package dev.openrs2.archive.cache import dev.openrs2.buffer.use import dev.openrs2.cache.Store import dev.openrs2.db.Database import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor( private val database: Database, private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator ) { public suspend fun export(id: Long, store: Store) { // TODO(gpe): think about what to do if there is a collision database.execute { connection -> connection.prepareStatement( """ SELECT 255::uint1, ci.archive_id::INTEGER,, NULL FROM cache_indexes ci JOIN containers c ON = ci.container_id WHERE ci.cache_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT ci.archive_id, ig.group_id,, g.truncated_version FROM cache_indexes ci JOIN index_groups ig ON ig.container_id = ci.container_id JOIN groups g ON g.archive_id = ci.archive_id AND g.group_id = ig.group_id AND g.truncated_version = ig.version & 65535 JOIN containers c ON = g.container_id AND c.crc32 = ig.crc32 WHERE ci.cache_id = ? """.trimIndent() ).use { stmt -> stmt.fetchSize = BATCH_SIZE stmt.setLong(1, id) stmt.setLong(2, id) stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> alloc.buffer(2, 2).use { versionBuf -> while ( { val archive = rows.getInt(1) val group = rows.getInt(2) val bytes = rows.getBytes(3) val version = rows.getInt(4) val versionNull = rows.wasNull() versionBuf.clear() if (!versionNull) { versionBuf.writeShort(version) } Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes), versionBuf.retain()).use { buf -> store.write(archive, group, buf) } } } } } } } private companion object { private val BATCH_SIZE = 1024 } }