package org.openrs2.asm.packclass import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes import org.objectweb.asm.Type import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IincInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IntInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LineNumberNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LookupSwitchInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MultiANewArrayInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TableSwitchInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TryCatchBlockNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TypeInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode import org.openrs2.asm.nextReal import org.openrs2.buffer.readUnsignedShortSmart import org.openrs2.buffer.readVarInt import org.openrs2.buffer.writeUnsignedShortSmart import org.openrs2.buffer.writeVarInt public object PackClass { public const val CLASS_GROUP: Int = 0 public const val CONSTANT_POOL_GROUP: Int = 1 public const val CONSTANT_POOL_FILE: Int = 0 private const val TRAILER_LEN = 6 private val SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = mutableSetOf( Opcodes.V1_1, Opcodes.V1_2, Opcodes.V1_3, Opcodes.V1_4, Opcodes.V1_5, Opcodes.V1_6, ) private const val INT_DESCRIPTOR = "I" private const val LONG_DESCRIPTOR = "J" private const val FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR = "F" private const val DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR = "D" private const val STRING_DESCRIPTOR = "Ljava/lang/String;" // opcodes private const val WIDE = 0xC4 private const val LDC_INT = Opcodes.LDC private const val LDC_FLOAT = 0x13 private const val LDC_LONG = 0x14 private const val LDC_STRING = Opcodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC private const val LDC_DOUBLE = 0xCA private const val LDC_CLASS = 0xCB private const val ILOAD_0 = 0x1A private const val ILOAD_3 = 0x1D private const val LLOAD_0 = 0x1E private const val LLOAD_3 = 0x21 private const val FLOAD_0 = 0x22 private const val FLOAD_3 = 0x25 private const val DLOAD_0 = 0x26 private const val DLOAD_3 = 0x29 private const val ALOAD_0 = 0x2A private const val ALOAD_3 = 0x2D private const val ISTORE_0 = 0x3B private const val ISTORE_3 = 0x3E private const val LSTORE_0 = 0x3F private const val LSTORE_3 = 0x42 private const val FSTORE_0 = 0x43 private const val FSTORE_3 = 0x46 private const val DSTORE_0 = 0x47 private const val DSTORE_3 = 0x4A private const val ASTORE_0 = 0x4B private const val ASTORE_3 = 0x4E private const val GOTO_W = 0xC8 private const val JSR_W = 0xC9 private const val EOF = 0xCC // opcode flags private const val OPCODE_INVALID = 0x1 private const val OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR = 0x2 private const val OPCODE_CONSTANT = 0x4 private const val OPCODE_WIDE_CONSTANT = 0x10 private const val OPCODE_CLASS = 0x20 private const val OPCODE_FIELD_REF = 0x40 private const val OPCODE_METHOD_REF = 0x80 private const val OPCODE_BRANCH = 0x100 private const val OPCODE_WIDE_BRANCH = 0x200 private const val OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR = 0x400 private val OPCODE_FLAGS = intArrayOf( 0, // NOP 0, // ACONST_NULL 0, // ICONST_M1 0, // ICONST_0 0, // ICONST_1 0, // ICONST_2 0, // ICONST_3 0, // ICONST_4 0, // ICONST_5 0, // LCONST_0 0, // LCONST_1 0, // FCONST_0 0, // FCONST_1 0, // FCONST_2 0, // DCONST_0 0, // DCONST_1 0, // BIPUSH 0, // SIPUSH OPCODE_CONSTANT, // LDC (used as LDC_INTEGER) OPCODE_CONSTANT, // LDC_W (used as LDC_FLOAT) OPCODE_WIDE_CONSTANT, // LDC2_W (used as LDC_STRING) OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // ILOAD OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // LLOAD OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // FLOAD OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // DLOAD OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // ALOAD 0, // ILOAD_0 0, // ILOAD_1 0, // ILOAD_2 0, // ILOAD_3 0, // LLOAD_0 0, // LLOAD_1 0, // LLOAD_2 0, // LLOAD_3 0, // FLOAD_0 0, // FLOAD_1 0, // FLOAD_2 0, // FLOAD_3 0, // DLOAD_0 0, // DLOAD_1 0, // DLOAD_2 0, // DLOAD_3 0, // ALOAD_0 0, // ALOAD_1 0, // ALOAD_2 0, // ALOAD_3 0, // IALOAD 0, // LALOAD 0, // FALOAD 0, // DALOAD 0, // AALOAD 0, // BALOAD 0, // CALOAD 0, // SALOAD OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // ISTORE OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // LSTORE OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // FSTORE OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // DSTORE OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // ASTORE 0, // ISTORE_0 0, // ISTORE_1 0, // ISTORE_2 0, // ISTORE_3 0, // LSTORE_0 0, // LSTORE_1 0, // LSTORE_2 0, // LSTORE_3 0, // FSTORE_0 0, // FSTORE_1 0, // FSTORE_2 0, // FSTORE_3 0, // DSTORE_0 0, // DSTORE_1 0, // DSTORE_2 0, // DSTORE_3 0, // ASTORE_0 0, // ASTORE_1 0, // ASTORE_2 0, // ASTORE_3 0, // IASTORE 0, // LASTORE 0, // FASTORE 0, // DASTORE 0, // AASTORE 0, // BASTORE 0, // CASTORE 0, // SASTORE 0, // POP 0, // POP2 0, // DUP 0, // DUP_X1 0, // DUP_X2 0, // DUP2 0, // DUP2_X1 0, // DUP2_X2 0, // SWAP 0, // IADD 0, // LADD 0, // FADD 0, // DADD 0, // ISUB 0, // LSUB 0, // FSUB 0, // DSUB 0, // IMUL 0, // LMUL 0, // FMUL 0, // DMUL 0, // IDIV 0, // LDIV 0, // FDIV 0, // DDIV 0, // IREM 0, // LREM 0, // FREM 0, // DREM 0, // INEG 0, // LNEG 0, // FNEG 0, // DNEG 0, // ISHL 0, // LSHL 0, // ISHR 0, // LSHR 0, // IUSHR 0, // LUSHR 0, // IAND 0, // LAND 0, // IOR 0, // LOR 0, // IXOR 0, // LXOR OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // IINC 0, // I2L 0, // I2F 0, // I2D 0, // L2I 0, // L2F 0, // L2D 0, // F2I 0, // F2L 0, // F2D 0, // D2I 0, // D2L 0, // D2F 0, // I2B 0, // I2C 0, // I2S 0, // LCMP 0, // FCMPL 0, // FCMPG 0, // DCMPL 0, // DCMPG OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFEQ OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFNE OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFLT OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFGE OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFGT OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFLE OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ICMPEQ OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ICMPNE OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ICMPLT OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ICMPGE OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ICMPGT OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ICMPLE OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ACMPEQ OPCODE_BRANCH, // IF_ACMPNE OPCODE_BRANCH, // GOTO OPCODE_BRANCH, // JSR OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR or OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR, // RET 0, // TABLESWITCH 0, // LOOKUPSWITCH 0, // IRETURN 0, // LRETURN 0, // FRETURN 0, // DRETURN 0, // ARETURN 0, // RETURN OPCODE_FIELD_REF, // GETSTATIC OPCODE_FIELD_REF, // PUTSTATIC OPCODE_FIELD_REF, // GETFIELD OPCODE_FIELD_REF, // PUTFIELD OPCODE_METHOD_REF, // INVOKEVIRTUAL OPCODE_METHOD_REF, // INVOKESPECIAL OPCODE_METHOD_REF, // INVOKESTATIC 0, // INVOKEINTERFACE OPCODE_CONSTANT, // INVOKEDYNAMIC (used as LDC_STRING) OPCODE_CLASS, // NEW 0, // NEWARRAY OPCODE_CLASS, // ANEWARRAY 0, // ARRAYLENGTH 0, // ATHROW OPCODE_CLASS, // CHECKCAST OPCODE_CLASS, // INSTANCEOF 0, // MONITORENTER 0, // MONITOREXIT 0, // WIDE OPCODE_CLASS, // MULTIANEWARRAY OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFNULL OPCODE_BRANCH, // IFNONNULL OPCODE_WIDE_BRANCH, // GOTO_W OPCODE_WIDE_BRANCH, // JSR_W OPCODE_WIDE_CONSTANT, // BREAKPOINT (used as LDC_DOUBLE) OPCODE_CONSTANT, // (unused, used as LDC_CLASS) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused, used as EOF) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // (unused) OPCODE_INVALID, // IMPDEP1 OPCODE_INVALID // IMPDEP2 ) public fun read(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool): ClassNode { val clazz = ClassNode() // read trailer buf.markReaderIndex() buf.readerIndex(buf.writerIndex() - TRAILER_LEN) val interfaceCount = buf.readUnsignedShort() val fieldCount = buf.readUnsignedShort() val methodCount = buf.readUnsignedShort() buf.resetReaderIndex() // read attributes val fieldAttributeCounts = readAttributeCounts(buf, fieldCount) val methodAttributeCounts = readAttributeCounts(buf, methodCount) val fieldAttributes = readAttributes(buf, constantPool, fieldAttributeCounts) val methodAttributes = readAttributes(buf, constantPool, methodAttributeCounts) // read method metadata val exceptionCounts = readExceptionCounts(buf, methodAttributes) val tryCatchCounts = readTryCatchCounts(buf, methodAttributes) val maxStacks = readMaxs(buf, methodAttributes) val maxLocals = readMaxs(buf, methodAttributes) val lineStartPcs = readLinePcs(buf, methodAttributes) val lineNumbers = readLineNumbers(buf, methodAttributes, lineStartPcs) // read access flags clazz.access = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() shl 8 val fieldAccess = readAccessFlagsMsb(buf, fieldCount) val methodAccess = readAccessFlagsMsb(buf, methodCount) clazz.access = clazz.access or buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() readAccessFlagsLsb(buf, fieldAccess) readAccessFlagsLsb(buf, methodAccess) // read source file clazz.sourceFile = constantPool.readOptionalString(buf) // read exception types val exceptions = readExceptions(buf, constantPool, methodAttributes, exceptionCounts) val tryCatchTypes = readTryCatchTypes(buf, constantPool, methodAttributes, tryCatchCounts) // read class and superclass name = constantPool.readString(buf) clazz.superName = constantPool.readString(buf) // read interface names readInterfaces(buf, constantPool, interfaceCount, clazz) // read field and method names and types val fieldNamesAndTypes = readFieldNamesAndTypes(buf, constantPool, fieldCount) val methodNamesAndTypes = readMethodNamesAndTypes(buf, constantPool, methodCount) // read version val minor = buf.readUnsignedShort() val major = buf.readUnsignedShort() clazz.version = (minor shl 16) or major require(clazz.version in SUPPORTED_VERSIONS) { "Unsupported class version $major.$minor" } // read constant field values val fieldConstants = readConstants(buf, constantPool, fieldAttributes, fieldNamesAndTypes) // read try/catch blocks val tryCatchStartPcs = readTryCatchStartPcs(buf, methodAttributes, tryCatchCounts) val tryCatchEndPcsToHandlerPcs = readTryCatchEndPcsToHandlerPcs(buf, methodAttributes, tryCatchCounts) val tryCatchReverseHandlerPcs = readTryCatchReverseHandlerPcs(buf, methodAttributes, tryCatchCounts) // calculate operand buffer sizes buf.markReaderIndex() var newArrayLen = 0 var localVarLen = 0 var wideLocalVarLen = 0 var sipushAndSwitchLen = 0 var constantLen = 0 var wideConstantLen = 0 var classLen = 0 var fieldRefLen = 0 var methodRefLen = 0 var interfaceMethodRefLen = 0 var branchLen = 0 var bipushLen = 0 var wideIincLen = 0 var iincLen = 0 var multiNewArrayLen = 0 val methodOpcodes = IntArray(methodAttributes.size) { i -> if (methodAttributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { var pc = 0 while (true) { val opcode = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() if (opcode == EOF) { break } val flags = OPCODE_FLAGS[opcode] if ((flags and OPCODE_INVALID) != 0) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid opcode: $opcode") } if ((flags and OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR) != 0) { localVarLen++ } if ((flags and OPCODE_CONSTANT) != 0) { constantLen += 2 } if ((flags and OPCODE_WIDE_CONSTANT) != 0) { wideConstantLen += 2 } if ((flags and OPCODE_CLASS) != 0) { classLen += 2 } if ((flags and OPCODE_FIELD_REF) != 0) { fieldRefLen += 2 } if ((flags and OPCODE_METHOD_REF) != 0) { methodRefLen += 2 } if ((flags and OPCODE_BRANCH) != 0) { branchLen += 2 } if ((flags and OPCODE_WIDE_BRANCH) != 0) { branchLen += 4 } when (opcode) { Opcodes.BIPUSH -> bipushLen++ Opcodes.SIPUSH -> sipushAndSwitchLen += 2 Opcodes.IINC -> iincLen++ Opcodes.TABLESWITCH -> { val cases = buf.readVarInt() branchLen += (cases + 2) * 4 sipushAndSwitchLen += 4 } Opcodes.LOOKUPSWITCH -> { val cases = buf.readVarInt() branchLen += (cases + 1) * 4 sipushAndSwitchLen += cases * 4 } Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE -> interfaceMethodRefLen += 2 Opcodes.NEWARRAY -> newArrayLen++ Opcodes.MULTIANEWARRAY -> multiNewArrayLen++ WIDE -> { val wideOpcode = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() val wideFlags = OPCODE_FLAGS[opcode] if ((wideFlags and OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR) != 0) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid wide opcode: $wideOpcode") } wideLocalVarLen += 2 if (wideOpcode == Opcodes.IINC) { wideIincLen += 2 } } } pc++ } pc } else { 0 } } // read operand buffers val newArrayBuf = buf.readSlice(newArrayLen) val localVarBuf = buf.readSlice(localVarLen) val wideLocalVarBuf = buf.readSlice(wideLocalVarLen) val sipushAndSwitchBuf = buf.readSlice(sipushAndSwitchLen) val constantBuf = buf.readSlice(constantLen) val wideConstantBuf = buf.readSlice(wideConstantLen) val classBuf = buf.readSlice(classLen) val fieldRefBuf = buf.readSlice(fieldRefLen) val methodRefBuf = buf.readSlice(methodRefLen) val interfaceMethodRefBuf = buf.readSlice(interfaceMethodRefLen) val branchBuf = buf.readSlice(branchLen) val bipushBuf = buf.readSlice(bipushLen) val wideIincBuf = buf.readSlice(wideIincLen) val iincBuf = buf.readSlice(iincLen) val multiNewArrayBuf = buf.readSlice(multiNewArrayLen) buf.resetReaderIndex() // create fields for (i in 0 until fieldCount) { var access = fieldAccess[i] for (attribute in fieldAttributes[i]) { if (attribute == ConstantPool.SYNTHETIC) { access = access or Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC } else { throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported field attribute: $attribute") } } val nameAndType = fieldNamesAndTypes[i] val name = val descriptor = nameAndType.descriptor val constant = fieldConstants[i] clazz.fields.add(FieldNode(access, name, descriptor, null, constant)) } // create methods for (i in 0 until methodCount) { var access = methodAccess[i] var code = false for (attribute in methodAttributes[i]) { when (attribute) { ConstantPool.SYNTHETIC -> access = access or Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC ConstantPool.CODE -> code = true ConstantPool.EXCEPTIONS -> Unit else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported method attribute: $attribute") } } val nameAndType = methodNamesAndTypes[i] val name = val descriptor = nameAndType.descriptor val method = MethodNode(access, name, descriptor, null, exceptions[i]) if (code) { method.maxLocals = maxLocals[i] method.maxStack = maxStacks[i] val labels = Array(methodOpcodes[i]) { val label = LabelNode() method.instructions.add(label) label } for (j in 0 until tryCatchCounts[i]) { val startPc = tryCatchStartPcs[i]!![j] val handlerPc = labels.size - tryCatchReverseHandlerPcs[i]!![j] val endPc = handlerPc - tryCatchEndPcsToHandlerPcs[i]!![j] val start = labels[startPc] val end = labels[endPc] val handler = labels[handlerPc] val type = tryCatchTypes[i]!![j] method.tryCatchBlocks.add(TryCatchBlockNode(start, end, handler, type)) } val numbers = lineNumbers[i] if (numbers != null) { val startPcs = lineStartPcs[i]!! for ((j, number) in numbers.withIndex()) { val startPc = startPcs[j] val label = labels[startPc] method.instructions.insert(label, LineNumberNode(number, label)) } } var pc = 0 while (true) { val opcode = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() if (opcode == EOF) { break } val flags = OPCODE_FLAGS[opcode] if ((flags and OPCODE_INVALID) != 0) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid opcode: $opcode") } val insn = if ((flags and OPCODE_LOCAL_VAR) != 0 && opcode != Opcodes.IINC) { VarInsnNode(opcode, localVarBuf.readUnsignedByte().toInt()) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_CONSTANT) != 0) { val value: Any = when (opcode) { LDC_INT -> constantPool.readInt(constantBuf) LDC_FLOAT -> constantPool.readFloat(constantBuf) LDC_STRING -> constantPool.readString(constantBuf) LDC_CLASS -> Type.getObjectType(constantPool.readString(constantBuf)) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid constant opcode: $opcode") } LdcInsnNode(value) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_WIDE_CONSTANT) != 0) { val value: Any = when (opcode) { LDC_LONG -> constantPool.readLong(wideConstantBuf) LDC_DOUBLE -> constantPool.readDouble(wideConstantBuf) else -> IllegalArgumentException("Invalid wide constant opcode: $opcode") } LdcInsnNode(value) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_CLASS) != 0 && opcode != Opcodes.MULTIANEWARRAY) { TypeInsnNode(opcode, constantPool.readString(classBuf)) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_FIELD_REF) != 0) { val fieldRef = constantPool.readFieldRef(fieldRefBuf) FieldInsnNode(opcode, fieldRef.clazz,, fieldRef.descriptor) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_METHOD_REF) != 0) { val methodRef = constantPool.readMethodRef(methodRefBuf) MethodInsnNode(opcode, methodRef.clazz,, methodRef.descriptor) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_BRANCH) != 0) { val targetPc = pc + branchBuf.readShort().toInt() JumpInsnNode(opcode, labels[targetPc]) } else if ((flags and OPCODE_WIDE_BRANCH) != 0) { val wideOpcode = when (opcode) { GOTO_W -> Opcodes.GOTO JSR_W -> Opcodes.JSR else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid wide branch opcode: $opcode") } val targetPc = pc + branchBuf.readInt() JumpInsnNode(wideOpcode, labels[targetPc]) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.BIPUSH) { IntInsnNode(opcode, bipushBuf.readByte().toInt()) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.SIPUSH) { IntInsnNode(opcode, sipushAndSwitchBuf.readShort().toInt()) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.IINC) { IincInsnNode(localVarBuf.readUnsignedByte().toInt(), iincBuf.readByte().toInt()) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.TABLESWITCH) { val defaultPc = pc + branchBuf.readInt() val defaultLabel = labels[defaultPc] val min = sipushAndSwitchBuf.readInt() val max = min + buf.readVarInt() val targetLabels = Array(max - min + 1) { val targetPc = pc + branchBuf.readInt() labels[targetPc] } TableSwitchInsnNode(min, max, defaultLabel, *targetLabels) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.LOOKUPSWITCH) { val defaultPc = pc + branchBuf.readInt() val defaultLabel = labels[defaultPc] val cases = buf.readVarInt() val keys = IntArray(cases) var key = 0 val targetLabels = Array(cases) { j -> key += sipushAndSwitchBuf.readInt() keys[j] = key val targetPc = pc + branchBuf.readInt() labels[targetPc] } LookupSwitchInsnNode(defaultLabel, keys, targetLabels) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE) { val methodRef = constantPool.readInterfaceMethodRef(interfaceMethodRefBuf) MethodInsnNode(opcode, methodRef.clazz,, methodRef.descriptor) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.NEWARRAY) { IntInsnNode(opcode, newArrayBuf.readUnsignedByte().toInt()) } else if (opcode == Opcodes.MULTIANEWARRAY) { val arrayDescriptor = constantPool.readString(classBuf) val dimensions = multiNewArrayBuf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() MultiANewArrayInsnNode(arrayDescriptor, dimensions) } else if (opcode == WIDE) { val wideOpcode = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() val wideFlags = OPCODE_FLAGS[wideOpcode] if ((wideFlags and OPCODE_WIDE_LOCAL_VAR) == 0) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid wide opcode: $wideOpcode") } val variable = wideLocalVarBuf.readUnsignedShort() if (wideOpcode == Opcodes.IINC) { IincInsnNode(variable, wideIincBuf.readShort().toInt()) } else { VarInsnNode(wideOpcode, variable) } } else if (opcode in ILOAD_0..ILOAD_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ILOAD, opcode - ILOAD_0) } else if (opcode in LLOAD_0..LLOAD_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.LLOAD, opcode - LLOAD_0) } else if (opcode in FLOAD_0..FLOAD_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.FLOAD, opcode - FLOAD_0) } else if (opcode in DLOAD_0..DLOAD_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.DLOAD, opcode - DLOAD_0) } else if (opcode in ALOAD_0..ALOAD_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, opcode - ALOAD_0) } else if (opcode in ISTORE_0..ISTORE_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ISTORE, opcode - ISTORE_0) } else if (opcode in LSTORE_0..LSTORE_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.LSTORE, opcode - LSTORE_0) } else if (opcode in FSTORE_0..FSTORE_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.FSTORE, opcode - FSTORE_0) } else if (opcode in DSTORE_0..DSTORE_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.DSTORE, opcode - DSTORE_0) } else if (opcode in ASTORE_0..ASTORE_3) { VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ASTORE, opcode - ASTORE_0) } else { InsnNode(opcode) } method.instructions.insert(labels[pc++], insn) } } clazz.methods.add(method) } buf.skipBytes(newArrayLen) buf.skipBytes(localVarLen) buf.skipBytes(wideLocalVarLen) buf.skipBytes(sipushAndSwitchLen) buf.skipBytes(constantLen) buf.skipBytes(wideConstantLen) buf.skipBytes(classLen) buf.skipBytes(fieldRefLen) buf.skipBytes(methodRefLen) buf.skipBytes(interfaceMethodRefLen) buf.skipBytes(branchLen) buf.skipBytes(bipushLen) buf.skipBytes(wideIincLen) buf.skipBytes(iincLen) buf.skipBytes(multiNewArrayLen) buf.skipBytes(TRAILER_LEN) return clazz } private fun readAttributeCounts(buf: ByteBuf, count: Int): IntArray { return IntArray(count) { buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() } } private fun readAttributes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, counts: IntArray): Array> { return Array(counts.size) { i -> Array(counts[i]) { constantPool.readString(buf) } } } private fun readExceptionCounts(buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>): IntArray { return IntArray(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.EXCEPTIONS)) { buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() } else { 0 } } } private fun readTryCatchCounts(buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>): IntArray { return IntArray(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { /* * XXX(gpe): in older versions of packclass this is an unsigned * byte. Are there any class files using the older format with * 128 or more try/catch blocks per method? */ buf.readUnsignedShortSmart() } else { 0 } } } private fun readMaxs(buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>): IntArray { return IntArray(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() } else { 0 } } } private fun readLinePcs(buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>): Array { return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { buf.markReaderIndex() var lines = 0 while (buf.readUnsignedShortSmart() != 0) { lines++ } buf.resetReaderIndex() var pc = -1 val pcs = IntArray(lines) { pc += buf.readUnsignedShortSmart() pc } check(buf.readUnsignedShortSmart() == 0) pcs } else { null } } } private fun readLineNumbers( buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>, pcs: Array ): Array { require(attributes.size == pcs.size) var line = 0 return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { IntArray(pcs[i]!!.size) { line += buf.readUnsignedShort() line and 0xFFFF } } else { null } } } private fun readAccessFlagsMsb(buf: ByteBuf, count: Int): IntArray { return IntArray(count) { buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() shl 8 } } private fun readAccessFlagsLsb(buf: ByteBuf, access: IntArray) { for (i in access.indices) { access[i] = access[i] or buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() } } private fun readExceptions( buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, attributes: Array>, counts: IntArray ): Array?> { require(attributes.size == counts.size) return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.EXCEPTIONS)) { Array(counts[i]) { constantPool.readString(buf) } } else { null } } } private fun readTryCatchTypes( buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, attributes: Array>, counts: IntArray ): Array?> { require(attributes.size == counts.size) return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { Array(counts[i]) { constantPool.readOptionalString(buf) } } else { null } } } private fun readInterfaces(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, interfaceCount: Int, clazz: ClassNode) { for (i in 0 until interfaceCount) { clazz.interfaces.add(constantPool.readString(buf)) } } private fun readFieldNamesAndTypes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, count: Int): Array { return Array(count) { constantPool.readFieldNameAndType(buf) } } private fun readMethodNamesAndTypes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, count: Int): Array { return Array(count) { constantPool.readMethodNameAndType(buf) } } private fun readConstants( buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, attributes: Array>, namesAndTypes: Array ): Array { require(attributes.size == namesAndTypes.size) return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CONSTANT_VALUE)) { when (val descriptor = namesAndTypes[i].descriptor) { INT_DESCRIPTOR -> constantPool.readInt(buf) LONG_DESCRIPTOR -> constantPool.readLong(buf) FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR -> constantPool.readFloat(buf) DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR -> constantPool.readDouble(buf) STRING_DESCRIPTOR -> constantPool.readString(buf) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported constant descriptor $descriptor") } } else { null } } } private fun readTryCatchStartPcs( buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>, counts: IntArray ): Array { require(attributes.size == counts.size) return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { var prevStartPc = 0 IntArray(counts[i]) { var startPc = buf.readUnsignedShort() if (startPc == 0) { startPc = prevStartPc } else if (startPc == prevStartPc) { startPc = 0 } prevStartPc = startPc startPc } } else { null } } } private fun readTryCatchEndPcsToHandlerPcs( buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>, counts: IntArray ): Array { require(attributes.size == counts.size) return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { IntArray(counts[i]) { buf.readShort().toInt() } } else { null } } } private fun readTryCatchReverseHandlerPcs( buf: ByteBuf, attributes: Array>, counts: IntArray ): Array { require(attributes.size == counts.size) return Array(attributes.size) { i -> if (attributes[i].contains(ConstantPool.CODE)) { IntArray(counts[i]) { buf.readUnsignedShort() } } else { null } } } public fun write(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { require(clazz.version in SUPPORTED_VERSIONS) { val major = clazz.version and 0xFFFF val minor = (clazz.version shl 16) and 0xFFFF "Unsupported class version $major.$minor" } val insns = createInstructions(clazz) // write attributes writeFieldAttributeCounts(buf, clazz) writeMethodAttributeCounts(buf, clazz) writeFieldAttributes(buf, constantPool, clazz) writeMethodAttributes(buf, constantPool, clazz) // write method metadata writeExceptionCounts(buf, clazz) writeTryCatchCounts(buf, clazz) writeMaxStacks(buf, clazz) writeMaxLocals(buf, clazz) writeLinePcs(buf, clazz, insns) writeLineNumbers(buf, clazz) // write access flags buf.writeByte(clazz.access shr 8) writeFieldAccessFlagsMsb(buf, clazz) writeMethodAccessFlagsMsb(buf, clazz) buf.writeByte(clazz.access) writeFieldAccessFlagsLsb(buf, clazz) writeMethodAccessFlagsLsb(buf, clazz) // write source file constantPool.writeOptionalString(buf, clazz.sourceFile) // write exception types writeExceptions(buf, constantPool, clazz) writeTryCatchTypes(buf, constantPool, clazz) // write class and superclass name constantPool.writeString(buf, constantPool.writeString(buf, clazz.superName) // write interface names writeInterfaces(buf, constantPool, clazz) // write field and method names and types writeFieldNamesAndTypes(buf, constantPool, clazz) writeMethodNamesAndTypes(buf, constantPool, clazz) // write version buf.writeShort(clazz.version shr 16) buf.writeShort(clazz.version) // write constant field values writeConstants(buf, constantPool, clazz) // write try/catch blocks writeTryCatchStartPcs(buf, clazz, insns) writeTryCatchEndPcsToHandlerPcs(buf, clazz, insns) writeTryCatchReverseHandlerPcs(buf, clazz, insns) // write operand buffers val operandBuffers = OperandBuffers.alloc(buf.alloc()) try { val newArrayBuf = operandBuffers.newArrayBuf val localVarBuf = operandBuffers.localVarBuf val wideLocalVarBuf = operandBuffers.wideLocalVarBuf val sipushAndSwitchBuf = operandBuffers.sipushAndSwitchBuf val constantBuf = operandBuffers.constantBuf val wideConstantBuf = operandBuffers.wideConstantBuf val classBuf = operandBuffers.classBuf val fieldRefBuf = operandBuffers.fieldRefBuf val methodRefBuf = operandBuffers.methodRefBuf val interfaceMethodRefBuf = operandBuffers.interfaceMethodRefBuf val branchBuf = operandBuffers.branchBuf val bipushBuf = operandBuffers.bipushBuf val wideIincBuf = operandBuffers.wideIincBuf val iincBuf = operandBuffers.iincBuf val multiNewArrayBuf = operandBuffers.multiNewArrayBuf for ((i, list) in insns.withIndex()) { if (list.isEmpty()) { continue } for ((pc, insn) in list.withIndex()) { when (insn) { is VarInsnNode -> { when { insn.`var` in 0..3 -> { when (insn.opcode) { Opcodes.ILOAD -> buf.writeByte(ILOAD_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.LLOAD -> buf.writeByte(LLOAD_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.FLOAD -> buf.writeByte(FLOAD_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.DLOAD -> buf.writeByte(DLOAD_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.ALOAD -> buf.writeByte(ALOAD_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.ISTORE -> buf.writeByte(ISTORE_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.LSTORE -> buf.writeByte(LSTORE_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.FSTORE -> buf.writeByte(FSTORE_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.DSTORE -> buf.writeByte(DSTORE_0 + insn.`var`) Opcodes.ASTORE -> buf.writeByte(ASTORE_0 + insn.`var`) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported VarInsnNode opcode: ${insn.opcode}" ) } } insn.`var` < 256 -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) localVarBuf.writeByte(insn.`var`) } else -> { buf.writeByte(WIDE) buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) wideLocalVarBuf.writeShort(insn.`var`) } } } is LdcInsnNode -> { when (val value = insn.cst) { is Int -> { buf.writeByte(LDC_INT) constantPool.writeInt(constantBuf, value) } is Long -> { buf.writeByte(LDC_LONG) constantPool.writeLong(wideConstantBuf, value) } is Float -> { buf.writeByte(LDC_FLOAT) constantPool.writeFloat(constantBuf, value) } is Double -> { buf.writeByte(LDC_DOUBLE) constantPool.writeDouble(wideConstantBuf, value) } is String -> { buf.writeByte(LDC_STRING) constantPool.writeString(constantBuf, value) } is Type -> { if (value.sort == Type.OBJECT) { buf.writeByte(LDC_CLASS) constantPool.writeString(constantBuf, value.internalName) } else { throw IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported constant type: ${value.sort}" ) } } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported constant type: ${}" ) } } is TypeInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) constantPool.writeString(classBuf, insn.desc) } is FieldInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) constantPool.writeFieldRef(fieldRefBuf, MemberRef(insn.owner,, insn.desc)) } is MethodInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) val methodRef = MemberRef(insn.owner,, insn.desc) if (insn.itf) { constantPool.writeInterfaceMethodRef(interfaceMethodRefBuf, methodRef) } else { constantPool.writeMethodRef(methodRefBuf, methodRef) } } is JumpInsnNode -> { val targetPc = insns[i].indexOf(insn.label.nextReal) val delta = targetPc - pc if (delta >= -32768 && delta <= 32767) { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) branchBuf.writeShort(delta) } else { val wideOpcode = when (insn.opcode) { Opcodes.GOTO -> GOTO_W Opcodes.JSR -> JSR_W else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Jump too far for opcode: ${insn.opcode}") } buf.writeByte(wideOpcode) branchBuf.writeInt(delta) } } is IntInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) when (insn.opcode) { Opcodes.BIPUSH -> bipushBuf.writeByte(insn.operand) Opcodes.SIPUSH -> sipushAndSwitchBuf.writeShort(insn.operand) Opcodes.NEWARRAY -> newArrayBuf.writeByte(insn.operand) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported IntInsnNode opcode: ${insn.opcode}") } } is IincInsnNode -> { if (insn.`var` < 256 && (insn.incr >= -128 && insn.incr <= 127)) { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) localVarBuf.writeByte(insn.`var`) iincBuf.writeByte(insn.incr) } else { buf.writeByte(WIDE) buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) wideLocalVarBuf.writeShort(insn.`var`) wideIincBuf.writeShort(insn.incr) } } is TableSwitchInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) val defaultPc = insns[i].indexOf(insn.dflt.nextReal) branchBuf.writeInt(defaultPc - pc) sipushAndSwitchBuf.writeInt(insn.min) buf.writeVarInt(insn.max - insn.min) for (target in insn.labels) { val targetPc = insns[i].indexOf(target.nextReal) branchBuf.writeInt(targetPc - pc) } } is LookupSwitchInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) val defaultPc = insns[i].indexOf(insn.dflt.nextReal) branchBuf.writeInt(defaultPc - pc) val cases = insn.keys.size buf.writeVarInt(cases) var prevKey = 0 for (key in insn.keys) { sipushAndSwitchBuf.writeInt(key - prevKey) prevKey = key } for (target in insn.labels) { val targetPc = insns[i].indexOf(target.nextReal) branchBuf.writeInt(targetPc - pc) } } is MultiANewArrayInsnNode -> { buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) constantPool.writeString(classBuf, insn.desc) multiNewArrayBuf.writeByte(insn.dims) } is InsnNode -> buf.writeByte(insn.opcode) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported instruction type: ${}") } } buf.writeByte(EOF) } buf.writeBytes(newArrayBuf) buf.writeBytes(localVarBuf) buf.writeBytes(wideLocalVarBuf) buf.writeBytes(sipushAndSwitchBuf) buf.writeBytes(constantBuf) buf.writeBytes(wideConstantBuf) buf.writeBytes(classBuf) buf.writeBytes(fieldRefBuf) buf.writeBytes(methodRefBuf) buf.writeBytes(interfaceMethodRefBuf) buf.writeBytes(branchBuf) buf.writeBytes(bipushBuf) buf.writeBytes(wideIincBuf) buf.writeBytes(iincBuf) buf.writeBytes(multiNewArrayBuf) } finally { operandBuffers.release() } // write trailer buf.writeShort(clazz.interfaces.size) buf.writeShort(clazz.fields.size) buf.writeShort(clazz.methods.size) } private fun createInstructions(clazz: ClassNode): Array> { return Array(clazz.methods.size) { i -> clazz.methods[i].instructions.filter { it.opcode != -1 }.toTypedArray() } } private fun writeFieldAttributeCounts(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (field in clazz.fields) { var attributes = 0 if ((field.access and Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { attributes++ } if (field.value != null) { attributes++ } buf.writeByte(attributes) } } private fun writeMethodAttributeCounts(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { var attributes = 0 if ((method.access and Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { attributes++ } if (method.instructions.size() != 0) { attributes++ } if (method.exceptions.isNotEmpty()) { attributes++ } buf.writeByte(attributes) } } private fun writeFieldAttributes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (field in clazz.fields) { if ((field.access and Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { constantPool.writeString(buf, ConstantPool.SYNTHETIC) } if (field.value != null) { constantPool.writeString(buf, ConstantPool.CONSTANT_VALUE) } } } private fun writeMethodAttributes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { if ((method.access and Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { constantPool.writeString(buf, ConstantPool.SYNTHETIC) } if (method.instructions.size() != 0) { constantPool.writeString(buf, ConstantPool.CODE) } if (method.exceptions.isNotEmpty()) { constantPool.writeString(buf, ConstantPool.EXCEPTIONS) } } } private fun writeExceptionCounts(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { if (method.exceptions.isNotEmpty()) { buf.writeByte(method.exceptions.size) } } } private fun writeTryCatchCounts(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { if (method.instructions.size() != 0) { buf.writeUnsignedShortSmart(method.tryCatchBlocks.size) } } } private fun writeMaxStacks(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { if (method.instructions.size() != 0) { buf.writeByte(method.maxStack) } } } private fun writeMaxLocals(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { if (method.instructions.size() != 0) { buf.writeByte(method.maxLocals) } } } private fun writeLinePcs(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode, insns: Array>) { for ((i, method) in clazz.methods.withIndex()) { if (method.instructions.size() == 0) { continue } var prevPc = -1 for (insn in method.instructions) { if (insn !is LineNumberNode) { continue } val pc = insns[i].indexOf(insn.nextReal) buf.writeUnsignedShortSmart(pc - prevPc) prevPc = pc } buf.writeUnsignedShortSmart(0) } } private fun writeLineNumbers(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { var prevLine = 0 for (method in clazz.methods) { if (method.instructions.size() == 0) { continue } for (insn in method.instructions) { if (insn !is LineNumberNode) { continue } val line = insn.line buf.writeShort(line - prevLine) prevLine = line } } } private fun writeFieldAccessFlagsMsb(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (field in clazz.fields) { buf.writeByte(field.access shr 8) } } private fun writeMethodAccessFlagsMsb(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { buf.writeByte(method.access shr 8) } } private fun writeFieldAccessFlagsLsb(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (field in clazz.fields) { buf.writeByte(field.access) } } private fun writeMethodAccessFlagsLsb(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { buf.writeByte(method.access) } } private fun writeExceptions(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { for (exception in method.exceptions) { constantPool.writeString(buf, exception) } } } private fun writeTryCatchTypes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { for (tryCatch in method.tryCatchBlocks) { constantPool.writeOptionalString(buf, tryCatch.type) } } } private fun writeInterfaces(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (name in clazz.interfaces) { constantPool.writeString(buf, name) } } private fun writeFieldNamesAndTypes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (field in clazz.fields) { constantPool.writeFieldNameAndType(buf, NameAndType(, field.desc)) } } private fun writeMethodNamesAndTypes(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (method in clazz.methods) { constantPool.writeMethodNameAndType(buf, NameAndType(, method.desc)) } } private fun writeConstants(buf: ByteBuf, constantPool: ConstantPool, clazz: ClassNode) { for (field in clazz.fields) { val value = field.value ?: continue when (value) { is Int -> constantPool.writeInt(buf, value) is Long -> constantPool.writeLong(buf, value) is Float -> constantPool.writeFloat(buf, value) is Double -> constantPool.writeDouble(buf, value) is String -> constantPool.writeString(buf, value) is Type -> { if (value.sort == Type.OBJECT) { constantPool.writeString(buf, value.internalName) } else { throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported constant type: ${value.sort}") } } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported constant type: ${}") } } } private fun writeTryCatchStartPcs(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode, insns: Array>) { for ((i, method) in clazz.methods.withIndex()) { var prevStartPc = 0 for (tryCatch in method.tryCatchBlocks) { val startPc = insns[i].indexOf(tryCatch.start.nextReal) if (startPc == 0) { buf.writeShort(prevStartPc) } else if (startPc == prevStartPc) { buf.writeShort(0) } else { buf.writeShort(startPc) } prevStartPc = startPc } } } private fun writeTryCatchEndPcsToHandlerPcs(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode, insns: Array>) { for ((i, method) in clazz.methods.withIndex()) { for (tryCatch in method.tryCatchBlocks) { val list = insns[i] val endPc = list.indexOf(tryCatch.end.nextReal) val handlerPc = list.indexOf(tryCatch.handler.nextReal) buf.writeShort(handlerPc - endPc) } } } private fun writeTryCatchReverseHandlerPcs(buf: ByteBuf, clazz: ClassNode, insns: Array>) { for ((i, method) in clazz.methods.withIndex()) { for (tryCatch in method.tryCatchBlocks) { val list = insns[i] val handlerPc = list.indexOf(tryCatch.handler.nextReal) buf.writeShort(list.size - handlerPc) } } } private class OperandBuffers private constructor( val newArrayBuf: ByteBuf, val localVarBuf: ByteBuf, val wideLocalVarBuf: ByteBuf, val sipushAndSwitchBuf: ByteBuf, val constantBuf: ByteBuf, val wideConstantBuf: ByteBuf, val classBuf: ByteBuf, val fieldRefBuf: ByteBuf, val methodRefBuf: ByteBuf, val interfaceMethodRefBuf: ByteBuf, val branchBuf: ByteBuf, val bipushBuf: ByteBuf, val wideIincBuf: ByteBuf, val iincBuf: ByteBuf, val multiNewArrayBuf: ByteBuf ) { fun release() { newArrayBuf.release() localVarBuf.release() wideLocalVarBuf.release() sipushAndSwitchBuf.release() constantBuf.release() wideConstantBuf.release() classBuf.release() fieldRefBuf.release() methodRefBuf.release() interfaceMethodRefBuf.release() branchBuf.release() bipushBuf.release() wideIincBuf.release() iincBuf.release() multiNewArrayBuf.release() } companion object { fun alloc(alloc: ByteBufAllocator): OperandBuffers { val bufs = mutableListOf() try { for (i in 0..14) { bufs += alloc.buffer() } return OperandBuffers( bufs[0].retain(), bufs[1].retain(), bufs[2].retain(), bufs[3].retain(), bufs[4].retain(), bufs[5].retain(), bufs[6].retain(), bufs[7].retain(), bufs[8].retain(), bufs[9].retain(), bufs[10].retain(), bufs[11].retain(), bufs[12].retain(), bufs[13].retain(), bufs[14].retain() ) } finally { bufs.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } } } } }