Check if method is declared by interface in VisibilityTransformer

Signed-off-by: Desetude <>
Desetude 4 years ago committed by Graham
parent 04a919fffa
commit 5c8b031719
  1. 10

@ -57,11 +57,6 @@ class VisibilityTransformer @Inject constructor(private val profile: Profile) :
classAccess: Int,
access: Int
): Int {
if (classAccess and Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE != 0) {
// interface members are always public
return Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC
val method = Type.getType(member.desc).sort == Type.METHOD
if (method) {
if ( == "<clinit>") {
@ -81,6 +76,11 @@ class VisibilityTransformer @Inject constructor(private val profile: Profile) :
val partitionReferences = references[partition]
val partitionOwners = partition.mapTo(mutableSetOf(), MemberRef::owner)
val declaredByInterface = partitionOwners.any { classPath[it]!!.`interface` }
if (declaredByInterface) {
return Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC
// pick the weakest access level based on references in our own code
val visibility = when {
partitionReferences.all { it == member.owner } && !hasOverride && !abstract -> Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE
