Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
791 B

package org.openrs2.protocol
import jakarta.inject.Inject
import jakarta.inject.Singleton
public class Protocol @Inject constructor(codecs: Set<PacketCodec<*>>) {
public constructor(vararg codecs: PacketCodec<*>) : this(codecs.toSet())
private val decoders = arrayOfNulls<PacketCodec<*>>(256)
private val encoders = codecs.associateBy(PacketCodec<*>::type)
init {
for (codec in codecs) {
decoders[codec.opcode] = codec
public fun getDecoder(opcode: Int): PacketCodec<*>? {
require(opcode in decoders.indices)
return decoders[opcode]
public fun <T : Packet> getEncoder(type: Class<T>): PacketCodec<T>? {
return encoders[type] as PacketCodec<T>?