int): Index { return, archive).use { buf -> Js5Compression.uncompress(buf.slice()).use { uncompressed -> Index(, buf.retain()) } } } // TODO(gpe): skip most of this function if we encounter a conflict? private fun addIndex(connection: Connection, index: Index) { val containerId = ContainerImporter.addContainer(connection, index) connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO indexes (container_id, version) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, index.index.version) stmt.execute() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO index_groups (container_id, group_id, crc32, whirlpool, version, name_hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for (group in index.index) { stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setInt(3, group.checksum) stmt.setBytes(4, group.digest) stmt.setInt(5, group.version) if (index.index.hasNames) { stmt.setInt(6, group.nameHash) } else { stmt.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER) } stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO index_files (container_id, group_id, file_id, name_hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for (group in index.index) { for (file in group) { stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setInt(3, if (index.index.hasNames) { stmt.setInt(4, file.nameHash) } else { stmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER) } stmt.addBatch() } } stmt.executeBatch() } } private companion object { private const val BATCH_SIZE = 1024 } }