package dev.openrs2.asm.classpath import dev.openrs2.asm.ClassVersionUtils import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberRef import dev.openrs2.asm.remap import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode import java.util.SortedMap import java.util.TreeMap import kotlin.math.max class LibraryRemapper( private val remapper: ExtendedRemapper, private var classes: SortedMap ) { private class Initializer(val instructions: InsnList, val maxStack: Int) { val dependencies = instructions.asSequence() .filterIsInstance() .filter { it.opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC } .map(::MemberRef) .toSet() } private class Field(val owner: String, val node: FieldNode, val version: Int, val initializer: Initializer?) private class Method(val owner: String, val node: MethodNode, val version: Int) private val fields = mutableMapOf() private val splicedFields = mutableSetOf() private val methods = mutableListOf() fun remap(): SortedMap { // extract static fields/methods that are being moved between classes extractFields() extractMethods() // map remaining fields/methods for (clazz in classes.values) { clazz.remap(remapper) } classes = classes.mapKeysTo(TreeMap()) { (_, clazz) -> } // splice static fields/methods into their new classes spliceFields() spliceMethods() // remove empty methods (so EmptyClassTransformer works later) removeEmptyClinitMethods() return classes } private fun extractFields() { for (clazz in classes.values) { clazz.fields.removeIf { field -> // do nothing if the field is not moved between classes val oldOwner = remapper.mapType( val newOwner = remapper.mapFieldOwner(,, field.desc) if (oldOwner == newOwner) { return@removeIf false } /* * Remove the initializer (if present) from the old owner's * method. */ val initializer = extractInitializer(clazz, field) /* * Map the field (it won't be caught by a ClassNode::remap call * during the main pass). */ field.remap(remapper, /* * Store the field so it can be spliced into its new class * later. We key on the new owner/name/descriptor, rather than * the old one, as spliceFields's dependency tracking runs * after the Initializer::dependencies has been mapped. */ val newMember = MemberRef(newOwner,, field.desc) fields[newMember] = Field(newOwner, field, clazz.version, initializer) // remove the field from its old class return@removeIf true } } } private fun extractInitializer(clazz: ClassNode, field: FieldNode): Initializer? { val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "" } ?: return null val initializer = remapper.getFieldInitializer(,, field.desc) ?: return null val list = InsnList() for (insn in initializer) { /* * Remove initializer from . It is stored alongside the * FieldNode so it can be spliced into its new class later. */ clinit.instructions.remove(insn) list.add(insn) /* * Remap the initializer (it won't be caught by a ClassNode::remap * call during the main pass). */ insn.remap(remapper) } return Initializer(list, clinit.maxStack) } private fun extractMethods() { for (clazz in classes.values) { clazz.methods.removeIf { method -> // do nothing if the method is not moved between classes val oldOwner = remapper.mapType( val newOwner = remapper.mapMethodOwner(,, method.desc) if (oldOwner == newOwner) { return@removeIf false } /* * Map the method (it won't be caught by a ClassNode::remap call * during the main pass). */ method.remap(remapper, // store the method methods += Method(newOwner, method, clazz.version) // remove the method from its old class return@removeIf true } } } private fun spliceFields() { for (member in fields.keys) { spliceField(member) } } private fun spliceField(member: MemberRef) { if (!splicedFields.add(member)) { return } val field = fields[member] ?: return val clazz = classes.computeIfAbsent(field.owner, ::createClass) if (field.initializer != null) { for (dependency in field.initializer.dependencies) { spliceField(dependency) } val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "" } ?: createClinitMethod(clazz) // TODO(gpe): check the method only has a single RETURN and that it is the last instruction clinit.maxStack = max(clinit.maxStack, field.initializer.maxStack) clinit.instructions.insertBefore(clinit.instructions.last, field.initializer.instructions) } clazz.version = ClassVersionUtils.max(clazz.version, field.version) clazz.fields.add(field.node) } private fun spliceMethods() { for (method in methods) { val clazz = classes.computeIfAbsent(method.owner, ::createClass) clazz.version = ClassVersionUtils.max(clazz.version, method.version) clazz.methods.add(method.node) } } private fun removeEmptyClinitMethods() { for (clazz in classes.values) { val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "" } ?: continue val first = clinit.instructions.firstOrNull { it.opcode != -1 } if (first != null && first.opcode == Opcodes.RETURN) { clazz.methods.remove(clinit) } } } private fun createClass(name: String): ClassNode { val clazz = ClassNode() clazz.version = Opcodes.V1_1 clazz.access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC or Opcodes.ACC_SUPER or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL = name clazz.superName = "java/lang/Object" clazz.interfaces = mutableListOf() clazz.innerClasses = mutableListOf() clazz.fields = mutableListOf() clazz.methods = mutableListOf() return clazz } private fun createClinitMethod(clazz: ClassNode): MethodNode { val clinit = MethodNode() clinit.access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC = "" clinit.desc = "()V" clinit.exceptions = mutableListOf() clinit.parameters = mutableListOf() clinit.instructions = InsnList() clinit.instructions.add(InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN)) clinit.tryCatchBlocks = mutableListOf() clazz.methods.add(clinit) return clinit } }