Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
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package org.openrs2.compress.bzip2
import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader
import jnr.ffi.LibraryOption
import jnr.ffi.Runtime
import jnr.ffi.Struct
import jnr.ffi.annotations.Direct
public interface LibBzip2 {
public class BzStream(runtime: Runtime) : Struct(runtime) {
public val nextIn: Pointer = Pointer()
public val availIn: Unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
public val totalInLo32: Unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
public val totalInHi32: Unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
public val nextOut: Pointer = Pointer()
public val availOut: Unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
public val totalOutLo32: Unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
public val totalOutHi32: Unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
public val state: Pointer = Pointer()
public val alloc: Pointer = Pointer()
public val free: Pointer = Pointer()
public val opaque: Pointer = Pointer()
public fun BZ2_bzCompressInit(@Direct stream: BzStream, blockSize100k: Int, verbosity: Int, workFactor: Int): Int
public fun BZ2_bzCompress(stream: BzStream, action: Int): Int
public fun BZ2_bzCompressEnd(stream: BzStream): Int
public fun BZ2_bzDecompressInit(@Direct stream: BzStream, blockSize100k: Int, verbosity: Int, small: Int): Int
public fun BZ2_bzDecompress(stream: BzStream): Int
public fun BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(stream: BzStream): Int
public companion object {
public const val BZ_RUN: Int = 0
public const val BZ_FLUSH: Int = 1
public const val BZ_FINISH: Int = 2
public const val BZ_OK: Int = 0
public const val BZ_RUN_OK: Int = 1
public const val BZ_FLUSH_OK: Int = 2
public const val BZ_FINISH_OK: Int = 3
public const val BZ_STREAM_END: Int = 4
public const val BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR: Int = -1
public const val BZ_PARAM_ERROR: Int = -2
public const val BZ_MEM_ERROR: Int = -3
public const val BZ_DATA_ERROR: Int = -4
public const val BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC: Int = -5
public const val BZ_IO_ERROR: Int = -6
public const val BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF: Int = -7
public const val BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL: Int = -8
public const val BZ_CONFIG_ERROR: Int = -9
public fun load(): LibBzip2 {
return LibraryLoader.loadLibrary(, mapOf(
LibraryOption.LoadNow to true
), "bz2"