Rename SceneGraphNode to ParticleNode

I think the fact that ParticleSystem inherits from SceneGraphNode in the
TFU client is probably not relevant, as its SceneGraphNode is totally
different to the Node class.

Signed-off-by: Graham <>
Graham 5 years ago
parent 8c32ae1769
commit 40b7a6f17b
  1. 168

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ classes:
client!bf: "Class18"
client!bg: "LongNode"
client!bh: "MouseWheel"
client!bi: "ParticleEmitterNode"
client!bi: "ParticleEmitter"
client!bj: "Class21"
client!bk: "TracingException"
client!bl: "TextureOp25"
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ classes:
client!km: "TextureOp29"
client!l: "Class4_Sub15"
client!la: "TextureOp20"
client!lb: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
client!lb: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
client!lc: "Class11"
client!ld: "Class4_Sub6_Sub2"
client!lf: "TextureOp14"
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ classes:
client!lo: "Class4_Sub6_Sub3"
client!m: "IsaacRandom"
client!ma: "IndexedSprite"
client!mb: "SceneGraphNode"
client!mb: "ParticleNode"
client!mc: "Class4_Sub16"
client!md: "Class114"
client!mg: "Js5MasterIndex"
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ classes:
client!qm: "SkyBoxType"
client!qn: "Class4_Sub24"
client!qo: "Class146"
client!r: "SecondarySceneGraphNode"
client!r: "SecondaryParticleNode"
client!ra: "Loc"
client!rd: "Class149"
client!re: "Class150"
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ classes:
client!sh: "TextureOp35"
client!si: "Class157"
client!sj: "ReflectionCheck"
client!sk: "ParticleEmitter"
client!sk: "ModelParticleEmitter"
client!sl: "TextureOp7"
client!sn: "TextureOp4"
client!so: "GlTexture"
@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ classes:
client!tm: "ImageProducerFrameBuffer"
client!tn: "AbstractWorld"
client!to: "Class166"
client!u: "ParticleEffector"
client!u: "ModelParticleEffector"
client!ua: "NpcType"
client!ub: "Class169"
client!uc: "TextureOp23"
client!ud: "Class170"
client!ue: "GameShell"
client!ug: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
client!ug: "ParticleLinkedList"
client!uh: "Class173"
client!ui: "GoSubFrame"
client!uj: "Sprite"
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ classes:
client!wj: "Class187"
client!wl: "BufferedFile"
client!wm: "Class4_Sub33"
client!wn: "ParticleEffectorNode"
client!wn: "ParticleEffector"
client!a.a [S:
owner: "AnimFrame"
@ -786,70 +786,70 @@ fields:
owner: "Static1"
name: "anInt322"
client!bi.C Z:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "aBoolean19"
client!bi.D J:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "aLong18"
client!bi.E I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt323"
client!bi.F I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt324"
client!bi.G I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "particlesSize"
client!bi.H I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt326"
client!bi.L I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt330"
client!bi.M I:
owner: "Static1"
name: "anInt331"
client!bi.N Lclient!ug;:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "particles"
client!bi.O I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt332"
client!bi.P Z:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "aBoolean20"
client!bi.R Lclient!ne;:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "system"
client!bi.S I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt334"
client!bi.U I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt336"
client!bi.W I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt338"
client!bi.X I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt339"
client!bi.Y I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt340"
client!bi.k I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt307"
client!bi.m I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt309"
client!bi.n I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt310"
client!bi.o I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt311"
client!bi.p I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt312"
client!bi.r I:
owner: "Static1"
@ -858,25 +858,25 @@ fields:
owner: "Static1"
name: "anInt315"
client!bi.t I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt316"
client!bi.u Lclient!sk;:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "emitter"
client!bi.v Lclient!ik;:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "type"
client!bi.w I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt317"
client!bi.x I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt318"
client!bi.y I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt319"
client!bi.z I:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt320"
client!bj.a I:
owner: "Class21"
@ -5055,7 +5055,7 @@ fields:
owner: "TextureOp20"
name: "anInt3026"
client!lb.e Lclient!r;:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "sentinel"
client!lb.j [I:
owner: "ScriptRunner"
@ -5064,7 +5064,7 @@ fields:
owner: "PlayerList"
name: "self"
client!lb.l Lclient!r;:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "cursor"
client!lc.a I:
owner: "Class11"
@ -5565,10 +5565,10 @@ fields:
owner: "Static4"
name: "anInt3493"
client!mb.d Lclient!mb;:
owner: "SceneGraphNode"
owner: "ParticleNode"
name: "next"
client!mb.e Lclient!mb;:
owner: "SceneGraphNode"
owner: "ParticleNode"
name: "prev"
client!mb.f F:
owner: "Static4"
@ -6151,7 +6151,7 @@ fields:
name: "anIntArray370"
client!na.I [Lclient!u;:
owner: "SoftwareModel"
name: "aClass167Array2"
name: "particleEffectors"
client!na.Ib [I:
owner: "Static4"
name: "anIntArray371"
@ -6223,7 +6223,7 @@ fields:
name: "anIntArray378"
client!na.U [Lclient!sk;:
owner: "SoftwareModel"
name: "aClass158Array2"
name: "particleEmitters"
client!na.Ub [I:
owner: "Static4"
name: "anIntArray379"
@ -8394,10 +8394,10 @@ fields:
owner: "Preferences"
name: "highDetailTextures"
client!r.o Lclient!r;:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphNode"
owner: "SecondaryParticleNode"
name: "secondaryNext"
client!r.q Lclient!r;:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphNode"
owner: "SecondaryParticleNode"
name: "secondaryPrev"
client!r.r Lclient!fh;:
owner: "client"
@ -8842,7 +8842,7 @@ fields:
name: "aFloat120"
client!s.B [Lclient!u;:
owner: "GlModel"
name: "aClass167Array3"
name: "particleEffectors"
client!s.C Lclient!rj;:
owner: "GlModel"
name: "aClass152_1"
@ -8944,7 +8944,7 @@ fields:
name: "aClass53_Sub4_Sub2_3"
client! [Lclient!sk;:
owner: "GlModel"
name: "aClass158Array3"
name: "particleEmitters"
client!s.mb Lclient!s;:
owner: "Static6"
name: "aClass53_Sub4_Sub2_4"
@ -9285,7 +9285,7 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4863"
client!sk.c I:
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
owner: "ModelParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt4864"
client!sk.e Z:
owner: "Static6"
@ -9294,7 +9294,7 @@ fields:
owner: "client"
name: "port"
client!sk.g Lclient!ik;:
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
owner: "ModelParticleEmitter"
name: "type"
client!sk.h I:
owner: "MsiTypeList"
@ -9306,10 +9306,10 @@ fields:
owner: "LocalisedText"
name: "CHATCOL3"
client!sk.k I:
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
owner: "ModelParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt4868"
client!sk.l I:
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
owner: "ModelParticleEmitter"
name: "anInt4869"
client!sl.V [C:
owner: "Cp1252Charset"
@ -10038,7 +10038,7 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5231"
client!u.f I:
owner: "ParticleEffector"
owner: "ModelParticleEffector"
name: "anInt5232"
client!u.g [I:
owner: "Protocol"
@ -10047,7 +10047,7 @@ fields:
owner: "client"
name: "js5Archive17"
client!u.i Lclient!dc;:
owner: "ParticleEffector"
owner: "ModelParticleEffector"
name: "type"
client!u.j S:
owner: "Static7"
@ -10347,13 +10347,13 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anIntArray601"
client!ug.f Lclient!mb;:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "sentinel"
client!ug.h Ljava/lang/String;:
owner: "LocalisedText"
name: "SKILL"
client!ug.l Lclient!mb;:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "cursor"
client!ug.m I:
owner: "Static7"
@ -11904,28 +11904,28 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub33"
name: "anInt6071"
client!wn.A I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6085"
client!wn.B Ljava/util/zip/CRC32;:
owner: "Js5CachedResourceProvider"
name: "crc32"
client!wn.D Lclient!u;:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "effector"
client!wn.F I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6087"
client!wn.G I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6088"
client!wn.H I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6089"
client!wn.I I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6090"
client!wn.J I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6091"
client!wn.L Ljava/lang/String;:
owner: "LocalisedText"
@ -11934,10 +11934,10 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt6094"
client!wn.O I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6095"
client!wn.z I:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "anInt6084"
client!a.<init> ([BLclient!af;)V:
@ -13448,7 +13448,7 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!bi.<init> (Lclient!sk;Lclient!ne;J)V:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "<init>"
0: "emitter"
@ -13489,7 +13489,7 @@ methods:
10: "local10"
30: "local30"
client!bi.a (IIIIIIIIII)V:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "method309"
0: "arg0"
@ -13506,7 +13506,7 @@ methods:
70: "local70"
86: "local86"
client!bi.a (IIZIJI)V:
owner: "ParticleEmitterNode"
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
name: "method307"
0: "arg0"
@ -26985,7 +26985,7 @@ methods:
101: "local101"
107: "local107"
client!lb.<init> ()V:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "<init>"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
@ -26997,7 +26997,7 @@ methods:
8: "local8"
10: "local10"
client!lb.a (ILclient!r;)V:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "addTail"
1: "node"
@ -27024,19 +27024,19 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!lb.b (I)V:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "clear"
arguments: {}
5: "node"
client!lb.c (B)Lclient!r;:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "head"
arguments: {}
18: "node"
client!lb.d (B)Lclient!r;:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "SecondaryParticleLinkedList"
name: "next"
arguments: {}
@ -29173,7 +29173,7 @@ methods:
32: "local32"
client!mb.a (I)V:
owner: "SceneGraphNode"
owner: "ParticleNode"
name: "unlink"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
@ -37311,7 +37311,7 @@ methods:
30: "local30"
client!r.c (I)V:
owner: "SecondarySceneGraphNode"
owner: "SecondaryParticleNode"
name: "unlinkSecondary"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
@ -39938,7 +39938,7 @@ methods:
6: "local6"
36: "local36"
client!sk.<init> (IIII)V:
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
owner: "ModelParticleEmitter"
name: "<init>"
0: "id"
@ -39948,7 +39948,7 @@ methods:
5: "type"
client!sk.<init> (Lclient!ik;III)V:
owner: "ParticleEmitter"
owner: "ModelParticleEmitter"
name: "<init>"
0: "type"
@ -42228,14 +42228,14 @@ methods:
707: "local707"
709: "local709"
client!u.<init> (II)V:
owner: "ParticleEffector"
owner: "ModelParticleEffector"
name: "<init>"
0: "id"
1: "arg1"
locals: {}
client!u.<init> (Lclient!dc;I)V:
owner: "ParticleEffector"
owner: "ModelParticleEffector"
name: "<init>"
0: "type"
@ -42960,7 +42960,7 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!ug.<init> ()V:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "<init>"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
@ -42978,13 +42978,13 @@ methods:
102: "extended"
119: "local119"
client!ug.a (BLclient!mb;)V:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "addTail"
1: "node"
locals: {}
client!ug.a (I)Lclient!mb;:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "next"
arguments: {}
@ -43000,13 +43000,13 @@ methods:
49: "out"
57: "prev"
client!ug.b (B)Lclient!mb;:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "head"
arguments: {}
9: "node"
client!ug.b (I)I:
owner: "SceneGraphLinkedList"
owner: "ParticleLinkedList"
name: "size"
arguments: {}
@ -46302,7 +46302,7 @@ methods:
0: "arg0"
locals: {}
client!wn.<init> (Lclient!u;Lclient!ne;)V:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "<init>"
0: "effector"
@ -46317,7 +46317,7 @@ methods:
4: "change"
client!wn.a (IIII)V:
owner: "ParticleEffectorNode"
owner: "ParticleEffector"
name: "method4827"
1: "arg0"
