package org.openrs2.archive.cache.finder import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger import import import org.openrs2.util.charset.Cp1252Charset import import import import import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime import java.time.Instant public class CacheFinderExtractor( input: InputStream ) : Closeable { private val pushbackInput = PushbackInputStream(input) private val input = LittleEndianDataInputStream(pushbackInput) private fun readTimestamp(): FileTime { val lo = input.readInt().toLong() and 0xFFFFFFFF val hi = input.readInt().toLong() and 0xFFFFFFFF val seconds = (((hi shl 32) or lo) / 10_000_000) - FILETIME_TO_UNIX_EPOCH return FileTime.from(Instant.ofEpochSecond(seconds, lo)) } private fun readName(): String { val bytes = ByteArray(MAX_PATH) input.readFully(bytes) var len = bytes.size for ((i, b) in bytes.withIndex()) { if (b.toInt() == 0) { len = i break } } return String(bytes, 0, len, Cp1252Charset) } private fun peekUnsignedByte(): Int { val n = pushbackInput.unread(n) return n } public fun extract(destination: Path) { val newVersion = peekUnsignedByte() == 0xFE if (newVersion) { val signature = input.readInt() if (signature != 0x435352FE) { throw IOException("Invalid signature") } } var readDirectoryPath = true var number = 0 var directorySuffix: String? = null while (true) { if (newVersion && readDirectoryPath) { val len = try { input.readInt() } catch (ex: EOFException) { break } val bytes = ByteArray(len) input.readFully(bytes) val path = String(bytes, Cp1252Charset) { "Extracting $path" } readDirectoryPath = false directorySuffix = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1) .replace(INVALID_CHARS, "_") continue } if (peekUnsignedByte() == 0xFF) { input.skipBytes(1) readDirectoryPath = true number++ continue } val attributes = try { input.readInt() } catch (ex: EOFException) { break } val btime = readTimestamp() val atime = readTimestamp() val mtime = readTimestamp() val sizeHi = input.readInt().toLong() and 0xFFFFFFFF val sizeLo = input.readInt().toLong() and 0xFFFFFFFF val size = (sizeHi shl 32) or sizeLo input.skipBytes(8) // reserved val name = readName() input.skipBytes(14) // alternate name input.skipBytes(2) // padding val dir = if (directorySuffix != null) { destination.resolve("cache${number}_$directorySuffix") } else { destination.resolve("cache$number") } Files.createDirectories(dir) if ((attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { val file = dir.resolve(name) Files.newOutputStream(file).use { output -> ByteStreams.copy(ByteStreams.limit(input, size), output) } val view = Files.getFileAttributeView(file, view.setTimes(mtime, atime, btime) } } } override fun close() { input.close() } private companion object { private const val FILETIME_TO_UNIX_EPOCH: Long = 11644473600 private const val MAX_PATH = 260 private const val FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x10 private val INVALID_CHARS = Regex("[^A-Za-z0-9-]") private val logger = InlineLogger() } }