Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.openrs2.protocol.login.upstream
import org.openrs2.protocol.Packet
public sealed class LoginRequest : Packet {
public data class InitGameConnection(public val usernameHash: Int) : LoginRequest()
public data class InitJs5RemoteConnection(public val build: Int) : LoginRequest()
public object InitJaggrabConnection : LoginRequest()
public data class CreateCheckDateOfBirthCountry(
public val year: Int,
public val month: Int,
public val day: Int,
public val country: Int
) : LoginRequest()
public data class CreateCheckName(public val username: String) : LoginRequest()
public data class CreateAccount(
public val build: Int,
public val gameNewsletters: Boolean,
public val otherNewsletters: Boolean,
public val shareDetailsWithBusinessPartners: Boolean,
public val username: String,
public val password: String,
public val affiliate: Int,
public val year: Int,
public val month: Int,
public val day: Int,
public val country: Int,
public val email: String
) : LoginRequest()
public data class RequestWorldList(public val checksum: Int) : LoginRequest()
public data class CheckWorldSuitability(
public val build: Int,
public val username: String,
public val password: String
) : LoginRequest()
public object InitCrossDomainConnection : LoginRequest()