Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

364 lines
11 KiB

package org.openrs2.cache
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectSortedMap
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectSortedMaps
import org.openrs2.buffer.crc32
import org.openrs2.buffer.use
import org.openrs2.crypto.XteaKey
import org.openrs2.crypto.whirlpool
import org.openrs2.util.krHashCode
public abstract class Archive internal constructor(
protected val alloc: ByteBufAllocator,
protected val index: Js5Index,
protected val archive: Int,
internal val unpackedCache: UnpackedCache
) : Flushable {
private var dirty = false
internal inner class Unpacked(
private val entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup,
val key: XteaKey,
private var files: Int2ObjectSortedMap<ByteBuf>
) {
private var dirty = false
private fun ensureWritable() {
if (files.size == 1 && files is Int2ObjectSortedMaps.Singleton) {
files = Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap(files)
fun read(file: Int): ByteBuf {
val fileEntry = entry[file] ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
return files[]!!.retainedSlice()
fun readNamed(fileNameHash: Int): ByteBuf {
val fileEntry = entry.getNamed(fileNameHash) ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
return files[]!!.retainedSlice()
fun write(file: Int, buf: ByteBuf) {
val fileEntry = entry.createOrGet(file)
files.put(, buf.copy().asReadOnly())?.release()
dirty = true
fun writeNamed(fileNameHash: Int, buf: ByteBuf) {
val fileEntry = entry.createOrGetNamed(fileNameHash)
files.put(, buf.copy().asReadOnly())?.release()
dirty = true
fun remove(file: Int) {
val fileEntry = entry.remove(file) ?: return
dirty = true
fun removeNamed(fileNameHash: Int) {
val fileEntry = entry.removeNamed(fileNameHash) ?: return
dirty = true
fun flush() {
if (!dirty) {
Group.pack(files).use { buf ->
if (index.hasLengths) {
entry.uncompressedLength = buf.readableBytes()
if (index.hasUncompressedChecksums) {
entry.uncompressedChecksum = buf.crc32()
Js5Compression.compressBest(buf, key = key).use { compressed ->
entry.checksum = compressed.crc32()
if (index.hasLengths) {
entry.length = compressed.readableBytes()
if (index.hasDigests) {
entry.digest = compressed.whirlpool()
appendVersion(compressed, ++entry.version)
writePacked(, compressed)
dirty = false
fun release() {
// TODO(gpe): rename/move, reindex, rekey, method to go from name->id
public val capacity: Int = index.capacity
public fun capacity(group: Int): Int {
val entry = index[group] ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
return entry.capacity
public fun capacityNamed(groupNameHash: Int): Int {
val entry = index.getNamed(groupNameHash) ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
return entry.capacity
public fun capacity(group: String): Int {
return capacityNamed(group.krHashCode())
public fun exists(group: Int): Boolean {
require(group >= 0)
return index.contains(group)
public fun existsNamed(groupNameHash: Int): Boolean {
return index.containsNamed(groupNameHash)
public fun exists(group: String): Boolean {
return existsNamed(group.krHashCode())
public fun exists(group: Int, file: Int): Boolean {
require(group >= 0 && file >= 0)
val entry = index[group] ?: return false
return entry.contains(file)
public fun existsNamed(groupNameHash: Int, fileNameHash: Int): Boolean {
val entry = index.getNamed(groupNameHash) ?: return false
return entry.containsNamed(fileNameHash)
public fun exists(group: String, file: String): Boolean {
return existsNamed(group.krHashCode(), file.krHashCode())
public fun list(): Iterator<Js5Index.Group<*>> {
return index.iterator()
public fun list(group: Int): Iterator<Js5Index.File> {
require(group >= 0)
val entry = index[group] ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
return entry.iterator()
public fun listNamed(groupNameHash: Int): Iterator<Js5Index.File> {
val entry = index.getNamed(groupNameHash) ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
return entry.iterator()
public fun list(group: String): Iterator<Js5Index.File> {
return listNamed(group.krHashCode())
public fun read(group: Int, file: Int, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO): ByteBuf {
require(group >= 0 && file >= 0)
val entry = index[group] ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
val unpacked = getUnpacked(entry, key)
public fun readNamed(groupNameHash: Int, fileNameHash: Int, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO): ByteBuf {
val entry = index.getNamed(groupNameHash) ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
val unpacked = getUnpacked(entry, key)
return unpacked.readNamed(fileNameHash)
public fun read(group: String, file: String, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO): ByteBuf {
return readNamed(group.krHashCode(), file.krHashCode(), key)
public fun write(group: Int, file: Int, buf: ByteBuf, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO) {
require(group >= 0 && file >= 0)
val entry = index.createOrGet(group)
val unpacked = createOrGetUnpacked(entry, key, isOverwriting(entry, file))
unpacked.write(file, buf)
dirty = true
public fun writeNamed(groupNameHash: Int, fileNameHash: Int, buf: ByteBuf, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO) {
val entry = index.createOrGetNamed(groupNameHash)
val unpacked = createOrGetUnpacked(entry, key, isOverwritingNamed(entry, fileNameHash))
unpacked.writeNamed(fileNameHash, buf)
dirty = true
index.hasNames = true
public fun write(group: String, file: String, buf: ByteBuf, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO) {
return writeNamed(group.krHashCode(), file.krHashCode(), buf, key)
public fun remove(group: Int) {
require(group >= 0)
val entry = index.remove(group) ?: return
dirty = true
public fun removeNamed(groupNameHash: Int) {
val entry = index.removeNamed(groupNameHash) ?: return
dirty = true
public fun remove(group: String) {
return removeNamed(group.krHashCode())
public fun remove(group: Int, file: Int, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO) {
require(group >= 0 && file >= 0)
val entry = index[group] ?: return
if (isOverwriting(entry, file)) {
val unpacked = getUnpacked(entry, key)
dirty = true
public fun removeNamed(groupNameHash: Int, fileNameHash: Int, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO) {
val entry = index.getNamed(groupNameHash) ?: return
if (isOverwritingNamed(entry, fileNameHash)) {
val unpacked = getUnpacked(entry, key)
dirty = true
public fun remove(group: String, file: String, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO) {
return removeNamed(group.krHashCode(), file.krHashCode(), key)
public override fun flush() {
if (!dirty) {
alloc.buffer().use { buf ->
Js5Compression.compressBest(buf).use { compressed ->
dirty = false
protected abstract fun packedExists(group: Int): Boolean
protected abstract fun readPacked(group: Int): ByteBuf
protected abstract fun writePacked(group: Int, buf: ByteBuf)
protected abstract fun writePackedIndex(buf: ByteBuf)
protected abstract fun removePacked(group: Int)
protected abstract fun appendVersion(buf: ByteBuf, version: Int)
protected abstract fun verifyCompressed(buf: ByteBuf, entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup)
protected abstract fun verifyUncompressed(buf: ByteBuf, entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup)
private fun isOverwriting(entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup, file: Int): Boolean {
val fileEntry = entry.singleOrNull() ?: return false
return == file
private fun isOverwritingNamed(entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup, fileNameHash: Int): Boolean {
val fileEntry = entry.singleOrNull() ?: return false
return fileEntry.nameHash == fileNameHash
private fun createOrGetUnpacked(entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup, key: XteaKey, overwrite: Boolean): Unpacked {
return if (entry.size == 0 || overwrite) {
val unpacked = Unpacked(entry, key, Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap())
unpackedCache.put(archive,, unpacked)
return unpacked
} else {
getUnpacked(entry, key)
private fun getUnpacked(entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup, key: XteaKey): Unpacked {
var unpacked = unpackedCache.get(archive,
if (unpacked != null) {
* If we've already unpacked the group, we check the programmer
* is using the correct key to ensure the code always works,
* regardless of group cache size/invalidation behaviour.
require(unpacked.key == key) {
"Invalid key for archive $archive group ${} (expected ${unpacked!!.key}, actual $key)"
return unpacked
if (!packedExists( {
throw StoreCorruptException("Archive $archive group ${} is missing")
val files = readPacked( { compressed ->
// TODO(gpe): check for trailing data?
verifyCompressed(compressed, entry)
Js5Compression.uncompress(compressed, key).use { buf ->
verifyUncompressed(buf, entry)
Group.unpack(buf, entry)
files.replaceAll { _, buf -> buf.asReadOnly() }
unpacked = Unpacked(entry, key, files)
unpackedCache.put(archive,, unpacked)
return unpacked