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Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
package dev.openrs2.deob.transform
import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger
import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberRef
import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.ClassPath
import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library
import dev.openrs2.asm.copy
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
import dev.openrs2.asm.deleteExpression
import dev.openrs2.asm.hasCode
import dev.openrs2.asm.intConstant
import dev.openrs2.asm.isPure
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
import dev.openrs2.asm.nextReal
import dev.openrs2.asm.replaceExpression
import dev.openrs2.asm.stackMetadata
import dev.openrs2.asm.toAbstractInsnNode
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
import dev.openrs2.asm.transform.Transformer
import dev.openrs2.deob.ArgRef
import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntBranch
import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntBranchResult.ALWAYS_TAKEN
import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntBranchResult.NEVER_TAKEN
import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntInterpreter
import dev.openrs2.deob.analysis.IntValueSet
import dev.openrs2.deob.remap.TypedRemapper
import dev.openrs2.util.collect.DisjointSet
import dev.openrs2.util.collect.removeFirstOrNull
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.GOTO
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IFEQ
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IFGE
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IFGT
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IFLE
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IFLT
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IFNE
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE
import org.objectweb.asm.Type
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer
import javax.inject.Singleton
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
class ConstantArgTransformer : Transformer() {
private val pendingMethods = LinkedHashSet<MemberRef>()
private val arglessMethods = mutableSetOf<DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>>()
private val argValues = mutableMapOf<ArgRef, IntValueSet>()
private lateinit var inheritedMethodSets: DisjointSet<MemberRef>
private var branchesSimplified = 0
private var constantsInlined = 0
override fun preTransform(classPath: ClassPath) {
inheritedMethodSets = classPath.createInheritedMethodSets()
branchesSimplified = 0
constantsInlined = 0
while (true) {
val method = pendingMethods.removeFirstOrNull() ?: break
analyzeMethod(classPath, method)
private fun queueEntryPoints(classPath: ClassPath) {
for (partition in inheritedMethodSets) {
* The set of non-renamable methods roughly matches up with the
* methods we want to consider as entry points. It includes methods
* which we override, which may be called by the standard library),
* the main() method (called by the JVM), providesignlink() (called
* with reflection) and <clinit> (called by the JVM).
* It isn't perfect - it counts every <init> method as an entry
* point, but strictly speaking we only need to count <init>
* methods invoked with reflection as entry points (like
* VisibilityTransformer). However, it makes no difference in this
* case, as the obfuscator does not add dummy constant arguments to
* constructors.
* It also counts native methods as an entry point. This isn't
* problematic as they don't have an InsnList, so we skip them.
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
if (!TypedRemapper.isMethodRenamable(classPath, partition)) {
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
private fun analyzeMethod(classPath: ClassPath, ref: MemberRef) {
// find ClassNode/MethodNode
val owner = classPath.getClassNode(ref.owner) ?: return
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
val originalMethod = owner.methods.singleOrNull { == && it.desc == ref.desc } ?: return
if (!originalMethod.hasCode()) {
* Clone the method - we don't want to mutate it permanently until the
* final pass, as we might discover more routes through the call graph
* later which reduce the number of branches we can simplify.
val method = originalMethod.copy()
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
// find existing constant arguments
val args = getArgs(ref)
// simplify branches
simplifyBranches(owner, method, args)
* Record new constant arguments in method calls. This re-runs the
* analyzer rather than re-using the frames from simplifyBranches. This
* ensures we ignore branches that always evaluate to false, preventing
* us from recording constant arguments found in dummy calls (which
* would prevent us from removing further dummy calls/branches).
addArgValues(owner, method, args)
private fun getArgs(ref: MemberRef): Array<IntValueSet> {
val partition = inheritedMethodSets[ref]!!
val size = Type.getArgumentTypes(ref.desc).sumBy { it.size }
return Array(size) { i -> argValues[ArgRef(partition, i)] ?: IntValueSet.Unknown }
private fun addArgValues(owner: ClassNode, method: MethodNode, args: Array<IntValueSet>) {
val analyzer = Analyzer(IntInterpreter(args))
val frames = analyzer.analyze(, method)
for ((i, frame) in frames.withIndex()) {
if (frame == null) {
val insn = method.instructions[i]
if (insn !is MethodInsnNode) {
val invokedMethod = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(insn)] ?: continue
val size = Type.getArgumentTypes(insn.desc).size
var index = 0
for (j in 0 until size) {
val value = frame.getStack(frame.stackSize - size + j)
if (addArgValues(ArgRef(invokedMethod, index), value.set)) {
index += value.size
if (size == 0 && arglessMethods.add(invokedMethod)) {
private fun addArgValues(ref: ArgRef, value: IntValueSet): Boolean {
val old = argValues[ref]
val new = if (value.singleton != null) {
if (old != null) {
old union value
} else {
} else {
argValues[ref] = new
return old != new
private fun simplifyBranches(owner: ClassNode, method: MethodNode, args: Array<IntValueSet>): Int {
val analyzer = Analyzer(IntInterpreter(args))
val frames = analyzer.analyze(, method)
val alwaysTakenBranches = mutableListOf<JumpInsnNode>()
val neverTakenBranches = mutableListOf<JumpInsnNode>()
frame@ for ((i, frame) in frames.withIndex()) {
if (frame == null) {
val insn = method.instructions[i]
if (insn !is JumpInsnNode) {
when (insn.opcode) {
val value = frame.getStack(frame.stackSize - 1)
if (value.set !is IntValueSet.Constant) {
when (IntBranch.evaluateUnary(insn.opcode, value.set.values)) {
ALWAYS_TAKEN -> alwaysTakenBranches += insn
NEVER_TAKEN -> neverTakenBranches += insn
val value1 = frame.getStack(frame.stackSize - 2)
val value2 = frame.getStack(frame.stackSize - 1)
if (value1.set !is IntValueSet.Constant || value2.set !is IntValueSet.Constant) {
when (IntBranch.evaluateBinary(insn.opcode, value1.set.values, value2.set.values)) {
ALWAYS_TAKEN -> alwaysTakenBranches += insn
NEVER_TAKEN -> neverTakenBranches += insn
var simplified = 0
for (insn in alwaysTakenBranches) {
val replacement = JumpInsnNode(GOTO, insn.label)
if (method.instructions.replaceExpression(insn, replacement, AbstractInsnNode::isPure)) {
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
for (insn in neverTakenBranches) {
if (method.instructions.deleteExpression(insn, AbstractInsnNode::isPure)) {
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
return simplified
private fun inlineConstantArgs(clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode, args: Array<IntValueSet>): Int {
val analyzer = Analyzer(IntInterpreter(args))
val frames = analyzer.analyze(, method)
val constInsns = mutableMapOf<AbstractInsnNode, Int>()
for ((i, frame) in frames.withIndex()) {
if (frame == null) {
val insn = method.instructions[i]
if (insn.intConstant != null) {
// already constant
} else if (!insn.isPure) {
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
// can't replace instructions with a side effect
} else if (insn.stackMetadata.pushes != 1) {
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
// can't replace instructions pushing more than one result
// the value pushed by this instruction is held in the following frame
val nextInsn = insn.nextReal ?: continue
val nextInsnIndex = method.instructions.indexOf(nextInsn)
val nextFrame = frames[nextInsnIndex]
val value = nextFrame.getStack(nextFrame.stackSize - 1)
val singleton = value.set.singleton
if (singleton != null) {
constInsns[insn] = singleton
var inlined = 0
for ((insn, value) in constInsns) {
if (insn !in method.instructions) {
val replacement = value.toAbstractInsnNode()
if (method.instructions.replaceExpression(insn, replacement, AbstractInsnNode::isPure)) {
Replace DummyArgTransformer with new ConstantArgTransformer The new transformer uses a different approach to the old one. It starts exploring the call graph from the entry points, recursively analysing method calls. Methods are only re-analysed if their possible argument values change, with the Unknown value being used if we can't identify a single integer constant at a call site. This prevents us from recursing infinitely if the client code does. While this first pass does simplify branches in order to ignore dummy method calls that are never evaluated at runtime, it operates on a copy of the method (as we initially ignore more calls while the argument value sets are smaller, ignoring fewer calls as they build up). A separate second pass simplifies branches on the original method and inlines singleton constants, paving the way for the UnusedArgTransformer to actually remove the newly unused arguments. This new approach has several benefits: - It is much faster than the old approach, as we only re-analyse methods as required by argument value changes, rather than re-analysing every method during every pass. - It doesn't require special cases for dealing with mutually recursive dummy calls. The old approach hard-coded special cases for mutually recursive calls involving groups of 1 and 2 methods. The code for this wasn't clean. Furthermore, while it was just about good enough for the HD client, the SD client contains a mutually recursive group of 3 methods. The new approach is capable of dealing with mutually recursive groups of any size. Finally, the new transformer has a much cleaner implementation. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
4 years ago
return inlined
override fun transformCode(classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode): Boolean {
val args = getArgs(MemberRef(clazz, method))
branchesSimplified += simplifyBranches(clazz, method, args)
constantsInlined += inlineConstantArgs(clazz, method, args)
return false
override fun postTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { { "Simplified $branchesSimplified branches and inlined $constantsInlined constants" }
companion object {
private val logger = InlineLogger()