package org.openrs2.archive.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import org.openrs2.buffer.crc32 import org.openrs2.buffer.use import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Archive import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Compression import org.openrs2.cache.Js5CompressionType import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Index import org.openrs2.cache.Js5MasterIndex import org.openrs2.cache.MasterIndexFormat import org.openrs2.cache.Store import org.openrs2.cache.VersionTrailer import org.openrs2.crypto.Whirlpool import org.openrs2.db.Database import org.postgresql.util.PSQLState import import java.sql.Connection import java.sql.SQLException import java.sql.Types import java.time.Instant import java.time.OffsetDateTime import java.time.ZoneOffset import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton public class CacheImporter @Inject constructor( private val database: Database, private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator ) { public abstract class Container( private val compressed: ByteBuf, private val uncompressed: ByteBuf? ) { public val bytes: ByteArray = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(compressed, compressed.readerIndex(), compressed.readableBytes(), false) public val crc32: Int = compressed.crc32() public val whirlpool: ByteArray = Whirlpool.whirlpool(bytes) public val encrypted: Boolean = uncompressed == null public val uncompressedLen: Int? = uncompressed?.readableBytes() public val uncompressedCrc32: Int? = uncompressed?.crc32() public fun release() { compressed.release() uncompressed?.release() } } private class MasterIndex( val index: Js5MasterIndex, compressed: ByteBuf, uncompressed: ByteBuf ) : Container(compressed, uncompressed) public class Index( archive: Int, public val index: Js5Index, compressed: ByteBuf, uncompressed: ByteBuf ) : Group(Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET, archive, compressed, uncompressed, index.version, false) public open class Group( public val archive: Int, public val group: Int, compressed: ByteBuf, uncompressed: ByteBuf?, public val version: Int, public val versionTruncated: Boolean ) : Container(compressed, uncompressed) public suspend fun import( store: Store, game: String, build: Int?, timestamp: Instant?, name: String?, description: String? ) { database.execute { connection -> prepare(connection) val gameId = getGameId(connection, game) // import master index val masterIndex = createMasterIndex(store) try { addMasterIndex(connection, masterIndex, gameId, build, timestamp, name, description, overwrite = false) } finally { masterIndex.release() } // import indexes val indexes = arrayOfNulls(Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) val indexGroups = mutableListOf() try { for (archive in store.list(Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET)) { val indexGroup = readIndex(store, archive) indexes[archive] = indexGroup.index indexGroups += indexGroup } for (index in indexGroups) { addIndex(connection, index) } } finally { indexGroups.forEach(Index::release) } // import groups val groups = mutableListOf() try { for (archive in store.list()) { if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { continue } val index = indexes[archive] for (id in store.list(archive)) { val group = readGroup(store, archive, index, id) ?: continue groups += group if (groups.size >= BATCH_SIZE) { addGroups(connection, groups) groups.forEach(Group::release) groups.clear() } } } if (groups.isNotEmpty()) { addGroups(connection, groups) } } finally { groups.forEach(Group::release) } } } public suspend fun importMasterIndex( buf: ByteBuf, format: MasterIndexFormat, game: String, build: Int?, timestamp: Instant?, name: String?, description: String? ) { Js5Compression.uncompress(buf.slice()).use { uncompressed -> val masterIndex = MasterIndex(, format), buf, uncompressed) database.execute { connection -> prepare(connection) val gameId = getGameId(connection, game) addMasterIndex(connection, masterIndex, gameId, build, timestamp, name, description, overwrite = false) } } } public suspend fun importMasterIndexAndGetIndexes( masterIndex: Js5MasterIndex, buf: ByteBuf, uncompressed: ByteBuf, gameId: Int, build: Int, previousId: Int?, timestamp: Instant, name: String, ): Pair> { return database.execute { connection -> prepare(connection) connection.prepareStatement( """ UPDATE games SET build = ? WHERE id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, build) stmt.setInt(2, gameId) stmt.execute() } val id = addMasterIndex( connection, MasterIndex(masterIndex, buf, uncompressed), gameId, build, timestamp, name, description = null, overwrite = true ) /* * In order to defend against (crc32, version) collisions, we only * use a cached index if its checksum/version haven't changed * between the previously downloaded version of the cache and the * current version. This emulates the behaviour of a client always * using the latest version of the cache - so if there is a * collision, real players of the game would experience problems. */ connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT FROM master_index_archives a LEFT JOIN master_index_archives a2 ON a2.master_index_id = ? AND a2.archive_id = a.archive_id AND a2.crc32 = a.crc32 AND a2.version = a.version LEFT JOIN containers c ON c.crc32 = a2.crc32 LEFT JOIN indexes i ON i.version = a2.version AND i.container_id = WHERE a.master_index_id = ? ORDER BY a.archive_id ASC """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setObject(1, previousId, Types.INTEGER) stmt.setInt(2, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> val indexes = mutableListOf() try { while ( { val bytes = rows.getBytes(1) if (bytes != null) { indexes += Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes) } else { indexes += null } } indexes.filterNotNull().forEach(ByteBuf::retain) return@execute Pair(id, indexes) } finally { indexes.filterNotNull().forEach(ByteBuf::release) } } } } } public suspend fun importIndexAndGetMissingGroups( archive: Int, index: Js5Index, buf: ByteBuf, uncompressed: ByteBuf, previousMasterIndexId: Int? ): List { return database.execute { connection -> prepare(connection) addIndex(connection, Index(archive, index, buf, uncompressed)) connection.prepareStatement( """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_groups ( group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, crc32 INTEGER NOT NULL, version INTEGER NOT NULL ) ON COMMIT DROP """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.execute() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO tmp_groups (group_id, crc32, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for (entry in index) { stmt.setInt(1, stmt.setInt(2, entry.checksum) stmt.setInt(3, entry.version) stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } /* * In order to defend against (crc32, version) collisions, we only * use a cached group if its checksum/version haven't changed * between the previously downloaded version of the cache and the * current version. This emulates the behaviour of a client always * using the latest version of the cache - so if there is a * collision, real players of the game would experience problems. * * We never use cached groups with a truncated version, as these * are even more likely to be prone to collisions. */ connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT t.group_id FROM tmp_groups t LEFT JOIN master_index_valid_indexes i ON i.master_index_id = ? AND i.archive_id = ? LEFT JOIN index_groups ig ON ig.container_id = i.container_id AND ig.group_id = t.group_id AND ig.crc32 = t.crc32 AND ig.version = t.version LEFT JOIN groups g ON g.archive_id = i.archive_id AND g.group_id = ig.group_id AND g.version = ig.version AND NOT g.version_truncated LEFT JOIN containers c ON = g.container_id AND c.crc32 = ig.crc32 WHERE g.container_id IS NULL ORDER BY t.group_id ASC """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setObject(1, previousMasterIndexId, Types.INTEGER) stmt.setInt(2, archive) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> val groups = mutableListOf() while ( { groups += rows.getInt(1) } return@execute groups } } } } public suspend fun importGroups(groups: List) { if (groups.isEmpty()) { return } database.execute { connection -> prepare(connection) addGroups(connection, groups) } } private fun createMasterIndex(store: Store): MasterIndex { val index = Js5MasterIndex.create(store) alloc.buffer().use { uncompressed -> index.write(uncompressed) Js5Compression.compress(uncompressed.slice(), Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED).use { buf -> return MasterIndex(index, buf.retain(), uncompressed.retain()) } } } private fun addMasterIndex( connection: Connection, masterIndex: MasterIndex, gameId: Int, build: Int?, timestamp: Instant?, name: String?, description: String?, overwrite: Boolean ): Int { val containerId = addContainer(connection, masterIndex) var masterIndexId: Int? = null var newBuild: Int? var newTimestamp: Instant? var newName: String? var newDescription: String? connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT id, game_id, build, timestamp, name, description FROM master_indexes WHERE container_id = ? AND format = ?::master_index_format FOR UPDATE """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setString(2, stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> if ( { masterIndexId = rows.getInt(1) } if (masterIndexId != null && !overwrite) { val oldGameId = rows.getInt(2) var oldBuild: Int? = rows.getInt(3) if (rows.wasNull()) { oldBuild = null } val oldTimestamp: Instant? = rows.getTimestamp(4)?.toInstant() val oldName: String? = rows.getString(5) val oldDescription: String? = rows.getString(6) check(oldGameId == gameId) if (oldBuild != null && build != null) { check(oldBuild == build) newBuild = oldBuild } else if (oldBuild != null) { newBuild = oldBuild } else { newBuild = build } if (oldTimestamp != null && timestamp != null) { newTimestamp = if (oldTimestamp.isBefore(timestamp)) { oldTimestamp } else { timestamp } } else if (oldTimestamp != null) { newTimestamp = oldTimestamp } else { newTimestamp = timestamp } if (oldName != null && name != null) { newName = "$oldName/$name" } else if (oldName != null) { newName = oldName } else { newName = name } if (oldDescription != null && description != null) { newDescription = "$oldDescription\n\n$description" } else if (oldDescription != null) { newDescription = oldDescription } else { newDescription = description } } else { newBuild = build newTimestamp = timestamp newName = name newDescription = description } } } if (masterIndexId != null) { connection.prepareStatement( """ UPDATE master_indexes SET build = ?, timestamp = ?, name = ?, description = ? WHERE id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setObject(1, newBuild, Types.INTEGER) if (newTimestamp != null) { val offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(newTimestamp, ZoneOffset.UTC) stmt.setObject(2, offsetDateTime, Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE) } else { stmt.setNull(2, Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE) } stmt.setString(3, newName) stmt.setString(4, newDescription) stmt.setInt(5, masterIndexId!!) stmt.execute() return@addMasterIndex masterIndexId!! } } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO master_indexes (container_id, format, game_id, build, timestamp, name, description) VALUES (?, ?::master_index_format, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setString(2, stmt.setInt(3, gameId) stmt.setObject(4, newBuild, Types.INTEGER) if (newTimestamp != null) { val offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(newTimestamp, ZoneOffset.UTC) stmt.setObject(5, offsetDateTime, Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE) } else { stmt.setNull(5, Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE) } stmt.setString(6, newName) stmt.setString(7, newDescription) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> check( masterIndexId = rows.getInt(1) } } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO master_index_archives (master_index_id, archive_id, crc32, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for ((i, entry) in masterIndex.index.entries.withIndex()) { stmt.setInt(1, masterIndexId!!) stmt.setInt(2, i) stmt.setInt(3, entry.checksum) stmt.setInt(4, entry.version) stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } return masterIndexId!! } private fun readGroup(store: Store, archive: Int, index: Js5Index?, group: Int): Group? { try {, group).use { buf -> var version = VersionTrailer.strip(buf) ?: return null var versionTruncated = true /* * Grab the non-truncated version from the Js5Index if we can * confirm the group on disk matches the group in the index. */ if (index != null) { val entry = index[group] if (entry != null && entry.checksum == buf.crc32() && (entry.version and 0xFFFF) == version) { version = entry.version versionTruncated = false } } val uncompressed = Js5Compression.uncompressUnlessEncrypted(buf.slice()) return Group(archive, group, buf.retain(), uncompressed, version, versionTruncated) } } catch (ex: IOException) { return null } } private fun addGroups(connection: Connection, groups: List): List { val containerIds = addContainers(connection, groups) connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO groups (archive_id, group_id, container_id, version, version_truncated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for ((i, group) in groups.withIndex()) { stmt.setInt(1, group.archive) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setLong(3, containerIds[i]) stmt.setInt(4, group.version) stmt.setBoolean(5, group.versionTruncated) stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } return containerIds } private fun addGroup(connection: Connection, group: Group): Long { return addGroups(connection, listOf(group)).single() } private fun readIndex(store: Store, archive: Int): Index { return, archive).use { buf -> Js5Compression.uncompress(buf.slice()).use { uncompressed -> Index(archive,, buf.retain(), uncompressed.retain()) } } } private fun addIndex(connection: Connection, index: Index) { val containerId = addGroup(connection, index) val savepoint = connection.setSavepoint() connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO indexes ( container_id, protocol, version, has_names, has_digests, has_lengths, has_uncompressed_checksums ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setInt(3, index.index.version) stmt.setBoolean(4, index.index.hasNames) stmt.setBoolean(5, index.index.hasDigests) stmt.setBoolean(6, index.index.hasLengths) stmt.setBoolean(7, index.index.hasUncompressedChecksums) try { stmt.execute() } catch (ex: SQLException) { if (ex.sqlState == PSQLState.UNIQUE_VIOLATION.state) { connection.rollback(savepoint) return@addIndex } throw ex } } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO index_groups ( container_id, group_id, crc32, whirlpool, version, name_hash, length, uncompressed_length, uncompressed_crc32 ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for (group in index.index) { stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setInt(3, group.checksum) stmt.setBytes(4, group.digest) stmt.setInt(5, group.version) if (index.index.hasNames) { stmt.setInt(6, group.nameHash) } else { stmt.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER) } if (index.index.hasLengths) { stmt.setInt(7, group.length) stmt.setInt(8, group.uncompressedLength) } else { stmt.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER) stmt.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER) } if (index.index.hasUncompressedChecksums) { stmt.setInt(9, group.uncompressedChecksum) } else { stmt.setNull(9, Types.INTEGER) } stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO index_files (container_id, group_id, file_id, name_hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for (group in index.index) { for (file in group) { stmt.setLong(1, containerId) stmt.setInt(2, stmt.setInt(3, if (index.index.hasNames) { stmt.setInt(4, file.nameHash) } else { stmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER) } stmt.addBatch() } } stmt.executeBatch() } } private fun prepare(connection: Connection) { connection.prepareStatement( """ LOCK TABLE containers IN EXCLUSIVE MODE """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.execute() } connection.prepareStatement( """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_containers ( index INTEGER NOT NULL, crc32 INTEGER NOT NULL, whirlpool BYTEA NOT NULL, uncompressed_length INTEGER NULL, uncompressed_crc32 INTEGER NULL, data BYTEA NOT NULL, encrypted BOOLEAN NOT NULL ) ON COMMIT DROP """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.execute() } } private fun addContainer(connection: Connection, container: Container): Long { return addContainers(connection, listOf(container)).single() } private fun addContainers(connection: Connection, containers: List): List { connection.prepareStatement( """ TRUNCATE TABLE tmp_containers """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.execute() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO tmp_containers (index, crc32, whirlpool, data, uncompressed_length, uncompressed_crc32, encrypted) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> for ((i, container) in containers.withIndex()) { stmt.setInt(1, i) stmt.setInt(2, container.crc32) stmt.setBytes(3, container.whirlpool) stmt.setBytes(4, container.bytes) stmt.setObject(5, container.uncompressedLen, Types.INTEGER) stmt.setObject(6, container.uncompressedCrc32, Types.INTEGER) stmt.setBoolean(7, container.encrypted) stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() } connection.prepareStatement( """ INSERT INTO containers (crc32, whirlpool, data, uncompressed_length, uncompressed_crc32, encrypted) SELECT t.crc32, t.whirlpool,, t.uncompressed_length, t.uncompressed_crc32, t.encrypted FROM tmp_containers t LEFT JOIN containers c ON c.whirlpool = t.whirlpool WHERE c.whirlpool IS NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.execute() } val ids = mutableListOf() connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT FROM tmp_containers t JOIN containers c ON c.whirlpool = t.whirlpool ORDER BY t.index ASC """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> while ( { ids += rows.getLong(1) } } } check(ids.size == containers.size) return ids } private fun getGameId(connection: Connection, name: String): Int { connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT id FROM games WHERE name = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setString(1, name) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> if (! { throw Exception("Game not found") } return rows.getInt(1) } } } public suspend fun setMasterIndexId(gameId: Int, masterIndexId: Int) { database.execute { connection -> connection.prepareStatement( """ UPDATE games SET master_index_id = ? WHERE id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, masterIndexId) stmt.setInt(2, gameId) stmt.execute() } } } public companion object { public const val BATCH_SIZE: Int = 1024 } }