@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The rest of options can be left as they are: they are aimed at professional reve |
- fdi (1): de-inline finally structures |
- mpm (0): maximum allowed processing time per decompiled method, in seconds. 0 means no upper limit |
- ren (0): rename ambiguous (resp. obfuscated) classes and class elements |
- urc: full name of user-supplied class implementing IIdentifierRenamer. It is used to determine which class identifiers |
- urc (-): full name of a user-supplied class implementing IIdentifierRenamer interface. It is used to determine which class identifiers |
should be renamed and provides new identifier names (see "Renaming identifiers") |
- inn (1): check for IntelliJ IDEA-specific @NotNull annotation and remove inserted code if found |
- lac (0): decompile lambda expressions to anonymous classes |