package dev.openrs2.deob.transform import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberRef import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.ClassPath import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library import dev.openrs2.asm.hasCode import dev.openrs2.asm.removeArgument import dev.openrs2.asm.transform.Transformer import dev.openrs2.deob.ArgRef import dev.openrs2.deob.Profile import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.ConstSourceInterpreter import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.ConstSourceValue import dev.openrs2.deob.remap.TypedRemapper import dev.openrs2.util.collect.DisjointSet import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes import org.objectweb.asm.Type import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton class UnusedArgTransformer @Inject constructor(private val profile: Profile) : Transformer() { private val retainedArgs = mutableSetOf() private lateinit var inheritedMethodSets: DisjointSet private var deletedArgs = 0 override fun preTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { retainedArgs.clear() inheritedMethodSets = classPath.createInheritedMethodSets() deletedArgs = 0 for (library in classPath.libraries) { for (clazz in library) { for (method in clazz.methods) { if (method.hasCode) { populateRetainedArgs(classPath, clazz, method) } } } } } private fun populateRetainedArgs(classPath: ClassPath, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode) { val partition = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(clazz, method)]!! val localToArgMap = createLocalToArgMap(method) val analyzer = Analyzer(ConstSourceInterpreter()) val frames = analyzer.analyze(, method) frame@ for ((i, frame) in frames.withIndex()) { if (frame == null) { continue } val stackSize = frame.stackSize when (val insn = method.instructions[i]) { is VarInsnNode -> { if (insn.opcode != Opcodes.ILOAD) { continue@frame } val arg = localToArgMap[insn.`var`] if (arg != null) { retainedArgs.add(ArgRef(partition, arg)) } } is MethodInsnNode -> { val invokePartition = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(insn)] if (invokePartition == null) { continue@frame } else if (!TypedRemapper.isMethodRenamable(classPath, profile.excludedMethods, invokePartition)) { continue@frame } val args = Type.getArgumentTypes(insn.desc).size for (j in 0 until args) { val source = frame.getStack(stackSize - args + j) if (source !is ConstSourceValue.Single) { retainedArgs.add(ArgRef(invokePartition, j)) } } } } } } override fun preTransformMethod( classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode ): Boolean { // delete unused int args from call sites if (!method.hasCode) { return false } val analyzer = Analyzer(ConstSourceInterpreter()) val frames = analyzer.analyze(, method) val deadInsns = mutableListOf() for ((i, frame) in frames.withIndex()) { if (frame == null) { continue } val stackSize = frame.stackSize val insn = method.instructions[i] if (insn !is MethodInsnNode) { continue } val partition = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(insn)] if (partition == null || !TypedRemapper.isMethodRenamable(classPath, profile.excludedMethods, partition)) { continue } val type = Type.getType(insn.desc) val argTypes = type.argumentTypes val newArgTypes = mutableListOf() for ((j, argType) in argTypes.withIndex()) { if (argType.sort in INT_SORTS && ArgRef(partition, j) !in retainedArgs) { val value = frame.getStack(stackSize - argTypes.size + j) as ConstSourceValue.Single deadInsns.add(value.source) } else { newArgTypes.add(argType) } } insn.desc = Type.getMethodDescriptor(type.returnType, *newArgTypes.toTypedArray()) } deadInsns.forEach(method.instructions::remove) return false } override fun postTransformMethod( classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode ): Boolean { // delete unused int args from the method itself val partition = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(clazz, method)]!! if (!TypedRemapper.isMethodRenamable(classPath, profile.excludedMethods, partition)) { return false } val argTypes = Type.getType(method.desc).argumentTypes for ((i, argType) in argTypes.withIndex().reversed()) { if (argType.sort in INT_SORTS && ArgRef(partition, i) !in retainedArgs) { method.removeArgument(i) deletedArgs++ } } return false } override fun postTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { { "Removed $deletedArgs unused arguments" } } private companion object { private val logger = InlineLogger() private val INT_SORTS = setOf( Type.BOOLEAN, Type.BYTE, Type.SHORT, Type.INT, Type.CHAR ) private fun createLocalToArgMap(method: MethodNode): Map { val argTypes = Type.getType(method.desc).argumentTypes val map = mutableMapOf() var localIndex = 0 if (method.access and Opcodes.ACC_STATIC == 0) { localIndex++ } for ((argIndex, t) in argTypes.withIndex()) { map[localIndex] = argIndex localIndex += t.size } return map } } }