package dev.openrs2.deob.transform import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger import import import dev.openrs2.asm.InsnMatcher import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberRef import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.ClassPath import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library import dev.openrs2.asm.createIntConstant import dev.openrs2.asm.deleteSimpleExpression import dev.openrs2.asm.intConstant import dev.openrs2.asm.nextReal import dev.openrs2.asm.pure import dev.openrs2.asm.replaceSimpleExpression import dev.openrs2.asm.stackMetadata import dev.openrs2.asm.transform.Transformer import dev.openrs2.common.collect.DisjointSet import dev.openrs2.deob.ArgRef import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntInterpreter import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntValue import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.SourcedIntValue import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes import org.objectweb.asm.Type import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer class DummyArgTransformer : Transformer() { private data class ConditionalCall( val conditionVar: Int, val conditionOpcode: Int, val conditionValue: Int?, val method: DisjointSet.Partition, val constArgs: List ) private enum class BranchResult { ALWAYS_TAKEN, NEVER_TAKEN, UNKNOWN; companion object { fun fromTakenNotTaken(taken: Int, notTaken: Int): BranchResult { require(taken != 0 || notTaken != 0) return when { taken == 0 -> NEVER_TAKEN notTaken == 0 -> ALWAYS_TAKEN else -> UNKNOWN } } } } private val argValues: Multimap = HashMultimap.create() private val conditionalCalls: Multimap?, ConditionalCall> = HashMultimap.create() private val constArgs = mutableMapOf, Array?>>() private lateinit var inheritedMethodSets: DisjointSet private var branchesSimplified = 0 private var constantsInlined = 0 private fun isMutuallyRecursiveDummy( method: DisjointSet.Partition, arg: Int, source: DisjointSet.Partition, value: Int ): Boolean { for (sourceToMethodCall in conditionalCalls[source]) { if (sourceToMethodCall.method != method) { continue } for (methodToSourceCall in conditionalCalls[method]) { if (methodToSourceCall.method != source || methodToSourceCall.conditionVar != arg) { continue } var taken = if (methodToSourceCall.conditionValue != null) { evaluateBinaryBranch(methodToSourceCall.conditionOpcode, value, methodToSourceCall.conditionValue) } else { evaluateUnaryBranch(methodToSourceCall.conditionOpcode, value) } if (taken) { continue } val constArg = methodToSourceCall.constArgs[sourceToMethodCall.conditionVar]!! taken = if (sourceToMethodCall.conditionValue != null) { evaluateBinaryBranch( sourceToMethodCall.conditionOpcode, constArg, sourceToMethodCall.conditionValue ) } else { evaluateUnaryBranch(sourceToMethodCall.conditionOpcode, constArg) } if (taken) { continue } return true } } return false } private fun union( method: DisjointSet.Partition, arg: Int, intValues: Collection ): Set? { val set = mutableSetOf() for ((source, intValue) in intValues) { if (intValue !is IntValue.Constant) { return null } if (source == method) { continue } if (intValue.singleton != null) { if (isMutuallyRecursiveDummy(method, arg, source, intValue.singleton)) { continue } } set.addAll(intValue.values) } return if (set.isEmpty()) { null } else { set } } override fun preTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { inheritedMethodSets = classPath.createInheritedMethodSets() branchesSimplified = 0 constantsInlined = 0 } override fun prePass(classPath: ClassPath) { argValues.clear() conditionalCalls.clear() } override fun transformCode( classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode ): Boolean { val parentMethod = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(clazz, method)]!! val stores = BooleanArray(method.maxLocals) for (insn in method.instructions) { if (insn is VarInsnNode && insn.opcode == Opcodes.ISTORE) { stores[insn.`var`] = true } } for (match in CONDITIONAL_CALL_MATCHER.match(method)) { var matchIndex = 0 val load = match[matchIndex++] as VarInsnNode if (stores[load.`var`]) { continue } var callerSlots = Type.getArgumentsAndReturnSizes(method.desc) shr 2 if (method.access and Opcodes.ACC_STATIC != 0) { callerSlots++ } if (load.`var` >= callerSlots) { continue } val conditionValue: Int? var conditionOpcode = match[matchIndex].opcode if (conditionOpcode == Opcodes.IFEQ || conditionOpcode == Opcodes.IFNE) { conditionValue = null matchIndex++ } else { conditionValue = match[matchIndex++].intConstant conditionOpcode = match[matchIndex++].opcode } val invoke = match[match.size - 1] as MethodInsnNode val invokeArgTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(invoke.desc).size val constArgs = arrayOfNulls(invokeArgTypes) if (invoke.opcode != Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { matchIndex++ } for (i in constArgs.indices) { val insn = match[matchIndex++] if (insn.opcode == Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) { matchIndex++ } else { constArgs[i] = insn.intConstant } } val callee = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(invoke)] ?: continue conditionalCalls.put( parentMethod, ConditionalCall(load.`var`, conditionOpcode, conditionValue, callee, constArgs.asList()) ) } val parameters = constArgs[parentMethod] val analyzer = Analyzer(IntInterpreter(parameters)) val frames = analyzer.analyze(, method) var changed = false val alwaysTakenBranches = mutableListOf() val neverTakenBranches = mutableListOf() val constInsns = mutableMapOf() frame@ for ((i, frame) in frames.withIndex()) { if (frame == null) { continue } val stackSize = frame.stackSize val insn = method.instructions[i] when (insn.opcode) { Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE -> { val invoke = insn as MethodInsnNode val invokedMethod = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(invoke)] ?: continue@frame val args = Type.getArgumentTypes(invoke.desc).size var k = 0 for (j in 0 until args) { val arg = frame.getStack(stackSize - args + j) argValues.put(ArgRef(invokedMethod, k), SourcedIntValue(parentMethod, arg)) k += arg.size } } Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE -> { val value = frame.getStack(stackSize - 1) if (value !is IntValue.Constant) { continue@frame } val result = evaluateUnaryBranch(insn.opcode, value.values) @Suppress("NON_EXHAUSTIVE_WHEN") when (result) { BranchResult.ALWAYS_TAKEN -> alwaysTakenBranches.add(insn as JumpInsnNode) BranchResult.NEVER_TAKEN -> neverTakenBranches.add(insn as JumpInsnNode) } } Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT, Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE, Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT, Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE -> { val value1 = frame.getStack(stackSize - 2) val value2 = frame.getStack(stackSize - 1) if (value1 !is IntValue.Constant || value2 !is IntValue.Constant) { continue@frame } val result = evaluateBinaryBranch(insn.opcode, value1.values, value2.values) @Suppress("NON_EXHAUSTIVE_WHEN") when (result) { BranchResult.ALWAYS_TAKEN -> alwaysTakenBranches.add(insn as JumpInsnNode) BranchResult.NEVER_TAKEN -> neverTakenBranches.add(insn as JumpInsnNode) } } else -> { if (!insn.pure || insn.intConstant != null) { continue@frame } if (insn.stackMetadata().pushes != 1) { continue@frame } val nextInsn = insn.nextReal ?: continue@frame val nextInsnIndex = method.instructions.indexOf(nextInsn) val nextFrame = frames[nextInsnIndex] val value = nextFrame.getStack(nextFrame.stackSize - 1) if (value is IntValue.Constant && value.singleton != null) { constInsns[insn] = value.singleton } } } } for (insn in alwaysTakenBranches) { if (method.instructions.replaceSimpleExpression(insn, JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.GOTO, insn.label))) { branchesSimplified++ changed = true } } for (insn in neverTakenBranches) { if (method.instructions.deleteSimpleExpression(insn)) { branchesSimplified++ changed = true } } for ((insn, value) in constInsns) { if (!method.instructions.contains(insn)) { continue } val replacement = createIntConstant(value) if (method.instructions.replaceSimpleExpression(insn, replacement)) { constantsInlined++ changed = true } } return changed } override fun postPass(classPath: ClassPath) { for (method in inheritedMethodSets) { val args = (Type.getArgumentsAndReturnSizes(method.first().desc) shr 2) - 1 var allUnknown = true val parameters = arrayOfNulls?>(args) for (i in 0 until args) { val parameter = union(method, i, argValues[ArgRef(method, i)]) if (parameter != null) { allUnknown = false } parameters[i] = parameter } if (allUnknown) { constArgs.remove(method) } else { constArgs[method] = parameters } } } override fun postTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { { "Simplified $branchesSimplified dummy branches and inlined $constantsInlined constants" } } companion object { private val logger = InlineLogger() private val CONDITIONAL_CALL_MATCHER = InsnMatcher.compile( """ ILOAD (IFEQ | IFNE | (ICONST | BIPUSH | SIPUSH | LDC) (IF_ICMPEQ | IF_ICMPNE | IF_ICMPLT | IF_ICMPGE | IF_ICMPGT | IF_ICMPLE) ) ALOAD? (ICONST | FCONST | DCONST | BIPUSH | SIPUSH | LDC | ACONST_NULL CHECKCAST)+ (INVOKEVIRTUAL | INVOKESTATIC | INVOKEINTERFACE) """ ) private fun evaluateUnaryBranch(opcode: Int, values: Set): BranchResult { require(values.isNotEmpty()) var taken = 0 var notTaken = 0 for (v in values) { if (evaluateUnaryBranch(opcode, v)) { taken++ } else { notTaken++ } } return BranchResult.fromTakenNotTaken(taken, notTaken) } private fun evaluateUnaryBranch(opcode: Int, value: Int): Boolean { return when (opcode) { Opcodes.IFEQ -> value == 0 Opcodes.IFNE -> value != 0 else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } } private fun evaluateBinaryBranch(opcode: Int, values1: Set, values2: Set): BranchResult { require(values1.isNotEmpty() && values2.isNotEmpty()) var taken = 0 var notTaken = 0 for (v1 in values1) { for (v2 in values2) { if (evaluateBinaryBranch(opcode, v1, v2)) { taken++ } else { notTaken++ } } } return BranchResult.fromTakenNotTaken(taken, notTaken) } private fun evaluateBinaryBranch(opcode: Int, value1: Int, value2: Int): Boolean { return when (opcode) { Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ -> value1 == value2 Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE -> value1 != value2 Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT -> value1 < value2 Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE -> value1 >= value2 Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT -> value1 > value2 Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE -> value1 <= value2 else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } } } }