Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
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package org.openrs2.deob.bytecode.analysis
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes
import org.objectweb.asm.Type
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IincInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicInterpreter
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Interpreter
import org.openrs2.asm.intConstant
public class IntInterpreter(private val args: Array<IntValueSet>) : Interpreter<IntValue>(Opcodes.ASM9) {
private val basicInterpreter = BasicInterpreter()
override fun newValue(type: Type?): IntValue? {
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.newValue(type) ?: return null
return IntValue(basicValue)
override fun newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod: Boolean, local: Int, type: Type): IntValue {
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod, local, type)
val index = when {
isInstanceMethod && local == 0 -> return IntValue(basicValue)
isInstanceMethod -> local - 1
else -> local
return IntValue(basicValue, args[index])
override fun newOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode): IntValue {
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.newOperation(insn)
val v = insn.intConstant
return if (v != null) {
IntValue(basicValue, IntValueSet.singleton(v))
} else {
override fun copyOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: IntValue): IntValue {
return value
override fun unaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: IntValue): IntValue? {
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.unaryOperation(insn, value.basicValue) ?: return null
if (value.set !is IntValueSet.Constant) {
return IntValue(basicValue)
val set = mutableSetOf<Int>()
for (v in value.set.values) {
val result = when {
insn.opcode == Opcodes.INEG -> -v
insn is IincInsnNode -> v + insn.incr
insn.opcode == Opcodes.I2B -> v.toByte().toInt()
insn.opcode == Opcodes.I2C -> v.toChar().code
insn.opcode == Opcodes.I2S -> v.toShort().toInt()
else -> return IntValue(basicValue)
return IntValue(basicValue, IntValueSet.Constant(set))
override fun binaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value1: IntValue, value2: IntValue): IntValue? {
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.binaryOperation(insn, value1.basicValue, value2.basicValue) ?: return null
if (value1.set !is IntValueSet.Constant || value2.set !is IntValueSet.Constant) {
return IntValue(basicValue)
val set = mutableSetOf<Int>()
for (v1 in value1.set.values) {
for (v2 in value2.set.values) {
val result = when (insn.opcode) {
Opcodes.IADD -> v1 + v2
Opcodes.ISUB -> v1 - v2
Opcodes.IMUL -> v1 * v2
Opcodes.IDIV -> {
if (v2 == 0) {
return IntValue(basicValue)
v1 / v2
Opcodes.IREM -> {
if (v2 == 0) {
return IntValue(basicValue)
v1 % v2
Opcodes.ISHL -> v1 shl v2
Opcodes.ISHR -> v1 shr v2
Opcodes.IUSHR -> v1 ushr v2
Opcodes.IAND -> v1 and v2
Opcodes.IOR -> v1 or v2
Opcodes.IXOR -> v1 xor v2
else -> return IntValue(basicValue)
return IntValue(basicValue, IntValueSet.Constant(set))
override fun ternaryOperation(
insn: AbstractInsnNode,
value1: IntValue,
value2: IntValue,
value3: IntValue
): IntValue? {
val basicValue =
basicInterpreter.ternaryOperation(insn, value1.basicValue, value2.basicValue, value3.basicValue)
?: return null
return IntValue(basicValue)
override fun naryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, values: List<IntValue>): IntValue? {
val args =
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.naryOperation(insn, args) ?: return null
return IntValue(basicValue)
override fun returnOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: IntValue, expected: IntValue) {
basicInterpreter.returnOperation(insn, value.basicValue, expected.basicValue)
override fun merge(value1: IntValue, value2: IntValue): IntValue {
val basicValue = basicInterpreter.merge(value1.basicValue, value2.basicValue)
if (value1 == value2) {
return value1
if (value1.set !is IntValueSet.Constant || value2.set !is IntValueSet.Constant) {
return IntValue(basicValue)
val set = value1.set union value2.set
return if (set is IntValueSet.Constant && set.values.size > MAX_TRACKED_VALUES) {
} else {
IntValue(basicValue, set)
private companion object {
private const val MAX_TRACKED_VALUES = 1