Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.openrs2.util.collect
* A [DisjointSet] implementation backed by a disjoint-set forest, as described
* in chapter 21.3 of the third edition of CLRS. It uses path compression and
* union by rank.
public class ForestDisjointSet<T> : DisjointSet<T> {
private class Node<T>(val value: T) : DisjointSet.Partition<T> {
val children = mutableListOf<Node<T>>()
private var _parent = this
var parent
get() = _parent
set(parent) {
_parent = parent
var rank = 0
fun find(): Node<T> {
if (parent !== this) {
_parent = parent.find()
return parent
override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {
return NodeIterator(find())
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Node<*>) return false
return find() === other.find()
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return find().value.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String {
return find().value.toString()
private class NodeIterator<T>(root: Node<T>) : Iterator<T> {
private val queue = ArrayDeque<Node<T>>()
init {
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return queue.isNotEmpty()
override fun next(): T {
val node = queue.removeFirstOrNull() ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
return node.value
private val nodes = mutableMapOf<T, Node<T>>()
override val elements: Int
get() = nodes.size
override var partitions: Int = 0
private set
override fun add(x: T): DisjointSet.Partition<T> {
val node = findNode(x)
if (node != null) {
return node
val newNode = Node(x)
nodes[x] = newNode
return newNode
override fun get(x: T): DisjointSet.Partition<T>? {
return findNode(x)
private fun findNode(x: T): Node<T>? {
val node = nodes[x] ?: return null
return node.find()
override fun union(x: DisjointSet.Partition<T>, y: DisjointSet.Partition<T>) {
require(x is Node<T>)
require(y is Node<T>)
val xRoot = x.find()
val yRoot = y.find()
if (xRoot == yRoot) {
when {
xRoot.rank < yRoot.rank -> {
xRoot.parent = yRoot
xRoot.rank > yRoot.rank -> {
yRoot.parent = xRoot
else -> {
yRoot.parent = xRoot
override fun iterator(): Iterator<DisjointSet.Partition<T>> {
return nodes.values.iterator()