Add archive API documentation

Graham 2 years ago
parent 617263f064
commit 9c9a1ecf39
  1. 1
  2. 285
  3. 3

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ public class WebServer @Inject constructor(
routing {
get("/") { call.respond(ThymeleafContent("index.html", emptyMap())) }
get("/api") { call.respond(ThymeleafContent("api/index.html", mapOf("active" to "api"))) }
get("/caches") { cachesController.index(call) }
get("/caches.json") { cachesController.indexJson(call) }
get("/caches/{scope}/{id}") { }

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>API - OpenRS2 Archive</title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/openrs2.css" />
<script src="/webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js" defer></script>
<script src="/webjars/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" defer></script>
<nav th:replace="layout.html :: nav"></nav>
<main class="container">
<p>All endpoints accept requests from any origin. Range requests are not supported by any endpoint.</p>
<h2><code>GET /caches.json</code></h2>
Returns a list of all caches, including all data available on the main <a href="/caches">caches</a>
page, in JSON format:
// The cache's internal ID.
"id": 1,
// A scope is a group of related games. Missing groups are only located
// from caches for games in the same scope.
// Currently the "runescape" scope is used for the "runescape" and
// "oldschool" games. Each FunOrb game has its own scope.
// Your code must be prepared for new scopes to be added in the future.
"scope": "runescape",
// The game's name. Your code must be prepared for new games to be
// added in the future.
"game": "runescape",
// Currently either "live" or "beta", but your code must be prepared
// for new environments to be added in the future.
"environment": "live",
// The language's ISO-639-1 code. Currently either "en", "de", "fr" or
// "pt", but your code must be prepared for new languages to be added
// in the future.
"language": "en",
// A list of build numbers the cache is associated with, which may be
// empty if the build number(s) are not known.
"builds": [
// The major number is always set.
"major": 549,
// The minor number may be null.
"minor": null
"major": 550,
"minor": null
// The earliest timestamp the cache was available to users, in ISO 8601
// format. May be null if not known.
"timestamp": "2009-06-12T14:55:58Z",
// A list of users who provided a copy of this cache.
// May be empty if the users wished to remain anonymous.
// The value "Jagex" indicates the cache was directly downloaded from
// Jagex's servers by the OpenRS2 project, so we are completely certain
// it is genuine. This value will never be used for a cache obtained
// from a third party.
"sources": [
// In old engine caches, the number of valid .jag archives that are not
// missing.
// In new engine caches, the number of valid JS5 indexes that are not
// missing.
// May be null if the cache is still being processed.
"valid_indexes": 29,
// In old engine caches, the total number of .jag archives that should
// exist, based on the cache's CRC table.
// In new engine caches, the total number of JS5 indexes that should
// exist, based on the JS5 master index.
// May be null if the cache is still being processed.
"indexes": 29,
// The number of valid files (old engine) or valid groups (new engine)
// that are not missing. May be null if the cache is still being processed.
"valid_groups": 71002,
// In old engine caches, the total number of files that should exist,
// based on the cache's versionlist.jag archive.
// In new engine caches, the total number of groups that should exist,
// based on the JS5 indexes that are available.
// May be null if the cache is still being processed.
"groups": 71146,
// The number of encrypted groups for which a valid key is available.
// May be null if the cache is still being processed.
"valid_keys": 1203,
// The total number of encrypted groups in the cache. May be null if
// the cache is still being processed.
"keys": 1240,
// The total size of all groups in the cache in bytes. May be null if
// the cache is still being processed.
"size": 74970573,
// The number of 520-byte blocks required to store the cache's data in
// a .dat2 file. May be null if the cache is still being processed.
"blocks": 185273,
// A boolean flag indicating if the cache is small enough to be
// downloaded in .dat2/.idx format. May be null if the cache is still
// being processed.
"disk_store_valid": true
<h2><code>GET /caches/&lt;scope&gt;/&lt;id&gt;/</code></h2>
Returns a cache as a ZIP archive of <code>.dat/.idx</code>
(old engine) or <code>.dat2/.idx</code> (new engine) files. All
files are stored underneath a <code>cache</code> subdirectory
in the zip archive.
<h2><code>GET /caches/&lt;scope&gt;/&lt;id&gt;/flat-file.tar.gz</code></h2>
Returns a cache as a gzipped tarball of files, where each
file in the tarball holds a single file from the cache (old
engine) or single group (new engine).
The paths within the archive all have a format of
<code>cache/&lt;index&gt;/&lt;file&gt;.dat</code> (old engine)
or <code>cache/&lt;archive&gt;/&lt;group&gt;.dat</code> (new
<p>The two byte version trailers are included.</p>
<h2><code>GET /caches/&lt;scope&gt;/&lt;id&gt;/keys.json</code></h2>
<p>Returns a list of valid XTEA keys for the cache in JSON format:</p>
// The ID of the archive containing the group the key is used for.
// Typically this is 5 (maps), but do note that RuneScape 3 does
// support encrypting interfaces, though the functionality has not yet
// been used, and some FunOrb games also have encrypted groups.
"archive": 5,
// The ID of the group the key is used for.
"group": 1,
// The group's name hash, or null if the group has no name.
"name_hash": -1153472937,
// The name of the group, if available, or null if the group has no
// name or if the name is not known.
"name": "l40_55",
// The ID of the map square, if the group is an encrypted loc group
// (has a name of lX_Z). The map square ID is ((X &lt;&lt; 8) | Z).
// null if the group is not an encrypted loc group.
"mapsquare": 10295,
// The XTEA key, represented as four 32-bit integers.
"key": [
<h2><code>GET /caches/&lt;scope&gt;/&lt;id&gt;/</code></h2>
Returns a zip archive file of valid XTEA keys for loc groups.
Each key is stored in a text file containing four lines, with
each line containing a 32-bit component of the key as a decimal
string. The paths within the archive all have a format of
<h2><code>GET /caches/&lt;scope&gt;/&lt;id&gt;/map.png</code></h2>
Renders the map squares in the cache, with a coloured outline
representing whether we have a valid key for each map square or
<li><strong>Valid key:</strong> green outline.</li>
<li><strong>Loc group is not encrypted:</strong> green outline.</li>
<li><strong>Empty loc group:</strong> grey outline.</li>
<li><strong>Key unknown:</strong> red outline.</li>
Empty loc groups may be replaced with an unencrypted equivalent
with a cache editor.
<h2><code>GET /caches/&lt;scope&gt;/&lt;id&gt;/archives/&lt;archive&gt;/groups/&lt;group&gt;.dat</code></h2>
Returns a single file (old engine) or group (new engine) in
binary format. The response contains a <code>.jag</code>
archive (index 0 of an old engine cache), a GZIP-compressed
file (the remaining indexes of an old engine cache) or
JS5-compressed data (new engine cache, also known as a
container). The two byte version trailer is not included.
<h2><code>GET /keys/all.json</code></h2>
Returns a list of all XTEA keys in the database, including
candidate keys that have not been validated against any cache.
// The XTEA key, represented as four 32-bit integers.
<h2><code>GET /keys/valid.json</code></h2>
Returns a list of XTEA keys in the database, only including
keys validated against at least one cache.
// The XTEA key, represented as four 32-bit integers.

@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" th:classappend="${active == 'keys'}? 'active'" href="/keys">Keys</a>
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<a class="nav-link" th:classappend="${active == 'api'}? 'active'" href="/api">API</a>
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