Improve AddSubTransformer

This commit improves support for simplifying a series of multiple
additions/subtractions and doing so in a single pass.

Signed-off-by: Graham <>
Graham 5 years ago
parent d33c03c708
commit 504e832872
  1. 77

@ -19,32 +19,71 @@ class AddSubTransformer : Transformer() {
override fun transformUnit(group: LibraryGroup, library: Library, unit: CompilationUnit) {
unit.walk { expr: BinaryExpr ->
val op = expr.operator
val left = expr.left
val right = expr.right
val type = expr.calculateResolvedType()
if (op != BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS && op != BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS) {
if (op == BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS && type.isString()) {
val type = expr.calculateResolvedType()
if (type.isString()) {
if (op == BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS && right.isNegative()) {
// x + -y => x - y
expr.operator = BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS
expr.right = right.negate()
} else if (op == BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS && left.isNegative()) {
if (expr.hasSideEffects()) {
val terms = mutableListOf<Expression>()
addTerms(terms, expr, negate = false)
terms.sortWith(Comparator { a, b ->
// preserve the order of adjacent expressions with side effects
val aHasSideEffects = a.hasSideEffects()
val bHasSideEffects = b.hasSideEffects()
if (aHasSideEffects && bHasSideEffects) {
return@Comparator 0
// -x + y => y - x
expr.operator = BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS
expr.left = right.clone()
expr.right = left.negate()
} else if (op == BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS && right.isNegative()) {
// x - -y => x + y
expr.operator = BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS
expr.right = right.negate()
// push negative expressions to the right so we can replace unary minus with binary minus
val aNegative = a.isNegative()
val bNegative = b.isNegative()
if (aNegative && !bNegative) {
return@Comparator 1
} else if (!aNegative && bNegative) {
return@Comparator -1
return@Comparator 0
val newExpr = terms.reduce { left, right ->
if (right.isNegative()) {
BinaryExpr(left.clone(), right.negate(), BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS)
} else {
BinaryExpr(left.clone(), right.clone(), BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS)
private fun addTerms(terms: MutableList<Expression>, expr: Expression, negate: Boolean) {
when {
expr is UnaryExpr -> when {
expr.operator == UnaryExpr.Operator.MINUS -> addTerms(terms, expr.expression, !negate)
negate -> terms += expr.negate()
else -> terms += expr
expr is BinaryExpr -> when {
expr.operator == BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS -> {
addTerms(terms, expr.left, negate)
addTerms(terms, expr.right, negate)
expr.operator == BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS -> {
addTerms(terms, expr.left, negate)
addTerms(terms, expr.right, !negate)
negate -> terms += expr.negate()
else -> terms += expr
negate -> terms += expr.negate()
else -> terms += expr
