package org.openrs2.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectSortedMap import org.openrs2.buffer.use import import import import import import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path /** * A high-level interface for reading and writing files to and from a * single JS5 archive encoded in `.js5` format. */ public class Js5Pack private constructor( alloc: ByteBufAllocator, index: Js5Index, unpackedCacheSize: Int, private var packedIndex: ByteBuf, private val packed: Int2ObjectSortedMap, ) : Archive(alloc, index, 0, UnpackedCache(unpackedCacheSize)), Closeable { override fun packedExists(group: Int): Boolean { return packed.containsKey(group) } override fun readPacked(group: Int): ByteBuf { return packed[group]?.retainedSlice() ?: throw FileNotFoundException() } override fun writePacked(group: Int, buf: ByteBuf) { packed.put(group, buf.retain().asReadOnly())?.release() } override fun writePackedIndex(buf: ByteBuf) { packedIndex.release() packedIndex = buf.retain().asReadOnly() } override fun removePacked(group: Int) { packed.remove(group)?.release() } override fun appendVersion(buf: ByteBuf, version: Int) { // empty } override fun verifyCompressed(buf: ByteBuf, entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup) { // empty } override fun verifyUncompressed(buf: ByteBuf, entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup) { // empty } public fun write(path: Path) { Files.newOutputStream(path).use { output -> write(output) } } public fun write(output: OutputStream) { flush() packedIndex.getBytes(packedIndex.readerIndex(), output, packedIndex.readableBytes()) for (compressed in packed.values) { compressed.getBytes(compressed.readerIndex(), output, compressed.readableBytes()) } } override fun flush() { unpackedCache.flush() super.flush() } public fun clear() { unpackedCache.clear() super.flush() } override fun close() { clear() packedIndex.release() packed.values.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } public companion object { @JvmOverloads @JvmStatic public fun create( alloc: ByteBufAllocator = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, unpackedCacheSize: Int = UnpackedCache.DEFAULT_CAPACITY ): Js5Pack { // TODO(gpe): protocol/flags should be configurable somehow val index = Js5Index(Js5Protocol.VERSIONED) alloc.buffer().use { uncompressed -> index.write(uncompressed) Js5Compression.compressBest(uncompressed).use { compressed -> return Js5Pack(alloc, index, unpackedCacheSize, compressed.retain(), Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap()) } } } @JvmOverloads @JvmStatic public fun read( path: Path, alloc: ByteBufAllocator = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, unpackedCacheSize: Int = UnpackedCache.DEFAULT_CAPACITY ): Js5Pack { return Files.newInputStream(path).use { input -> read(input, alloc, unpackedCacheSize) } } @JvmOverloads @JvmStatic public fun read( input: InputStream, alloc: ByteBufAllocator = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, unpackedCacheSize: Int = UnpackedCache.DEFAULT_CAPACITY ): Js5Pack { val dataInput = DataInputStream(input) readCompressed(dataInput, alloc).use { compressed -> val index = Js5Compression.uncompress(compressed.slice()).use { uncompressed -> } val packed = Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap() try { for (group in index) { packed[] = readCompressed(dataInput, alloc).asReadOnly() } packed.values.forEach(ByteBuf::retain) return Js5Pack(alloc, index, unpackedCacheSize, compressed.retain(), packed) } finally { packed.values.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } } } private fun readCompressed(input: DataInputStream, alloc: ByteBufAllocator): ByteBuf { val typeId = input.readUnsignedByte() val type = Js5CompressionType.fromOrdinal(typeId) ?: throw IOException("Invalid compression type: $typeId") val len = input.readInt() if (len < 0) { throw IOException("Length is negative: $len") } val lenWithUncompressedLen = if (type == Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED) { len } else { len + 4 } alloc.buffer(lenWithUncompressedLen + 5, lenWithUncompressedLen + 5).use { buf -> buf.writeByte(typeId) buf.writeInt(len) buf.writeBytes(input, lenWithUncompressedLen) return buf.retain() } } } }