package org.openrs2.buffer import import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import io.netty.util.ByteProcessor import org.openrs2.util.charset.Cp1252Charset import java.nio.charset.Charset import private const val STRING_VERSION = 0 public fun wrappedBuffer(vararg bytes: Byte): ByteBuf { return Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes) } public fun copiedBuffer(s: String, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): ByteBuf { return Unpooled.copiedBuffer(s, charset) } public fun ByteBuf.readShortSmart(): Int { val peek = getUnsignedByte(readerIndex()).toInt() return if ((peek and 0x80) == 0) { readUnsignedByte().toInt() - 0x40 } else { (readUnsignedShort() and 0x7FFF) - 0x4000 } } public fun ByteBuf.writeShortSmart(v: Int): ByteBuf { when (v) { in -0x40..0x3F -> writeByte(v + 0x40) in -0x4000..0x3FFF -> writeShort(0x8000 or (v + 0x4000)) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } return this } public fun ByteBuf.readUnsignedShortSmart(): Int { val peek = getUnsignedByte(readerIndex()).toInt() return if ((peek and 0x80) == 0) { readUnsignedByte().toInt() } else { readUnsignedShort() and 0x7FFF } } public fun ByteBuf.writeUnsignedShortSmart(v: Int): ByteBuf { when (v) { in 0..0x7F -> writeByte(v) in 0..0x7FFF -> writeShort(0x8000 or v) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } return this } public fun ByteBuf.readIntSmart(): Int { val peek = getUnsignedByte(readerIndex()).toInt() return if ((peek and 0x80) == 0) { readUnsignedShort() - 0x4000 } else { (readInt() and 0x7FFFFFFF) - 0x40000000 } } public fun ByteBuf.writeIntSmart(v: Int): ByteBuf { when (v) { in -0x4000..0x3FFF -> writeShort(v + 0x4000) in -0x40000000..0x3FFFFFFF -> writeInt(0x80000000.toInt() or (v + 0x40000000)) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } return this } public fun ByteBuf.readUnsignedIntSmart(): Int { val peek = getUnsignedByte(readerIndex()).toInt() return if ((peek and 0x80) == 0) { readUnsignedShort() } else { readInt() and 0x7FFFFFFF } } public fun ByteBuf.writeUnsignedIntSmart(v: Int): ByteBuf { when (v) { in 0..0x7FFF -> writeShort(v) in 0..0x7FFFFFFF -> writeInt(0x80000000.toInt() or v) else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } return this } public fun ByteBuf.readString(): String { val start = readerIndex() val end = forEachByte(ByteProcessor.FIND_NUL) require(end != -1) { "Unterminated string" } val s = toString(start, end - start, Cp1252Charset) readerIndex(end + 1) return s } public fun ByteBuf.writeString(s: CharSequence): ByteBuf { writeCharSequence(s, Cp1252Charset) writeByte(0) return this } public fun ByteBuf.readVersionedString(): String { val version = readUnsignedByte().toInt() require(version == STRING_VERSION) { "Unsupported version number $version" } return readString() } public fun ByteBuf.writeVersionedString(s: CharSequence): ByteBuf { writeByte(STRING_VERSION) writeString(s) return this } public fun ByteBuf.crc32(): Int { return crc32(readerIndex(), readableBytes()) } public fun ByteBuf.crc32(index: Int, len: Int): Int { Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes(index, index + len, capacity()) val crc = CRC32() val count = nioBufferCount() when { hasArray() -> crc.update(array(), arrayOffset() + index, len) count > 1 -> nioBuffers(index, len).forEach(crc::update) count == 1 -> crc.update(nioBuffer(index, len)) else -> crc.update(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(this, index, len, false)) } return crc.value.toInt() }