Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
848 B

object Versions {
const val asm = "8.0.1"
const val bouncyCastle = "1.65"
const val clikt = "2.6.0"
const val commonsCompress = "1.20"
const val dependencyLicenseReport = "1.13"
const val dokka = "0.10.1"
const val fastutil = "8.3.1"
const val fernflower = "1.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
const val guava = "29.0-jre"
const val guice = "4.2.3"
const val inlineLogger = "1.0.2"
const val jackson = "2.10.3"
const val javaParser = "3.15.18"
const val jdom = "2.0.6"
const val jgrapht = "1.4.0"
const val jimfs = "1.1"
const val junit = "5.6.2"
const val kotlin = "1.3.72"
const val kotlinter = "2.3.2"
const val logback = "1.2.3"
const val netty = "4.1.48.Final"
const val openrs2Natives = "2.0.1"
const val shadowPlugin = "5.2.0"
const val versionsPlugin = "0.28.0"