Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
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package org.openrs2.deob.bytecode.transform
import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode
import org.openrs2.asm.classpath.ClassPath
import org.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library
import org.openrs2.asm.transform.Transformer
import javax.inject.Singleton
public class OriginalPcSaveTransformer : Transformer() {
override fun transformCode(classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode): Boolean {
for ((pc, insn) in method.instructions.filter { it.opcode != -1 }.withIndex()) {
classPath.originalPcs[insn] = pc
return false
override fun postTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { { "Saved ${classPath.originalPcs.size} original instruction indexes" }
private companion object {
private val logger = InlineLogger()