package org.openrs2.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import org.openrs2.buffer.crc32 import org.openrs2.buffer.use import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.util.Base64 import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import @Singleton public class RuneLiteStore @Inject constructor( private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator ) { public fun unpack(input: Path, output: Store) { output.create(Store.ARCHIVESET) for (path in Files.list(input)) { val name = if (!name.endsWith(".flatcache")) { continue } val archive = name.removeSuffix(".flatcache").toIntOrNull() ?: continue unpackArchive(path, archive, output) } } private fun unpackArchive(path: Path, archive: Int, output: Store) { val index = Js5Index(Js5Protocol.ORIGINAL) var indexChecksum = 0 Files.newBufferedReader(path).useLines { lines -> var group: Js5Index.MutableGroup? = null for (line in lines) { val pair = line.split('=', limit = 2) if (pair.size != 2) { throw StoreCorruptException("Missing = in line") } val (key, value) = pair if (group == null) { when (key) { "protocol" -> { val protocolId = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Protocol must be an integer") index.protocol = Js5Protocol.fromId(protocolId) ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Protocol number not supported") } "revision" -> { index.version = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Revision must be an integer") } "compression" -> Unit "crc" -> { indexChecksum = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Index CRC must be an integer") } "named" -> Unit "id" -> { val id = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Group ID must be an integer") group = index.createOrGet(id) } else -> throw StoreCorruptException("Unknown key in archive context: $key") } } else { when (key) { "namehash" -> { group.nameHash = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Group name hash must be an integer") if (group.nameHash != 0) { index.hasNames = true } } "revision" -> { group.version = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Revision must be an integer") } "crc" -> { group.checksum = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Group CRC must be an integer") } "contents" -> { Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(Base64.getDecoder().decode(value)).use { buf -> output.write(archive, group!!.id, buf) } } "compression" -> Unit "file" -> { val pair = value.split('=', limit = 2) if (pair.size != 2) { throw StoreCorruptException("Missing = in file line") } val id = pair[0].toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("File ID must be an integer") val file = group.createOrGet(id) file.nameHash = pair[1].toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("File name hash must be an integer") if (file.nameHash != 0) { index.hasNames = true } } "id" -> { val id = value.toIntOrNull() ?: throw StoreCorruptException("Group ID must be an integer") group = index.createOrGet(id) } else -> throw StoreCorruptException("Unknown key in group context: $key") } } } } alloc.buffer().use { uncompressed -> index.write(uncompressed) val matching = Js5CompressionType.values().count { type -> Js5Compression.compress(uncompressed.slice(), type).use { compressed -> val checksum = compressed.crc32() if (checksum == indexChecksum) { output.write(Store.ARCHIVESET, archive, compressed) return@use true } return@use false } } if (matching != 1) { throw StoreCorruptException("Failed to reconstruct Js5Index") } } } }