package import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectSortedMap import org.openrs2.buffer.use import org.openrs2.cache.Group import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Archive import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Compression import org.openrs2.cache.Js5ConfigGroup import org.openrs2.cache.Js5Index import org.openrs2.db.Database import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics2D import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.sql.Connection import javax.inject.Inject import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min public class MapRenderer @Inject constructor( private val database: Database ) { private enum class MapSquareState( val outlineColor: Color ) { UNKNOWN(Color.RED), EMPTY(Color.GRAY), VALID(Color.GREEN); val fillColor = Color(,,, 128) } public suspend fun render(masterIndexId: Int): BufferedImage { return database.execute { connection -> // read config index val configIndex = readIndex(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.CONFIG) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Config index missing") // read FluType group val underlayColors = mutableMapOf() val underlayGroup = configIndex[Js5ConfigGroup.FLUTYPE] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("FluType group missing in index") val underlayFiles = readGroup(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.CONFIG, underlayGroup) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("FluType group missing") try { for ((id, file) in underlayFiles) { underlayColors[id] = } } finally { underlayFiles.values.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } // read FloType group val overlays = mutableMapOf() val overlayGroup = configIndex[Js5ConfigGroup.FLOTYPE] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("FloType group missing in index") val overlayFiles = readGroup(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.CONFIG, overlayGroup) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("FloType group missing") try { for ((id, file) in overlayFiles) { overlays[id] = } } finally { overlayFiles.values.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } // read textures val textures = mutableMapOf() val materialsIndex = readIndex(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.MATERIALS) if (materialsIndex != null) { val materialsGroup = materialsIndex[0] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Materials group missing in index") val materialsFiles = readGroup(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.MATERIALS, materialsGroup) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Materials group missing") try { val metadata = materialsFiles[0] val len = metadata.readUnsignedShort() val ids = mutableSetOf() for (id in 0 until len) { if (metadata.readBoolean()) { ids += id } } val use = mutableSetOf() for (id in ids) { if (metadata.readBoolean()) { use += id } } // the number of booleans to skip varies in different builds outer@ while (true) { val start = metadata.readerIndex() for (i in 0 until ids.size) { if (metadata.getUnsignedByte(start + i) > 1) { break@outer } } metadata.skipBytes(ids.size) } metadata.skipBytes(ids.size * 4) for (id in ids) { textures[id] = metadata.readUnsignedShort() if (id !in use) { textures.remove(id) } } } finally { materialsFiles.values.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } } else { val textureIndex = readIndex(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.TEXTURES) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Textures index missing") val textureGroup = textureIndex[0] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Textures group missing from index") val textureFiles = readGroup(connection, masterIndexId, Js5Archive.TEXTURES, textureGroup) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Textures group missing") try { for ((id, file) in textureFiles) { textures[id] = file.readUnsignedShort() } } finally { textureFiles.values.forEach(ByteBuf::release) } } // create overlay colors val overlayColors = createOverlayColors(overlays, textures) // read loc encrypted/empty loc flags and keys and determine bounds of the map var x0 = Int.MAX_VALUE var x1 = Int.MIN_VALUE var z0 = Int.MAX_VALUE var z1 = Int.MIN_VALUE val states = mutableMapOf() connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT, g.encrypted, g.empty_loc, g.key_id FROM resolved_groups g JOIN names n ON n.hash = g.name_hash WHERE g.master_index_id = ? AND g.archive_id = ${Js5Archive.MAPS} AND ~ '^[lm](?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9])_(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, masterIndexId) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> while ( { val name = rows.getString(1) val encrypted = rows.getBoolean(2) val empty = rows.getBoolean(3) var keyId: Long? = rows.getLong(4) if (rows.wasNull()) { keyId = null } val (x, z) = getMapCoordinates(name) x0 = min(x0, x) x1 = max(x1, x) z0 = min(z0, z) z1 = max(z1, z) if (name.startsWith('l')) { val mapSquare = getMapSquare(x, z) states[mapSquare] = if (!encrypted || keyId != null) { MapSquareState.VALID } else if (empty) { MapSquareState.EMPTY } else { MapSquareState.UNKNOWN } } } } } if (x0 == Int.MAX_VALUE) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Map empty") } // read and render maps val image = BufferedImage( ((x1 - x0) + 1) * MAP_SIZE, ((z1 - z0) + 1) * MAP_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ) connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT, FROM resolved_groups g JOIN names n ON n.hash = g.name_hash WHERE g.master_index_id = ? AND g.archive_id = ${Js5Archive.MAPS} AND ~ '^m(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9])_(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, masterIndexId) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> while ( { val name = rows.getString(1) val bytes = rows.getBytes(2) val (x, z) = getMapCoordinates(name) Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes).use { compressed -> Js5Compression.uncompress(compressed).use { uncompressed -> renderMap(image, x - x0, z - z0, uncompressed, underlayColors, overlayColors) } } } } } // render state overlay val graphics = image.createGraphics() for (x in x0..x1) { for (z in z0..z1) { val mapSquare = getMapSquare(x, z) val state = states[mapSquare] ?: continue val label = "${x}_$z" renderStateOverlay(image, graphics, x - x0, z - z0, state, label) } } return@execute image } } private fun readIndex(connection: Connection, masterIndexId: Int, archiveId: Int): Js5Index? { connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT data FROM resolved_indexes WHERE master_index_id = ? AND archive_id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, masterIndexId) stmt.setInt(2, archiveId) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> if (! { return null } val bytes = rows.getBytes(1) Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes).use { compressed -> Js5Compression.uncompress(compressed).use { uncompressed -> return } } } } } private fun readGroup( connection: Connection, masterIndexId: Int, archiveId: Int, group: Js5Index.Group<*> ): Int2ObjectSortedMap? { connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT data FROM resolved_groups WHERE master_index_id = ? AND archive_id = ? AND group_id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.setInt(1, masterIndexId) stmt.setInt(2, archiveId) stmt.setInt(3, stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> if (! { return null } val bytes = rows.getBytes(1) Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes).use { compressed -> Js5Compression.uncompress(compressed).use { uncompressed -> return Group.unpack(uncompressed, group) } } } } } private fun createOverlayColors(overlays: Map, textures: Map): Map { return overlays.mapValues { (_, type) -> if (type.blendColor != -1) { type.blendColor } else if (type.texture != -1 && type.texture in textures) { val averageColor = textures[type.texture]!! Colors.hslToRgb(Colors.multiplyLightness(averageColor, 96)) } else if (type.color == 0xFF00FF) { 0 } else { type.color } } } private fun renderMap( image: BufferedImage, x: Int, z: Int, buf: ByteBuf, underlayColors: Map, overlayColors: Map ) { for (plane in 0 until LEVELS) { for (dx in 0 until MAP_SIZE) { for (dz in 0 until MAP_SIZE) { var overlay = 0 var shape = 0 var underlay = 0 while (true) { val code = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() if (code == 0) { break } else if (code == 1) { buf.skipBytes(1) break } else if (code <= 49) { overlay = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() shape = (code - 2) shr 2 } else if (code <= 81) { // empty } else { underlay = code - 81 } } var color = 0 if (underlay != 0) { color = underlayColors[underlay - 1]!! } if (overlay != 0 && shape == 0) { color = overlayColors[overlay - 1]!! } if (color > 0) { image.setRGB(x * MAP_SIZE + dx, image.height - (z * MAP_SIZE + dz) - 1, color) } } } } } private fun renderStateOverlay( image: BufferedImage, graphics: Graphics2D, mapX: Int, mapZ: Int, state: MapSquareState, label: String ) { val x = mapX * MAP_SIZE val y = image.height - (mapZ + 1) * MAP_SIZE if (state != MapSquareState.VALID) { graphics.color = state.fillColor graphics.fillRect( x, y, MAP_SIZE, MAP_SIZE ) } graphics.color = state.outlineColor graphics.drawRect( x, y, MAP_SIZE - 1, MAP_SIZE - 1 ) val labelWidth = graphics.fontMetrics.stringWidth(label) val labelHeight = graphics.fontMetrics.height val labelAscent = graphics.fontMetrics.ascent val labelX = x + (MAP_SIZE - labelWidth) / 2 val labelY = y + (MAP_SIZE - labelHeight) / 2 + labelAscent graphics.color = Color.BLACK graphics.drawString(label, labelX + 1, labelY) graphics.color = Color.BLACK graphics.drawString(label, labelX, labelY + 1) graphics.color = Color.WHITE graphics.drawString(label, labelX, labelY) } private companion object { private val LOC_OR_MAP_NAME_REGEX = Regex("[lm](\\d+)_(\\d+)") private const val MAP_SIZE = 64 private const val LEVELS = 4 private fun getMapCoordinates(name: String): Pair { val match = LOC_OR_MAP_NAME_REGEX.matchEntire(name) require(match != null) val x = match.groupValues[1].toInt() val z = match.groupValues[2].toInt() return Pair(x, z) } private fun getMapSquare(x: Int, z: Int): Int { return (x shl 8) or z } } }