There are still some gaps but I want to get this committed and possibly deployed before doing further work. Remaining items include: - Mach-O support - New engine loader ArtifactLink support - Post-668 client support - FunOrb support Signed-off-by: Graham <>master
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
public enum class Architecture { |
X86, |
AMD64, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil |
import org.openrs2.archive.cache.CacheExporter |
import org.openrs2.archive.cache.CacheImporter |
import java.time.Instant |
public class Artifact( |
data: ByteBuf, |
public val game: String, |
public val environment: String, |
public val build: CacheExporter.Build?, |
public val timestamp: Instant?, |
public val type: ArtifactType, |
public val format: ArtifactFormat, |
public val os: OperatingSystem, |
public val arch: Architecture, |
public val jvm: Jvm, |
public val links: List<ArtifactLink> |
) : CacheImporter.Blob(data) |
public data class ArtifactLink( |
val type: ArtifactType, |
val format: ArtifactFormat, |
val os: OperatingSystem, |
val arch: Architecture, |
val jvm: Jvm, |
val crc32: Int?, |
val sha1: ByteArray, |
val size: Int? |
) { |
public val sha1Hex: String |
get() = ByteBufUtil.hexDump(sha1) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
import io.ktor.http.ContentType |
public enum class ArtifactFormat { |
CAB, |
JAR, |
PACK200, |
public fun getPrefix(os: OperatingSystem): String { |
return when (this) { |
NATIVE -> os.getPrefix() |
else -> "" |
} |
} |
public fun getExtension(os: OperatingSystem): String { |
return when (this) { |
CAB -> "cab" |
JAR -> "jar" |
NATIVE -> os.getExtension() |
PACK200 -> "pack200" |
PACKCLASS -> "js5" |
} |
} |
public fun getContentType(os: OperatingSystem): ContentType { |
return when (this) { |
NATIVE -> os.getContentType() |
PACK200, PACKCLASS -> ContentType.Application.OctetStream |
} |
} |
public fun isJar(): Boolean { |
return this != NATIVE |
} |
private companion object { |
private val CAB_MIME_TYPE = ContentType("application", "") |
private val JAR_MIME_TYPE = ContentType("application", "java-archive") |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
public enum class ArtifactType { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.NoOpCliktCommand |
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.subcommands |
public class ClientCommand : NoOpCliktCommand(name = "client") { |
init { |
subcommands( |
ExportCommand(), |
ImportCommand(), |
RefreshCommand() |
) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil |
import io.netty.buffer.DefaultByteBufHolder |
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled |
import jakarta.inject.Inject |
import jakarta.inject.Singleton |
import org.openrs2.archive.cache.CacheExporter |
import org.openrs2.db.Database |
import java.time.Instant |
import java.time.ZoneOffset |
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter |
@Singleton |
public class ClientExporter @Inject constructor( |
private val database: Database |
) { |
public data class ArtifactSummary( |
public val id: Long, |
public val game: String, |
public val environment: String, |
public val build: CacheExporter.Build?, |
public val timestamp: Instant?, |
public val type: ArtifactType, |
public val format: ArtifactFormat, |
public val os: OperatingSystem, |
public val arch: Architecture, |
public val jvm: Jvm, |
public val size: Int |
) { |
public val name: String |
get() { |
val builder = StringBuilder() |
builder.append(format.getPrefix(os)) |
when (type) { |
ArtifactType.CLIENT -> builder.append(game) |
ArtifactType.CLIENT_GL -> builder.append("${game}_gl") |
ArtifactType.GLUEGEN_RT -> builder.append("gluegen-rt") |
else -> builder.append( |
} |
if (jvm == Jvm.MICROSOFT) { |
builder.append("ms") |
} |
if (os != OperatingSystem.INDEPENDENT) { |
builder.append('-') |
builder.append( |
} |
if (arch != Architecture.INDEPENDENT) { |
builder.append('-') |
builder.append( |
} |
if (build != null) { |
builder.append("-b") |
builder.append(build) |
} |
if (timestamp != null) { |
builder.append('-') |
builder.append( |
timestamp |
.atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC) |
.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")) |
) |
} |
builder.append("-openrs2#") |
builder.append(id) |
builder.append('.') |
builder.append(format.getExtension(os)) |
return builder.toString() |
} |
} |
public data class ArtifactLinkExport( |
public val id: Long?, |
public val build: CacheExporter.Build?, |
public val timestamp: Instant?, |
public val link: ArtifactLink |
) |
public class Artifact( |
public val summary: ArtifactSummary, |
public val crc32: Int, |
public val sha1: ByteArray, |
public val links: List<ArtifactLinkExport> |
) { |
public val sha1Hex: String |
get() = ByteBufUtil.hexDump(sha1) |
} |
public class ArtifactExport( |
public val summary: ArtifactSummary, |
buf: ByteBuf |
) : DefaultByteBufHolder(buf) |
public suspend fun list(): List<ArtifactSummary> { |
return database.execute { connection -> |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
a.blob_id, |
||||, |
||||, |
a.build_major, |
a.build_minor, |
a.timestamp, |
a.type, |
a.format, |
a.os, |
a.arch, |
a.jvm, |
length( AS size |
FROM artifacts a |
JOIN blobs b ON = a.blob_id |
JOIN games g ON = a.game_id |
JOIN environments e ON = a.environment_id |
ORDER BY a.build_major ASC, a.timestamp ASC, a.type ASC, a.format ASC, a.os ASC, a.arch ASC, a.jvm ASC |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
val artifacts = mutableListOf<ArtifactSummary>() |
while ( { |
val id = rows.getLong(1) |
val game = rows.getString(2) |
val environment = rows.getString(3) |
var buildMajor: Int? = rows.getInt(4) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMajor = null |
} |
var buildMinor: Int? = rows.getInt(5) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMinor = null |
} |
val build = if (buildMajor != null) { |
CacheExporter.Build(buildMajor, buildMinor) |
} else { |
null |
} |
val timestamp = rows.getTimestamp(6)?.toInstant() |
val type = ArtifactType.valueOf(rows.getString(7).uppercase()) |
val format = ArtifactFormat.valueOf(rows.getString(8).uppercase()) |
val os = OperatingSystem.valueOf(rows.getString(9).uppercase()) |
val arch = Architecture.valueOf(rows.getString(10).uppercase()) |
val jvm = Jvm.valueOf(rows.getString(11).uppercase()) |
val size = rows.getInt(12) |
artifacts += ArtifactSummary( |
id, |
game, |
environment, |
build, |
timestamp, |
type, |
format, |
os, |
arch, |
jvm, |
size |
) |
} |
return@execute artifacts |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public suspend fun get(id: Long): Artifact? { |
return database.execute { connection -> |
val links = mutableListOf<ArtifactLinkExport>() |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
a.blob_id, |
a.build_major, |
a.build_minor, |
a.timestamp, |
l.type, |
l.format, |
l.os, |
l.arch, |
l.jvm, |
COALESCE(l.crc32, b.crc32), |
l.sha1, |
COALESCE(l.size, length( |
FROM artifact_links l |
LEFT JOIN blobs b ON b.sha1 = l.sha1 |
LEFT JOIN artifacts a ON a.blob_id = |
WHERE l.blob_id = ? |
ORDER BY l.type, l.format, l.os, l.arch, l.jvm |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setLong(1, id) |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
while ( { |
var linkId: Long? = rows.getLong(1) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
linkId = null |
} |
var buildMajor: Int? = rows.getInt(2) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMajor = null |
} |
var buildMinor: Int? = rows.getInt(3) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMinor = null |
} |
val build = if (buildMajor != null) { |
CacheExporter.Build(buildMajor, buildMinor) |
} else { |
null |
} |
val timestamp = rows.getTimestamp(4)?.toInstant() |
val type = ArtifactType.valueOf(rows.getString(5).uppercase()) |
val format = ArtifactFormat.valueOf(rows.getString(6).uppercase()) |
val os = OperatingSystem.valueOf(rows.getString(7).uppercase()) |
val arch = Architecture.valueOf(rows.getString(8).uppercase()) |
val jvm = Jvm.valueOf(rows.getString(9).uppercase()) |
var crc32: Int? = rows.getInt(10) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
crc32 = null |
} |
val sha1 = rows.getBytes(11) |
var size: Int? = rows.getInt(12) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
size = null |
} |
links += ArtifactLinkExport( |
linkId, |
build, |
timestamp, |
ArtifactLink( |
type, |
format, |
os, |
arch, |
jvm, |
crc32, |
sha1, |
size |
) |
) |
} |
} |
} |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
||||, |
||||, |
a.build_major, |
a.build_minor, |
a.timestamp, |
a.type, |
a.format, |
a.os, |
a.arch, |
a.jvm, |
length( AS size, |
b.crc32, |
b.sha1 |
FROM artifacts a |
JOIN games g ON = a.game_id |
JOIN environments e ON = a.environment_id |
JOIN blobs b ON = a.blob_id |
WHERE a.blob_id = ? |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setLong(1, id) |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
if (! { |
return@execute null |
} |
val game = rows.getString(1) |
val environment = rows.getString(2) |
var buildMajor: Int? = rows.getInt(3) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMajor = null |
} |
var buildMinor: Int? = rows.getInt(4) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMinor = null |
} |
val build = if (buildMajor != null) { |
CacheExporter.Build(buildMajor!!, buildMinor) |
} else { |
null |
} |
val timestamp = rows.getTimestamp(5)?.toInstant() |
val type = ArtifactType.valueOf(rows.getString(6).uppercase()) |
val format = ArtifactFormat.valueOf(rows.getString(7).uppercase()) |
val os = OperatingSystem.valueOf(rows.getString(8).uppercase()) |
val arch = Architecture.valueOf(rows.getString(9).uppercase()) |
val jvm = Jvm.valueOf(rows.getString(10).uppercase()) |
val size = rows.getInt(11) |
val crc32 = rows.getInt(12) |
val sha1 = rows.getBytes(13) |
return@execute Artifact( |
ArtifactSummary( |
id, |
game, |
environment, |
build, |
timestamp, |
type, |
format, |
os, |
arch, |
jvm, |
size |
), crc32, sha1, links |
) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public suspend fun export(id: Long): ArtifactExport? { |
return database.execute { connection -> |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
||||, |
||||, |
a.build_major, |
a.build_minor, |
a.timestamp, |
a.type, |
a.format, |
a.os, |
a.arch, |
a.jvm, |
|||| |
FROM artifacts a |
JOIN games g ON = a.game_id |
JOIN environments e ON = a.environment_id |
JOIN blobs b ON = a.blob_id |
WHERE a.blob_id = ? |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setLong(1, id) |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
if (! { |
return@execute null |
} |
val game = rows.getString(1) |
val environment = rows.getString(2) |
var buildMajor: Int? = rows.getInt(3) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMajor = null |
} |
var buildMinor: Int? = rows.getInt(4) |
if (rows.wasNull()) { |
buildMinor = null |
} |
val build = if (buildMajor != null) { |
CacheExporter.Build(buildMajor, buildMinor) |
} else { |
null |
} |
val timestamp = rows.getTimestamp(5)?.toInstant() |
val type = ArtifactType.valueOf(rows.getString(6).uppercase()) |
val format = ArtifactFormat.valueOf(rows.getString(7).uppercase()) |
val os = OperatingSystem.valueOf(rows.getString(8).uppercase()) |
val arch = Architecture.valueOf(rows.getString(9).uppercase()) |
val jvm = Jvm.valueOf(rows.getString(10).uppercase()) |
val buf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(rows.getBytes(11)) |
val size = buf.readableBytes() |
return@execute ArtifactExport( |
ArtifactSummary( |
id, |
game, |
environment, |
build, |
timestamp, |
type, |
format, |
os, |
arch, |
jvm, |
size |
), buf |
) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,740 @@ |
package org.openrs2.archive.client |
import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger |
import com.kichik.pecoff4j.PE |
import com.kichik.pecoff4j.constant.MachineType |
import |
import dorkbox.cabParser.CabParser |
import dorkbox.cabParser.CabStreamSaver |
import dorkbox.cabParser.structure.CabFileEntry |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream |
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream |
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled |
import io.netty.util.ByteProcessor |
import jakarta.inject.Inject |
import jakarta.inject.Singleton |
import net.fornwall.jelf.ElfFile |
import net.fornwall.jelf.ElfSymbol |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TypeInsnNode |
import org.openrs2.archive.cache.CacheExporter |
import org.openrs2.archive.cache.CacheImporter |
import org.openrs2.asm.InsnMatcher |
import org.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library |
import org.openrs2.asm.hasCode |
import org.openrs2.asm.intConstant |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import org.openrs2.buffer.use |
import org.openrs2.compress.gzip.Gzip |
import org.openrs2.db.Database |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import java.nio.file.Files |
import java.nio.file.Path |
import java.sql.Connection |
import java.sql.Types |
import java.time.Instant |
import java.time.LocalDate |
import java.time.Month |
import java.time.ZoneOffset |
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream |
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream |
import java.util.jar.Pack200 |
@Singleton |
public class ClientImporter @Inject constructor( |
private val database: Database, |
private val alloc: ByteBufAllocator, |
private val packClassLibraryReader: PackClassLibraryReader, |
private val importer: CacheImporter |
) { |
public suspend fun import(paths: Iterable<Path>) { |
alloc.buffer().use { buf -> |
for (path in paths) { |
buf.clear() |
Files.newInputStream(path).use { input -> |
ByteBufOutputStream(buf).use { output -> |
input.copyTo(output) |
} |
} |
|||| { "Importing $path" } |
import(parse(buf)) |
} |
} |
} |
public suspend fun import(artifact: Artifact) { |
database.execute { connection -> |
importer.prepare(connection) |
import(connection, artifact) |
} |
} |
private fun import(connection: Connection, artifact: Artifact) { |
val id = importer.addBlob(connection, artifact) |
val gameId = connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
FROM games |
WHERE name = ? |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setString(1, |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
if (! { |
throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
rows.getInt(1) |
} |
} |
val environmentId = connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
FROM environments |
WHERE name = ? |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setString(1, artifact.environment) |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
if (! { |
throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
rows.getInt(1) |
} |
} |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
INSERT INTO artifacts (blob_id, game_id, environment_id, build_major, build_minor, timestamp, type, format, os, arch, jvm) |
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?::artifact_type, ?::artifact_format, ?::os, ?::arch, ?::jvm) |
game_id = EXCLUDED.game_id, |
environment_id = EXCLUDED.environment_id, |
build_major = EXCLUDED.build_major, |
build_minor = EXCLUDED.build_minor, |
timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp, |
type = EXCLUDED.type, |
format = EXCLUDED.format, |
os = EXCLUDED.os, |
arch = EXCLUDED.arch, |
jvm = EXCLUDED.jvm |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setLong(1, id) |
stmt.setInt(2, gameId) |
stmt.setInt(3, environmentId) |
stmt.setObject(4,, Types.INTEGER) |
stmt.setObject(5,, Types.INTEGER) |
stmt.setObject(6, artifact.timestamp?.atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC), Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE) |
stmt.setString(7, |
stmt.setString(8, |
stmt.setString(9, |
stmt.setString(10, |
stmt.setString(11, |
stmt.execute() |
} |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
DELETE FROM artifact_links |
WHERE blob_id = ? |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setLong(1, id) |
stmt.execute() |
} |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
INSERT INTO artifact_links (blob_id, type, format, os, arch, jvm, sha1, crc32, size) |
VALUES (?, ?::artifact_type, ?::artifact_format, ?::os, ?::arch, ?::jvm, ?, ?, ?) |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
for (link in artifact.links) { |
stmt.setLong(1, id) |
stmt.setString(2, |
stmt.setString(3, |
stmt.setString(4, |
stmt.setString(5, |
stmt.setString(6, |
stmt.setBytes(7, link.sha1) |
stmt.setObject(8, link.crc32, Types.INTEGER) |
stmt.setObject(9, link.size, Types.INTEGER) |
stmt.addBatch() |
} |
stmt.executeBatch() |
} |
} |
public suspend fun refresh() { |
database.execute { connection -> |
importer.prepare(connection) |
var lastId: Long? = null |
val blobs = mutableListOf<ByteArray>() |
while (true) { |
blobs.clear() |
connection.prepareStatement( |
""" |
SELECT a.blob_id, |
FROM artifacts a |
JOIN blobs b ON = a.blob_id |
WHERE ? IS NULL OR a.blob_id > ? |
ORDER BY a.blob_id ASC |
LIMIT 1024 |
""".trimIndent() |
).use { stmt -> |
stmt.setObject(1, lastId, Types.BIGINT) |
stmt.setObject(2, lastId, Types.BIGINT) |
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows -> |
while ( { |
lastId = rows.getLong(1) |
blobs += rows.getBytes(2) |
} |
} |
} |
if (blobs.isEmpty()) { |
return@execute |
} |
for (blob in blobs) { |
Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(blob).use { buf -> |
import(connection, parse(buf)) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private fun parse(buf: ByteBuf): Artifact { |
return if (buf.hasPrefix(JAR)) { |
parseJar(buf) |
} else if (buf.hasPrefix(PACK200)) { |
parsePack200(buf) |
} else if (buf.hasPrefix(CAB)) { |
parseCab(buf) |
} else if ( |
buf.hasPrefix(PACKCLASS_BZIP2) || |
buf.hasPrefix(PACKCLASS_GZIP) |
) { |
parseLibrary(buf, packClassLibraryReader, ArtifactFormat.PACKCLASS) |
} else if (buf.hasPrefix(ELF)) { |
parseElf(buf) |
} else if (buf.hasPrefix(PE)) { |
parsePe(buf) |
} else { |
throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
} |
private fun parseElf(buf: ByteBuf): Artifact { |
val elf = ElfFile.from(ByteBufInputStream(buf.slice())) |
val arch = when (elf.e_machine.toInt()) { |
ElfFile.ARCH_i386 -> Architecture.X86 |
ElfFile.ARCH_X86_64 -> Architecture.AMD64 |
ElfFile.ARCH_SPARC -> Architecture.SPARC |
ARCH_SPARCV9 -> Architecture.SPARCV9 |
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
val comment = String(elf.firstSectionByName(".comment").data) |
val os = if (comment.contains(SOLARIS_COMMENT)) { |
OperatingSystem.SOLARIS |
} else { |
OperatingSystem.LINUX |
} |
val symbols = elf.dynamicSymbolTableSection ?: throw IllegalArgumentException() |
val type = getArtifactType(symbols.symbols.asSequence().mapNotNull(ElfSymbol::getName)) |
return Artifact( |
buf.retain(), |
"shared", |
"live", |
null, |
null, |
type, |
ArtifactFormat.NATIVE, |
os, |
arch, |
Jvm.SUN, |
emptyList() |
) |
} |
private fun getArtifactType(symbols: Sequence<String>): ArtifactType { |
for (symbol in symbols) { |
var name = symbol |
if (name.startsWith('_')) { |
name = name.substring(1) |
} |
if (name.startsWith("Java_")) { // RNI methods don't have a Java_ prefix |
name = name.substring("Java_".length) |
} |
if (name.startsWith("jaggl_X11_dri_")) { |
return ArtifactType.JAGGL_DRI |
} else if (name.startsWith("jaggl_opengl_")) { |
return ArtifactType.JAGGL |
} else if (name.startsWith("com_sun_opengl_impl_GLImpl_")) { |
return ArtifactType.JOGL |
} else if (name.startsWith("com_sun_opengl_impl_JAWT_")) { |
return ArtifactType.JOGL_AWT |
} else if (name.startsWith("com_sun_gluegen_runtime_")) { |
return ArtifactType.GLUEGEN_RT |
} else if (name.startsWith("jagex3_jagmisc_jagmisc_")) { |
return ArtifactType.JAGMISC |
} else if (name.startsWith("nativeadvert_browsercontrol_")) { |
return ArtifactType.BROWSERCONTROL |
} |
} |
throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
private fun parsePe(buf: ByteBuf): Artifact { |
val pe = PEParser.parse(ByteBufInputStream(buf.slice())) |
val arch = when (pe.coffHeader.machine) { |
MachineType.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 -> Architecture.X86 |
MachineType.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 -> Architecture.AMD64 |
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
val symbols = parsePeExportNames(buf, pe).toSet() |
val type = getArtifactType(symbols.asSequence()) |
val jvm = if (symbols.contains("RNIGetCompatibleVersion")) { |
} else { |
Jvm.SUN |
} |
return Artifact( |
buf.retain(), |
"shared", |
"live", |
null, |
Instant.ofEpochSecond(pe.coffHeader.timeDateStamp.toLong()), |
type, |
ArtifactFormat.NATIVE, |
OperatingSystem.WINDOWS, |
arch, |
jvm, |
emptyList() |
) |
} |
private fun parsePeExportNames(buf: ByteBuf, pe: PE): Sequence<String> { |
return sequence { |
val exportTable = pe.imageData.exportTable |
val namePointerTable = |
pe.sectionTable.rvaConverter.convertVirtualAddressToRawDataPointer(exportTable.namePointerRVA.toInt()) |
for (i in 0 until exportTable.numberOfNamePointers.toInt()) { |
val namePointer = buf.readerIndex() + buf.getIntLE(buf.readerIndex() + namePointerTable + 4 * i) |
val end = buf.forEachByte(namePointer, buf.writerIndex() - namePointer, ByteProcessor.FIND_NUL) |
require(end != -1) { |
"Unterminated string" |
} |
yield(buf.toString(namePointer, end - namePointer, Charsets.US_ASCII)) |
} |
} |
} |
private fun parseJar(buf: ByteBuf): Artifact { |
val timestamp = getJarTimestamp(ByteBufInputStream(buf.slice())) |
return parseLibrary(buf, JarLibraryReader, ArtifactFormat.JAR, timestamp) |
} |
private fun parsePack200(buf: ByteBuf): Artifact { |
val timestamp = ByteArrayOutputStream().use { tempOutput -> |
Gzip.createHeaderlessInputStream(ByteBufInputStream(buf.slice())).use { gzipInput -> |
JarOutputStream(tempOutput).use { jarOutput -> |
Pack200.newUnpacker().unpack(gzipInput, jarOutput) |
} |
} |
getJarTimestamp(ByteArrayInputStream(tempOutput.toByteArray())) |
} |
return parseLibrary(buf, Pack200LibraryReader, ArtifactFormat.PACK200, timestamp) |
} |
private fun parseCab(buf: ByteBuf): Artifact { |
val timestamp = getCabTimestamp(ByteBufInputStream(buf.slice())) |
return parseLibrary(buf, CabLibraryReader, ArtifactFormat.CAB, timestamp) |
} |
private fun getJarTimestamp(input: InputStream): Instant? { |
var timestamp: Instant? = null |
JarInputStream(input).use { jar -> |
for (entry in jar.entries) { |
val t = entry.lastModifiedTime?.toInstant() |
if (timestamp == null || (t != null && t < timestamp)) { |
timestamp = t |
} |
} |
} |
return timestamp |
} |
private fun getCabTimestamp(input: InputStream): Instant? { |
var timestamp: Instant? = null |
CabParser(input, object : CabStreamSaver { |
override fun closeOutputStream(outputStream: OutputStream, entry: CabFileEntry) { |
// entry |
} |
override fun openOutputStream(entry: CabFileEntry): OutputStream { |
val t = |
if (timestamp == null || t < timestamp) { |
timestamp = t |
} |
return OutputStream.nullOutputStream() |
} |
override fun saveReservedAreaData(data: ByteArray?, dataLength: Int): Boolean { |
return false |
} |
}).extractStream() |
return timestamp |
} |
private fun parseLibrary( |
buf: ByteBuf, |
reader: LibraryReader, |
format: ArtifactFormat, |
timestamp: Instant? = null |
): Artifact { |
val library ="client", ByteBufInputStream(buf.slice()), reader) |
val game: String |
val build: CacheExporter.Build? |
val type: ArtifactType |
val links: List<ArtifactLink> |
val mudclient = library["mudclient"] |
val client = library["client"] |
val loader = library["loader"] |
if (mudclient != null) { |
game = "classic" |
build = null // TODO(gpe): classic support |
type = ArtifactType.CLIENT |
links = emptyList() |
} else if (client != null) { |
game = "runescape" |
build = parseClientBuild(client) |
type = if (build != null && build.major < COMBINED_BUILD && isClientGl(library)) { |
ArtifactType.CLIENT_GL |
} else { |
ArtifactType.CLIENT |
} |
links = emptyList() |
} else if (loader != null) { |
if (isLoaderClassic(loader)) { |
game = "classic" |
build = null // TODO(gpe): classic support |
type = ArtifactType.LOADER |
links = emptyList() // TODO(gpe): classic support |
} else { |
game = "runescape" |
build = parseLoaderBuild(library) |
type = if (timestamp != null && timestamp < COMBINED_TIMESTAMP && isLoaderGl(library)) { |
ArtifactType.LOADER_GL |
} else { |
ArtifactType.LOADER |
} |
links = parseLinks(library) |
} |
} else if (library.contains("mapview")) { |
game = "mapview" |
build = null |
type = ArtifactType.CLIENT |
links = emptyList() |
} else if (library.contains("jaggl/opengl")) { |
game = "shared" |
type = ArtifactType.JAGGL |
build = null |
links = emptyList() |
} else if (library.contains("com/sun/opengl/impl/GLImpl")) { |
game = "shared" |
type = ArtifactType.JOGL |
build = null |
links = emptyList() |
} else if (library.contains("unpackclass")) { |
game = "shared" |
type = ArtifactType.UNPACKCLASS |
build = null |
links = emptyList() |
} else { |
throw IllegalArgumentException() |
} |
return Artifact( |
buf.retain(), |
game, |
"live", |
build, |
timestamp, |
type, |
format, |
OperatingSystem.INDEPENDENT, |
Architecture.INDEPENDENT, |
links |
) |
} |
private fun isClientGl(library: Library): Boolean { |
for (clazz in library) { |
for (method in clazz.methods) { |
if (!method.hasCode) { |
continue |
} |
for (insn in method.instructions) { |
if (insn is MethodInsnNode && == "glBegin") { |
return true |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
private fun isLoaderClassic(clazz: ClassNode): Boolean { |
for (method in clazz.methods) { |
if (!method.hasCode) { |
continue |
} |
for (insn in method.instructions) { |
if (insn is LdcInsnNode && insn.cst == "mudclient") { |
return true |
} |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
private fun isLoaderGl(library: Library): Boolean { |
for (clazz in library) { |
for (method in clazz.methods) { |
if (!method.hasCode || != "<clinit>") { |
continue |
} |
for (insn in method.instructions) { |
if (insn !is LdcInsnNode) { |
continue |
} |
if (insn.cst == "jaggl.dll" || insn.cst == "jogl.dll") { |
return true |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
private fun parseClientBuild(clazz: ClassNode): CacheExporter.Build? { |
for (method in clazz.methods) { |
if (!method.hasCode || != "main") { |
continue |
} |
for (match in OLD_ENGINE_VERSION_MATCHER.match(method)) { |
val ldc = match[0] as LdcInsnNode |
if (ldc.cst != OLD_ENGINE_VERSION_STRING) { |
continue |
} |
val version = match[2].intConstant |
if (version != null) { |
return CacheExporter.Build(version, null) |
} |
} |
for (match in NEW_ENGINE_VERSION_MATCHER.match(method)) { |
val new = match[0] as TypeInsnNode |
if (new.desc != "client") { |
continue |
} |
val candidates = mutableListOf<Int>() |
for (insn in match) { |
val candidate = insn.intConstant |
if (candidate != null && candidate in NEW_ENGINE_BUILDS) { |
candidates += candidate |
} |
} |
val version = candidates.singleOrNull() |
if (version != null) { |
return CacheExporter.Build(version, null) |
} |
} |
} |
return null |
} |
private fun parseLoaderBuild(library: Library): CacheExporter.Build? { |
val clazz = library["sign/signlink"] ?: return null |
for (field in clazz.fields) { |
val value = field.value |
if ( == "clientversion" && field.desc == "I" && value is Int) { |
return CacheExporter.Build(value, null) |
} |
} |
return null |
} |
private fun parseLinks(library: Library): List<ArtifactLink> { |
val sig = library["sig"] |
if (sig != null) { |
var size: Int? = null |
var sha1: ByteArray? = null |
for (field in sig.fields) { |
val value = field.value |
if ( == "len" && field.desc == "I" && value is Int) { |
size = value |
} |
} |
for (method in sig.methods) { |
if (!method.hasCode || != "<clinit>") { |
continue |
} |
for (match in SHA1_MATCHER.match(method)) { |
val len = match[0].intConstant |
if (len != SHA1_BYTES) { |
continue |
} |
sha1 = ByteArray(SHA1_BYTES) |
for (i in 2 until match.size step 4) { |
val k = match[i + 1].intConstant!! |
val v = match[i + 2].intConstant!! |
sha1[k] = v.toByte() |
} |
} |
} |
require(size != null && sha1 != null) |
return listOf( |
ArtifactLink( |