package org.openrs2.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectSortedMap import org.openrs2.buffer.use import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime import java.time.Instant import import import import kotlin.math.min /** * A specialised [Store] implementation that writes a cache in the native * `main_file_cache.dat2`/`main_file_cache.idx*` format to a [ZipOutputStream]. * * The cache is not buffered to disk, though the index entries must be buffered * in memory. The memory usage is therefore proportional to the number of * groups, but crucially, not the size of the data file. * * This implementation only supports the [create] and [write] methods. All * other methods throw [UnsupportedOperationException]. * * It is only intended for use by the cache archiving service's web interface. */ public class DiskStoreZipWriter( private val out: ZipOutputStream, private val prefix: String = "cache/", level: Int = Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, timestamp: Instant = Instant.EPOCH, private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT ) : Store { private data class IndexEntry(val len: Int, val block: Int) private val timestamp = FileTime.from(timestamp) private val indexes = arrayOfNulls>(Store.MAX_ARCHIVE + 1) private val zeroBlock = ByteArray(DiskStore.BLOCK_SIZE) private var block = 0 private var padding = 0 init { out.setLevel(level) out.putNextEntry(createZipEntry("")) out.putNextEntry(createZipEntry("main_file_cache.dat2")) out.write(zeroBlock) } private fun allocateBlock(): Int { if (++block > DiskStore.MAX_BLOCK) { throw StoreFullException() } return block } private fun createZipEntry(name: String): ZipEntry { val entry = ZipEntry(prefix + name) entry.creationTime = timestamp entry.lastAccessTime = timestamp entry.lastModifiedTime = timestamp return entry } override fun exists(archive: Int): Boolean { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun exists(archive: Int, group: Int): Boolean { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun list(): List { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun list(archive: Int): List { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun create(archive: Int) { require(archive in 0..Store.MAX_ARCHIVE) if (indexes[archive] == null) { indexes[archive] = Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap() } } override fun read(archive: Int, group: Int): ByteBuf { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun write(archive: Int, group: Int, buf: ByteBuf) { require(archive in 0..Store.MAX_ARCHIVE) require(group >= 0) require(buf.readableBytes() <= Store.MAX_GROUP_SIZE) val entry = IndexEntry(buf.readableBytes(), allocateBlock()) var index = indexes[archive] if (index == null) { index = Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap() indexes[archive] = index } index[group] = entry val extended = group >= 65536 val dataSize = if (extended) { DiskStore.EXTENDED_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE } else { DiskStore.BLOCK_DATA_SIZE } var num = 0 alloc.buffer(DiskStore.EXTENDED_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE, DiskStore.EXTENDED_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE).use { tempBuf -> do { // add padding to ensure we're at a multiple of the block size out.write(zeroBlock, 0, padding) // write header tempBuf.clear() if (extended) { tempBuf.writeInt(group) } else { tempBuf.writeShort(group) } tempBuf.writeShort(num++) if (buf.readableBytes() > dataSize) { tempBuf.writeMedium(allocateBlock()) } else { tempBuf.writeMedium(0) } tempBuf.writeByte(archive) tempBuf.readBytes(out, tempBuf.readableBytes()) // write data val len = min(buf.readableBytes(), dataSize) buf.readBytes(out, len) // remember how much padding we need to insert before the next block padding = dataSize - len } while (buf.isReadable) } } override fun remove(archive: Int) { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun remove(archive: Int, group: Int) { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } override fun flush() { out.flush() } private fun finish() { alloc.buffer(DiskStore.INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE, DiskStore.INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE).use { tempBuf -> for ((archive, index) in indexes.withIndex()) { if (index == null) { continue } out.putNextEntry(createZipEntry("main_file_cache.idx$archive")) if (index.isEmpty()) { continue } for (group in 0..index.lastIntKey()) { val entry = index[group] if (entry != null) { tempBuf.clear() tempBuf.writeMedium(entry.len) tempBuf.writeMedium(entry.block) tempBuf.readBytes(out, tempBuf.readableBytes()) } else { out.write(zeroBlock, 0, DiskStore.INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE) } } } } } public override fun close() { finish() out.close() } }