Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
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package dev.openrs2.asm;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IntInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode;
public final class InsnNodeUtils {
public static AbstractInsnNode nextReal(AbstractInsnNode insn) {
5 years ago
while ((insn = insn.getNext()) != null && insn.getOpcode() == -1) {
/* empty */
return insn;
public static AbstractInsnNode previousReal(AbstractInsnNode insn) {
5 years ago
while ((insn = insn.getPrevious()) != null && insn.getOpcode() == -1) {
/* empty */
return insn;
public static AbstractInsnNode nextVirtual(AbstractInsnNode insn) {
5 years ago
while ((insn = insn.getNext()) != null && insn.getOpcode() != -1) {
/* empty */
return insn;
public static AbstractInsnNode previousVirtual(AbstractInsnNode insn) {
5 years ago
while ((insn = insn.getPrevious()) != null && insn.getOpcode() != -1) {
/* empty */
return insn;
public static int getIntConstant(AbstractInsnNode insn) {
switch (insn.getOpcode()) {
case Opcodes.ICONST_M1:
return -1;
case Opcodes.ICONST_0:
return 0;
case Opcodes.ICONST_1:
return 1;
case Opcodes.ICONST_2:
return 2;
case Opcodes.ICONST_3:
return 3;
case Opcodes.ICONST_4:
return 4;
case Opcodes.ICONST_5:
return 5;
case Opcodes.BIPUSH:
case Opcodes.SIPUSH:
var intInsn = (IntInsnNode) insn;
return intInsn.operand;
case Opcodes.LDC:
var ldc = (LdcInsnNode) insn;
if (ldc.cst instanceof Integer) {
return (Integer) ldc.cst;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public static AbstractInsnNode createIntConstant(int value) {
switch (value) {
case -1:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_M1);
case 0:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_0);
case 1:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_1);
case 2:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_2);
case 3:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_3);
case 4:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_4);
case 5:
return new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_5);
if (value >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
return new IntInsnNode(Opcodes.BIPUSH, value);
} else if (value >= Short.MIN_VALUE && value <= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
return new IntInsnNode(Opcodes.SIPUSH, value);
} else {
return new LdcInsnNode(value);
private InsnNodeUtils() {
/* empty */