Add AST-based deobfuscator #7

opened 5 years ago by gpe · 2 comments
gpe commented 5 years ago

Remaining items:

  • Add proper support for multiple passes (running AstDeobfuscator twice changes some code the second time, but it should not)
  • Fix transforming of long expressions (e.g. a + b + c) - might be covered by the item above?
  • Fix int var16 = var15 - (-16 - var0.anInt3400); (presumably that's an example of the item above?)
  • Rewrite simple identities (e.g. 0 - x to -x, x + 0 to x, x * 1 to x and so on)
  • Improve Fernflower's choice of char/hex/decimal literals
  • Remove redundant casts
  • Rewrite > and >= in for loops to < and <=
  • Rewrite > and >= in while and do/while loops I think I'm going to ignore this for now, as it's probably fairly difficult to figure out whether < or > is more appropriate and it'd be nice for the AST deobfuscator to not change things a human might manually tidy up in the IDE.
  • Use > and >= in for loops that decrement instead of increment
  • Rewrite return x ? y : z; in an else block (or an if followed by an else) to use else if instead
  • Rewrite pre-increments to post-increments where possible
  • Improve structuring in general (e.g. try to rewrite if and else blocks to avoid almost the entire body of a method being indented, etc.)
  • Remove use of deprecated methods (e.g. new Integer(...) -> Integer.valueOf(...), newInstance()) (note: in the future we might want to do this at the bytecode level in the bundler instead)
  • Rewrite (long) 0 -> 0L
  • Rewrite (x << 24) & 0xFF000000 -> (x & 0xFF) << 24
  • Rewrite sum >>> 11 & 0xAF400003 -> sum >>> 11 & 0x3
  • Rewrite codeword << -bitPos5 -> codeword >>> bitPos5 (is that equivalent?) (ditto @Pc(79) int local79 = local19 & -bitPos >> 31;)
Remaining items: * [x] Add proper support for multiple passes (running `AstDeobfuscator` twice changes some code the second time, but it should not) * [x] Fix transforming of long expressions (e.g. `a + b + c`) - might be covered by the item above? * [x] Fix `int var16 = var15 - (-16 - var0.anInt3400);` (presumably that's an example of the item above?) * [x] Rewrite simple identities (e.g. `0 - x` to `-x`, `x + 0` to `x`, `x * 1` to `x` and so on) * [x] Improve Fernflower's choice of char/hex/decimal literals * [x] Remove redundant casts * [x] Rewrite `>` and `>=` in `for` loops to `<` and `<=` * [ ] ~~Rewrite `>` and `>=` in `while` and `do`/`while` loops~~ I think I'm going to ignore this for now, as it's probably fairly difficult to figure out whether `<` or `>` is more appropriate and it'd be nice for the AST deobfuscator to not change things a human might manually tidy up in the IDE. * [x] Use `>` and `>=` in `for` loops that decrement instead of increment * [x] Rewrite `return x ? y : z;` in an `else` block (or an `if` followed by an `else`) to use `else if` instead * [x] Rewrite pre-increments to post-increments where possible * [x] Improve structuring in general (e.g. try to rewrite `if` and `else` blocks to avoid almost the entire body of a method being indented, etc.) * [x] Remove use of deprecated methods (e.g. `new Integer(...)` -> `Integer.valueOf(...)`, `newInstance()`) (note: in the future we might want to do this at the bytecode level in the bundler instead) * [ ] Rewrite `(long) 0` -> `0L` * [x] Rewrite `(x << 24) & 0xFF000000` -> `(x & 0xFF) << 24` * [ ] Rewrite `sum >>> 11 & 0xAF400003` -> `sum >>> 11 & 0x3` * [ ] Rewrite `codeword << -bitPos5` -> `codeword >>> bitPos5` (is that equivalent?) (ditto ` @Pc(79) int local79 = local19 & -bitPos >> 31;`)
gpe changed title from Implement AST-based deobfuscator to Add AST-based deobfuscator 5 years ago
gpe added the
label 4 years ago
gpe added the
label 4 years ago
	private static String method892(@OriginalArg(1) int arg0) {
		if (arg0 >= 100000) {
			return arg0 < 10000000 ? "<col=ffffff>" + arg0 / 1000 + LocalisedText.aString239 + "</col>" : "<col=00ff80>" + arg0 / 1000000 + LocalisedText.aString49 + "</col>";
		} else {
			return "<col=ffff00>" + arg0 + "</col>";

The ternary return transform didn't work here - probably needs to run before we swap if/else branches.

``` private static String method892(@OriginalArg(1) int arg0) { if (arg0 >= 100000) { return arg0 < 10000000 ? "<col=ffffff>" + arg0 / 1000 + LocalisedText.aString239 + "</col>" : "<col=00ff80>" + arg0 / 1000000 + LocalisedText.aString49 + "</col>"; } else { return "<col=ffff00>" + arg0 + "</col>"; } } ``` The ternary return transform didn't work here - probably needs to run before we swap if/else branches.

If/else nesting in readZonePacket() could be improved.

If/else nesting in `readZonePacket()` could be improved.
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