package org.openrs2.bundler.transform import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode import org.openrs2.asm.InsnMatcher import org.openrs2.asm.classpath.ClassPath import org.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library import org.openrs2.asm.transform.Transformer import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton public class LoadLibraryTransformer : Transformer() { private var jnilibs = 0 private var amd64Checks = 0 private var sunOsChecks = 0 override fun preTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { jnilibs = 0 amd64Checks = 0 sunOsChecks = 0 } override fun transformCode(classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode): Boolean { val jnilib = method.instructions.find { it is LdcInsnNode && it.cst == "libjaggl.jnilib" } ?: return false jnilib as LdcInsnNode jnilib.cst = "libjaggl.dylib" jnilibs++ for (match in AMD64_CHECK_MATCHER.match(method)) { val ldc = match[1] as LdcInsnNode if (ldc.cst == "amd64") { match.forEach(method.instructions::remove) amd64Checks++ } } for (match in SUNOS_CHECK_MATCHER.match(method)) { val ldc = match[1] as LdcInsnNode if (ldc.cst == "sunos") { method.instructions.remove(match[0]) method.instructions.remove(match[1]) method.instructions.remove(match[2]) val jump = match[3] as JumpInsnNode if (jump.opcode == Opcodes.IFEQ) { method.instructions.set(jump, JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.GOTO, jump.label)) } else { method.instructions.remove(jump) } sunOsChecks++ } } return false } override fun postTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { { "Replaced $jnilibs jnilibs with dylibs" } { "Removed $amd64Checks amd64 jagmisc and $sunOsChecks SunOS checks" } } private companion object { private val logger = InlineLogger() private val AMD64_CHECK_MATCHER = InsnMatcher.compile("GETSTATIC LDC INVOKEVIRTUAL IFNE GETSTATIC LDC INVOKEVIRTUAL IFNE") private val SUNOS_CHECK_MATCHER = InsnMatcher.compile("GETSTATIC LDC INVOKEVIRTUAL (IFNE | IFEQ)") } }