package org.openrs2.archive.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import jakarta.inject.Inject import jakarta.inject.Singleton import org.openrs2.buffer.crc32 import org.openrs2.buffer.use import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Compression import org.openrs2.cache.Js5CompressionType import org.openrs2.db.Database import java.sql.Connection import @Singleton public class CrossPollinator @Inject constructor( private val database: Database, private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator, private val importer: CacheImporter ) { public suspend fun crossPollinate() { database.execute { connection -> for ((index, archive) in OLD_TO_NEW_ENGINE) { crossPollinate(connection, index, archive); } } } private fun crossPollinate(connection: Connection, index: Int, archive: Int) { val scopeId: Int connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT id FROM scopes WHERE name = 'runescape' """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> check( scopeId = rows.getInt(1) } } val groups = mutableListOf() val files = mutableListOf() try { connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT new.group_id AS id, old.version AS old_version, old.crc32 AS old_crc32, AS old_data, new.version AS new_version, new.crc32 AS new_crc32, AS new_data FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT vf.index_id, vf.file_id, vf.version, vf.crc32 FROM version_list_files vf WHERE vf.blob_id IN ( SELECT v.blob_id FROM version_lists v JOIN resolved_archives a ON a.blob_id = v.blob_id AND a.archive_id = 5 ) AND vf.index_id = ? ) old JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ig.group_id, ig.version, ig.crc32 FROM index_groups ig WHERE ig.container_id IN ( SELECT i.container_id FROM resolved_indexes i WHERE i.scope_id = ? AND i.archive_id = ? ) ) new ON old.file_id = new.group_id AND old.version = new.version + 1 LEFT JOIN resolve_file(old.index_id, old.file_id, old.version, old.crc32) b ON TRUE LEFT JOIN resolve_group(?, ?::uint1, new.group_id, new.crc32, new.version) c ON TRUE WHERE ( IS NULL AND IS NOT NULL) OR ( IS NOT NULL AND IS NULL) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, index) stmt.setInt(2, scopeId) stmt.setInt(3, archive) stmt.setInt(4, scopeId) stmt.setInt(5, archive) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> while ( { val id = rows.getInt(1) val oldVersion = rows.getInt(2) val oldChecksum = rows.getInt(3) val newVersion = rows.getInt(5) val newChecksum = rows.getInt(6) val oldData = rows.getBytes(4) if (oldData != null) { Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(oldData).use { oldBuf -> fileToGroup(oldBuf, newChecksum).use { newBuf -> if (newBuf != null) { val uncompressed = Js5Compression.uncompressUnlessEncrypted(newBuf.slice()) groups += CacheImporter.Group( archive, id, newBuf.retain(), uncompressed, newVersion, false ) } } } } val newData = rows.getBytes(7) if (newData != null) { Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(newData).use { newBuf -> val oldBuf = groupToFile(newBuf, oldChecksum) if (oldBuf != null) { files += CacheImporter.File(index, id, oldBuf, oldVersion) } } } } } } if (groups.isEmpty() && files.isEmpty()) { return } importer.prepare(connection) val sourceId = importer.addSource( connection, type = CacheImporter.SourceType.CROSS_POLLINATION, cacheId = null, gameId = null, buildMajor = null, buildMinor = null, timestamp = null, name = null, description = null, url = null, ) if (groups.isNotEmpty()) { importer.addGroups(connection, scopeId, sourceId, groups) } if (files.isNotEmpty()) { importer.addFiles(connection, sourceId, files) } } finally { groups.forEach(CacheImporter.Group::release) files.forEach(CacheImporter.File::release) } } private fun getUncompressedLength(buf: ByteBuf): Int { GZIPInputStream(ByteBufInputStream(buf)).use { input -> var len = 0 val temp = ByteArray(4096) while (true) { val n = if (n == -1) { break } len += n } return len } } private fun fileToGroup(input: ByteBuf, expectedChecksum: Int): ByteBuf? { val len = input.readableBytes() val lenWithHeader = len + JS5_COMPRESSION_HEADER_LEN val uncompressedLen = getUncompressedLength(input.slice()) alloc.buffer(lenWithHeader, lenWithHeader).use { output -> output.writeByte(Js5CompressionType.GZIP.ordinal) output.writeInt(len) output.writeInt(uncompressedLen) output.writeBytes(input) return if (output.crc32() == expectedChecksum) { output.retain() } else { null } } } private fun groupToFile(input: ByteBuf, expectedChecksum: Int): ByteBuf? { val type = Js5CompressionType.fromOrdinal(input.readUnsignedByte().toInt()) if (type != Js5CompressionType.GZIP) { return null } input.skipBytes(JS5_COMPRESSION_HEADER_LEN - 1) return if (input.crc32() == expectedChecksum) { input.retainedSlice() } else { null } } private companion object { private val OLD_TO_NEW_ENGINE = mapOf( 1 to 7, // MODELS 3 to 6, // MIDI_SONGS 4 to 5, // MAPS ) private const val JS5_COMPRESSION_HEADER_LEN = 9 } }