Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.openrs2.deob.bytecode.analysis
import org.jgrapht.Graph
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge
import org.jgrapht.graph.EdgeReversedGraph
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode
import org.openrs2.util.collect.UniqueQueue
public abstract class DataFlowAnalyzer<T>(owner: String, private val method: MethodNode, backwards: Boolean = false) {
private val graph: Graph<Int, DefaultEdge>
private val inSets = mutableMapOf<Int, T>()
private val outSets = mutableMapOf<Int, T>()
init {
val forwardsGraph = ControlFlowAnalyzer().createGraph(owner, method)
graph = if (backwards) {
} else {
protected open fun createEntrySet(): T = createInitialSet()
protected abstract fun createInitialSet(): T
protected abstract fun join(set1: T, set2: T): T
protected abstract fun transfer(set: T, insn: AbstractInsnNode): T
public fun getInSet(insn: AbstractInsnNode): T? {
return getInSet(method.instructions.indexOf(insn))
public fun getInSet(index: Int): T? {
return inSets[index]
public fun getOutSet(insn: AbstractInsnNode): T? {
return getOutSet(method.instructions.indexOf(insn))
public fun getOutSet(index: Int): T? {
return outSets[index]
public fun analyze() {
val entrySet = createEntrySet()
val initialSet = createInitialSet()
val workList = UniqueQueue<Int>()
workList += graph.vertexSet().filter { vertex -> graph.inDegreeOf(vertex) == 0 }
while (true) {
val node = workList.removeFirstOrNull() ?: break
val predecessors = graph.incomingEdgesOf(node).map { edge ->
outSets[graph.getEdgeSource(edge)] ?: initialSet
val inSet = if (predecessors.isEmpty()) {
} else {
inSets[node] = inSet
val outSet = transfer(inSet, method.instructions[node])
if (outSets[node] != outSet) {
outSets[node] = outSet
for (edge in graph.outgoingEdgesOf(node)) {
val successor = graph.getEdgeTarget(edge)
workList += successor