Refactor the Keyboard and Mouse classes

Signed-off-by: Graham <>
Graham 5 years ago
parent f088664ac9
commit 531965b504
  1. 270

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ classes:
client!nb: "Class4_Sub17"
client!nd: "Class4_Sub18"
client!ne: "Class20_Sub3"
client!nf: "Class124"
client!nf: "Mouse"
client!ng: "Js5Request"
client!nh: "Class4_Sub19"
client!ni: "Node"
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ classes:
client!so: "Class4_Sub3_Sub18"
client!t: "Class160"
client!ta: "Class4_Sub30"
client!tb: "Class161"
client!tb: "Keyboard"
client!tc: "Class4_Sub1_Sub34"
client!td: "ObjType"
client!te: "Class4_Sub3_Sub19"
@ -936,8 +936,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static1"
name: "anInt379"
client!bl.fb J:
owner: "Static1"
name: "aLong20"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "clickTime"
client!bm.a Lclient!kf;:
owner: "Bzip2Decompressor"
name: "state"
@ -1770,14 +1770,14 @@ fields:
owner: "LruHashTable"
name: "aClass4_Sub3_18"
client!dj.i [Z:
owner: "Static2"
name: "aBooleanArray4"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "pressedKeys"
client!dj.j [[I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anIntArrayArray10"
client!dj.m I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anInt1042"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "keyCode"
client!dj.o Lclient!uk;:
owner: "LruHashTable"
name: "queue"
@ -1971,8 +1971,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static2"
name: "aBoolean67"
client!ed.z Lclient!nf;:
owner: "Static2"
name: "aClass124_1"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "instance"
client!ee.a Lclient!ja;:
owner: "client"
name: "js5CacheQueue"
@ -2193,8 +2193,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub9"
name: "anInt1285"
client!ek.b I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anInt1306"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtPressedButton"
client!ek.c Z:
owner: "Static2"
name: "aBoolean76"
@ -2595,8 +2595,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Preferences"
name: "sentToServer"
client!fh.E I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anInt1797"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "clickX"
client!fh.G Lclient!ga;:
owner: "Js5"
name: "provider"
@ -2619,8 +2619,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub8"
name: "anInt1831"
client!fi.V [I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anIntArray125"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "typedCodeQueue"
client!fi.cb I:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub8"
name: "anInt1838"
@ -2805,8 +2805,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub9"
name: "aString109"
client!g.y I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anInt1991"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "pressedButton"
client!ga.a [I:
owner: "Static2"
name: "anIntArray651"
@ -3996,8 +3996,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class89"
name: "aBoolean167"
client!ik.M I:
owner: "Static3"
name: "anInt2426"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtClickY"
client!ik.N I:
owner: "Class89"
name: "anInt2427"
@ -5679,8 +5679,8 @@ fields:
owner: "ParamTypeList"
name: "archive"
client!mf.f I:
owner: "Static4"
name: "anInt3314"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "eventQueueReaderIndex"
client!mf.g I:
owner: "Preferences"
name: "soundEffectsVolume"
@ -7599,14 +7599,14 @@ fields:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anIntArray441"
client!pj.l [C:
owner: "Static5"
name: "aCharArray2"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "typedCharQueue"
client!pj.m [[B:
owner: "Static5"
name: "aByteArrayArray31"
client!pk.S [I:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anIntArray445"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "CODE_MAP"
client!pk.U Lclient!fh;:
owner: "ObjTypeList"
name: "objArchive"
@ -7656,8 +7656,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static5"
name: "aRandom1"
client!pn.g I:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anInt4214"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "idleLoops"
client!pn.h I:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anInt4215"
@ -8001,8 +8001,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub16"
name: "anInt4278"
client!qd.G I:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anInt4279"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "idleLoops"
client!qd.I I:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anInt4281"
@ -8073,8 +8073,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anInt4303"
client!qf.n I:
owner: "Static5"
name: "anInt4304"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "typedQueueReaderIndex"
client!qg.a Ljava/lang/String;:
owner: "LocalisedText"
name: "MAINLOAD90B"
@ -8628,8 +8628,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4555"
client! I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4556"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtY"
client!rh.mb I:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub27"
name: "anInt4557"
@ -8694,8 +8694,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6"
name: "aClass4_Sub3_Sub14Array11"
client!ri.Y I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4595"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "eventQueueWriterIndex"
client!ri.Z [I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anIntArray489"
@ -9159,8 +9159,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6"
name: "aClass185_14"
client!sg.c I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4802"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "clickButton"
client!sg.d Lclient!fh;:
owner: "Static6"
name: "aClass58_91"
@ -9243,8 +9243,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anIntArray528"
client!sj.C I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4861"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "typedQueueWriterIndex"
client!sj.D [I:
owner: "Class4_Sub29"
name: "anIntArray529"
@ -9456,8 +9456,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class160"
name: "anInt4976"
client!t.d I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4977"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtX"
client!t.e I:
owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4978"
@ -9579,8 +9579,8 @@ fields:
owner: "ObjType"
name: "anInt5071"
client!td.I C:
owner: "Static6"
name: "aChar4"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "keyChar"
client!td.J I:
owner: "ObjType"
name: "cursor1"
@ -10032,8 +10032,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5230"
client!u.d Lclient!tb;:
owner: "Static7"
name: "aClass161_1"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "instance"
client!u.e I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5231"
@ -10248,8 +10248,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anIntArray595"
client!uc.U [I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anIntArray596"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "eventQueue"
client!uc.V [I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anIntArray597"
@ -10269,11 +10269,11 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anIntArray598"
client!uc.cb I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5311"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "prevTypedQueueWriterIndex"
client!uc.db I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5312"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "clickY"
client!ud.a I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5319"
@ -10482,8 +10482,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub14"
name: "anInt5602"
client!uk.b I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5357"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "x"
client!uk.h I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5363"
@ -10974,8 +10974,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class182"
name: "anInt5631"
client!vl.l J:
owner: "Static7"
name: "aLong193"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtClickTime"
client!vl.m Lclient!vc;:
owner: "Class182"
name: "aClass53_9"
@ -11034,8 +11034,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5678"
client!w.z I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5679"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtClickButton"
client!wa.Ob Lclient!m;:
owner: "Packet"
name: "cipher"
@ -11823,8 +11823,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class187"
name: "anInt6037"
client!wj.m I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt6038"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "y"
client!wj.o F:
owner: "Class187"
name: "aFloat152"
@ -11850,8 +11850,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7"
name: "aCalendar2"
client!wk.e I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt6049"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "awtClickX"
client!wk.f I:
owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt6050"
@ -14991,14 +14991,14 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!ci.a (BLjava/awt/Component;)V:
owner: "Static11"
name: "method588"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "stop"
1: "arg0"
1: "component"
locals: {}
client!ci.a (I)V:
owner: "Static11"
name: "method587"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "loop"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!ci.a (IIIILclient!vc;IJIIII)Z:
@ -15025,8 +15025,8 @@ methods:
2: "arg1"
locals: {}
client!ci.a (Z)V:
owner: "Static11"
name: "method589"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "quit"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!cj.a (II)I:
@ -16187,10 +16187,10 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!dj.a (BLjava/awt/Component;)V:
owner: "Static13"
name: "method883"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "start"
1: "arg0"
1: "component"
locals: {}
client!dj.a (I)V:
owner: "NpcTypeList"
@ -16228,10 +16228,10 @@ methods:
15: "first"
31: "second"
client!dj.a (Ljava/awt/Component;I)V:
owner: "Static13"
name: "method891"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "stop"
0: "arg0"
0: "component"
locals: {}
client!dj.c (I)Lclient!ni;:
owner: "LruHashTable"
@ -19230,8 +19230,8 @@ methods:
23: "local23"
34: "local34"
client!fi.h (I)V:
owner: "Static15"
name: "method1402"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "init"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!fj.<init> ()V:
@ -22565,8 +22565,8 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!hm.e (I)I:
owner: "Static19"
name: "method1794"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "getIdleLoops"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!hn.a (IIIIII)V:
@ -23630,13 +23630,13 @@ methods:
3: "arg3"
locals: {}
client!im.a (ILjava/awt/Component;)V:
owner: "Static20"
name: "method1926"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "start"
1: "arg0"
1: "component"
1: "local1"
20: "local20"
1: "setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled"
20: "ex"
client!im.b (I)V:
owner: "Static20"
name: "method1932"
@ -26635,8 +26635,8 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!kl.f (B)Z:
owner: "Static22"
name: "method2361"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "nextKey"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!kl.f (I)V:
@ -31902,61 +31902,61 @@ methods:
20: "local20"
24: "local24"
client!nf.focusGained (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "focusGained"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.focusLost (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "focusLost"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.mouseClicked (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mouseClicked"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.mouseDragged (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mouseDragged"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.mouseEntered (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mouseEntered"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.mouseExited (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mouseExited"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.mouseMoved (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mouseMoved"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!nf.mousePressed (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mousePressed"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
32: "local32"
32: "modifiers"
client!nf.mouseReleased (Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;)V:
owner: "Class124"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "mouseReleased"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
9: "local9"
9: "modifiers"
client!ng.a (IIIIIII)I:
owner: "Static26"
name: "method4356"
@ -36138,12 +36138,12 @@ methods:
6: "arg6"
locals: {}
client!qf.a (I)V:
owner: "Static30"
name: "method3547"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "loop"
arguments: {}
25: "local25"
49: "local49"
25: "event"
49: "i"
client!qf.a (Lclient!fd;I)Lclient!jo;:
owner: "Static30"
name: "method3549"
@ -40556,43 +40556,43 @@ methods:
14: "local14"
client!tb.focusGained (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V:
owner: "Class161"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "focusGained"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!tb.focusLost (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V:
owner: "Class161"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "focusLost"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
locals: {}
client!tb.keyPressed (Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)V:
owner: "Class161"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "keyPressed"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
7: "local7"
19: "local19"
71: "local71"
87: "local87"
7: "code"
19: "code2"
71: "index"
87: "modifiers"
client!tb.keyReleased (Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)V:
owner: "Class161"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "keyReleased"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
10: "local10"
25: "local25"
10: "code"
25: "code2"
client!tb.keyTyped (Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)V:
owner: "Class161"
owner: "Keyboard"
name: "keyTyped"
0: "arg0"
0: "event"
9: "local9"
27: "local27"
9: "c"
27: "index"
client!tc.<init> ()V:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub34"
name: "<init>"
@ -43663,8 +43663,8 @@ methods:
32: "local32"
39: "local39"
client!ve.a (I)I:
owner: "Static36"
name: "method4441"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "getIdleLoops"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!ve.a (IIIIIIIII)Z:
@ -44501,10 +44501,10 @@ methods:
49: "local49"
69: "local69"
client!vm.c (II)V:
owner: "Static36"
name: "method4553"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "setIdleLoops"
1: "arg0"
1: "idleLoops"
locals: {}
client!vm.e (B)V:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub39"
@ -46224,8 +46224,8 @@ methods:
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!wl.a (I)V:
owner: "Static38"
name: "method4794"
owner: "Mouse"
name: "quit"
arguments: {}
locals: {}
client!wl.a (I[B)V:
