package org.openrs2.archive.cache import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import org.openrs2.buffer.use import org.openrs2.cache.DiskStore import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Archive import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Compression import org.openrs2.cache.Js5MasterIndex import org.openrs2.cache.MasterIndexFormat import org.openrs2.cache.Store import org.openrs2.crypto.XteaKey import org.openrs2.db.Database import org.postgresql.util.PGobject import java.time.Instant import java.util.SortedSet import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor( private val database: Database, private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator ) { public data class Stats( val validIndexes: Long, val indexes: Long, val validGroups: Long, val groups: Long, val validKeys: Long, val keys: Long, val size: Long, val blocks: Long ) { public val allIndexesValid: Boolean = indexes == validIndexes && indexes != 0L public val validIndexesFraction: Double = if (indexes == 0L) { 1.0 } else { validIndexes.toDouble() / indexes } public val allGroupsValid: Boolean = groups == validGroups public val validGroupsFraction: Double = if (groups == 0L) { 1.0 } else { validGroups.toDouble() / groups } public val allKeysValid: Boolean = keys == validKeys public val validKeysFraction: Double = if (keys == 0L) { 1.0 } else { validKeys.toDouble() / keys } /* * The max block ID is conveniently also the max number of blocks, as * zero is reserved. */ public val diskStoreValid: Boolean = blocks <= DiskStore.MAX_BLOCK } public data class Build(val major: Int, val minor: Int?) : Comparable { override fun compareTo(other: Build): Int { return compareValuesBy(this, other, Build::major, Build::minor) } override fun toString(): String { return if (minor != null) { "$major.$minor" } else { major.toString() } } internal companion object { internal fun fromPgObject(o: PGobject): Build? { val value = o.value!! require(value.length >= 2) val parts = value.substring(1, value.length - 1).split(",") require(parts.size == 2) val major = parts[0] val minor = parts[1] if (major.isEmpty()) { return null } return Build(major.toInt(), if (minor.isEmpty()) null else minor.toInt()) } } } public data class CacheSummary( val id: Int, val game: String, val builds: SortedSet, val timestamp: Instant?, val names: SortedSet, val stats: Stats? ) public data class Cache( val id: Int, val sources: List, val updates: List, val stats: Stats?, val masterIndex: Js5MasterIndex ) public data class Source( val game: String, val build: Build?, val timestamp: Instant?, val name: String?, val description: String?, val url: String? ) public data class Key( val archive: Int, val group: Int, val nameHash: Int?, val name: String?, @JsonProperty("mapsquare") val mapSquare: Int?, val key: XteaKey ) public suspend fun list(): List { return database.execute { connection -> connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT,, array_remove(array_agg(DISTINCT ROW(s.build_major, s.build_minor)::build ORDER BY ROW(s.build_major, s.build_minor)::build ASC), NULL) builds, MIN(s.timestamp) AS timestamp, array_remove(array_agg(DISTINCT ORDER BY ASC), NULL) sources, ms.valid_indexes, ms.indexes, ms.valid_groups, ms.groups, ms.valid_keys, ms.keys, ms.size, ms.blocks FROM master_indexes m JOIN sources s ON s.master_index_id = JOIN games g ON = s.game_id LEFT JOIN master_index_stats ms ON ms.master_index_id = GROUP BY,, ms.valid_indexes, ms.indexes, ms.valid_groups, ms.groups, ms.valid_keys, ms.keys, ms.size, ms.blocks ) t ORDER BY ASC, t.builds[1] ASC, t.timestamp ASC """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> val caches = mutableListOf() while ( { val id = rows.getInt(1) val game = rows.getString(2) val builds = rows.getArray(3).array as Array val timestamp = rows.getTimestamp(4)?.toInstant() val names = rows.getArray(5).array as Array val validIndexes = rows.getLong(6) val stats = if (!rows.wasNull()) { val indexes = rows.getLong(7) val validGroups = rows.getLong(8) val groups = rows.getLong(9) val validKeys = rows.getLong(10) val keys = rows.getLong(11) val size = rows.getLong(12) val blocks = rows.getLong(13) Stats(validIndexes, indexes, validGroups, groups, validKeys, keys, size, blocks) } else { null } caches += CacheSummary( id, game, builds.mapNotNull { o -> Build.fromPgObject(o as PGobject) }.toSortedSet(), timestamp, names.toSortedSet(), stats ) } caches } } } } public suspend fun get(id: Int): Cache? { return database.execute { connection -> val masterIndex: Js5MasterIndex val stats: Stats? connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT m.format,, ms.valid_indexes, ms.indexes, ms.valid_groups, ms.groups, ms.valid_keys, ms.keys, ms.size, ms.blocks FROM master_indexes m JOIN containers c ON = m.container_id LEFT JOIN master_index_stats ms ON ms.master_index_id = WHERE = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> if (! { return@execute null } val format = MasterIndexFormat.valueOf(rows.getString(1).uppercase()) masterIndex = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(rows.getBytes(2)).use { compressed -> Js5Compression.uncompress(compressed).use { uncompressed -> Js5MasterIndex.readUnverified(uncompressed, format) } } val validIndexes = rows.getLong(3) stats = if (rows.wasNull()) { null } else { val indexes = rows.getLong(4) val validGroups = rows.getLong(5) val groups = rows.getLong(6) val validKeys = rows.getLong(7) val keys = rows.getLong(8) val size = rows.getLong(9) val blocks = rows.getLong(10) Stats(validIndexes, indexes, validGroups, groups, validKeys, keys, size, blocks) } } } val sources = mutableListOf() connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT, s.build_major, s.build_minor, s.timestamp,, s.description, s.url FROM sources s JOIN games g ON = s.game_id WHERE s.master_index_id = ? ORDER BY ASC """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> while ( { val game = rows.getString(1) var buildMajor: Int? = rows.getInt(2) if (rows.wasNull()) { buildMajor = null } var buildMinor: Int? = rows.getInt(3) if (rows.wasNull()) { buildMinor = null } val build = if (buildMajor != null) { Build(buildMajor, buildMinor) } else { null } val timestamp = rows.getTimestamp(4)?.toInstant() val name = rows.getString(5) val description = rows.getString(6) val url = rows.getString(7) sources += Source(game, build, timestamp, name, description, url) } } } val updates = mutableListOf() connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT url FROM updates WHERE master_index_id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> while ( { updates += rows.getString(1) } } } Cache(id, sources, updates, stats, masterIndex) } } public suspend fun export(id: Int, store: Store) { database.execute { connection -> connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT archive_id, group_id, data, version FROM resolved_groups WHERE master_index_id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.fetchSize = BATCH_SIZE stmt.setInt(1, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> alloc.buffer(2, 2).use { versionBuf -> while ( { val archive = rows.getInt(1) val group = rows.getInt(2) val bytes = rows.getBytes(3) val version = rows.getInt(4) val versionNull = rows.wasNull() versionBuf.clear() if (!versionNull) { versionBuf.writeShort(version) } Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes), versionBuf.retain()).use { buf -> store.write(archive, group, buf) // ensure the .idx file exists even if it is empty if (archive == Js5Archive.ARCHIVESET) { store.create(group) } } } } } } } } public suspend fun exportKeys(id: Int): List { return database.execute { connection -> connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT g.archive_id, g.group_id, g.name_hash,, (k.key).k0, (k.key).k1, (k.key).k2, (k.key).k3 FROM resolved_groups g JOIN keys k ON = g.key_id LEFT JOIN names n ON n.hash = g.name_hash AND ~ '^l(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9])_(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' WHERE g.master_index_id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> val keys = mutableListOf() while ( { val archive = rows.getInt(1) val group = rows.getInt(2) var nameHash: Int? = rows.getInt(3) if (rows.wasNull()) { nameHash = null } val name = rows.getString(4) val k0 = rows.getInt(5) val k1 = rows.getInt(6) val k2 = rows.getInt(7) val k3 = rows.getInt(8) val mapSquare = getMapSquare(name) keys += Key(archive, group, nameHash, name, mapSquare, XteaKey(k0, k1, k2, k3)) } keys } } } } private companion object { private const val BATCH_SIZE = 256 private val LOC_NAME_REGEX = Regex("l(\\d+)_(\\d+)") private fun getMapSquare(name: String?): Int? { if (name == null) { return null } val match = LOC_NAME_REGEX.matchEntire(name) ?: return null val x = match.groupValues[1].toInt() val z = match.groupValues[2].toInt() return (x shl 8) or z } } }