Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.openrs2.db
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.SQLException
import javax.sql.DataSource
* A thin layer on top of the JDBC API that enforces the use of transactions,
* automatically retrying them on deadlock, and provides coroutine integration.
* Connection pooling is not provided by this library. A separate connection
* pooling library (such as HikariCP or the functionality built into your
* database driver) should be used in combination with this library.
public class Database(
* The [DataSource] used to obtain [Connection] objects. A new connection
* object is opened for each transaction attempt, so a pooled [DataSource]
* should be used.
private val dataSource: DataSource,
* The [DeadlockDetector] used to determine if a transaction should be
* retried. Defaults to [DefaultDeadlockDetector], which is vendor-neutral
* but not very efficient (any error causes a transaction to be retried).
* One of the vendor-specific implementations should be used instead for
* optimal performance.
private val deadlockDetector: DeadlockDetector = DefaultDeadlockDetector,
* The [BackoffStrategy] used to determine how long to wait between
* transaction attempts. Defaults to a [BinaryExponentialBackoffStrategy]
* with cMax=8 and scale=10 milliseconds.
private val backoffStrategy: BackoffStrategy = DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY,
* The nubmer of times to try executing a transaction before giving up.
* Defaults to 5. Must be greater than zero.
private val attempts: Int = DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS
) {
init {
require(attempts >= 1)
* Executes a [Transaction]. If the transaction fails due to deadlock, it
* is retried up to [attempts] times in total (including the first
* attempt).
* The coroutine is suspended for a delay between each attempt.
* The JDBC calls will block the thread the coroutine is scheduled on. This
* function should therefore be called within a context that uses the
* [Dispatchers.IO] dispatcher.
* @param transaction the transaction.
* @return the result returned by [Transaction.execute].
public suspend fun <T> execute(transaction: Transaction<T>): T {
for (attempt in 0 until attempts) {
try {
return executeOnce(transaction)
} catch (t: Throwable) {
if (isDeadlock(t) && attempt != attempts - 1) {
val backoff = backoffStrategy.getDelay(attempt)
throw t
throw AssertionError()
private fun <T> executeOnce(transaction: Transaction<T>): T {
dataSource.connection.use { connection ->
val oldAutoCommit = connection.autoCommit
connection.autoCommit = false
try {
val result = try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
throw t
return result
} finally {
connection.autoCommit = oldAutoCommit
private fun isDeadlock(t: Throwable): Boolean {
if (t is SQLException) {
return isDeadlock(t)
val cause = t.cause
if (cause != null) {
return isDeadlock(cause)
return false
private fun isDeadlock(ex: SQLException): Boolean {
if (deadlockDetector.isDeadlock(ex)) {
return true
val next = ex.nextException
if (next != null) {
return isDeadlock(next)
return false
private companion object {
private const val DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS = 5
private val DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY = BinaryExponentialBackoffStrategy(8, 10)