Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

323 lines
12 KiB

package org.openrs2.cache
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream
import org.openrs2.buffer.use
import org.openrs2.crypto.XteaKey
import org.openrs2.crypto.xteaDecrypt
import org.openrs2.crypto.xteaEncrypt
public object Js5Compression {
private val BZIP2_MAGIC = byteArrayOf(0x31, 0x41, 0x59, 0x26, 0x53, 0x59)
private const val GZIP_MAGIC = 0x1F8B
private const val GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE = 0x08
private const val LZMA_PB_MAX = 4
private const val LZMA_PRESET_DICT_SIZE_MAX = 1 shl 26
public fun compress(input: ByteBuf, type: Js5CompressionType, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO): ByteBuf {
input.alloc().buffer().use { output ->
if (type == Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED) {
val len = input.readableBytes()
if (!key.isZero) {
output.xteaEncrypt(5, len, key)
return output.retain()
val lenIndex = output.writerIndex()
val uncompressedLen = input.readableBytes()
val start = output.writerIndex()
type.createOutputStream(ByteBufOutputStream(output)).use { outputStream ->
input.readBytes(outputStream, uncompressedLen)
val len = output.writerIndex() - start
output.setInt(lenIndex, len)
if (!key.isZero) {
output.xteaEncrypt(5, len + 4, key)
return output.retain()
public fun compressBest(
input: ByteBuf,
enableLzma: Boolean = false,
enableUncompressedEncryption: Boolean = false,
key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO
): ByteBuf {
val types = mutableListOf(Js5CompressionType.BZIP2, Js5CompressionType.GZIP)
if (enableLzma) {
types += Js5CompressionType.LZMA
if (enableUncompressedEncryption || key.isZero) {
* The 550 client doesn't strip the 2 byte version trailer before
* passing a group to the XTEA decryption function. This causes the
* last block to be incorrectly decrypt in many cases (depending
* on the length of the group mod the XTEA block size).
* This doesn't cause any problems with the client's GZIP/BZIP2
* implementations, as the last block is always part of the trailer
* and the trailer isn't checked. However, it would corrupt the
* last block of an unencrypted group.
* TODO(gpe): are there any clients with LZMA support _and_ the
* decryption bug? Could the enableLzma flag be re-used for
* enableNoneWithKey? Or should LZMA also be disabled in clients
* with the decryption bug?
types += Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED
var best = compress(input.slice(), types.first(), key)
try {
for (type in types.drop(1)) {
compress(input.slice(), type, key).use { output ->
if (output.readableBytes() < best.readableBytes()) {
best = output.retain()
// consume all of input so this method is a drop-in replacement for compress()
return best.retain()
} finally {
public fun uncompress(input: ByteBuf, key: XteaKey = XteaKey.ZERO): ByteBuf {
val typeId = input.readUnsignedByte().toInt()
val type = Js5CompressionType.fromOrdinal(typeId)
?: throw IOException("Invalid compression type: $typeId")
val len = input.readInt()
if (len < 0) {
throw IOException("Length is negative: $len")
if (type == Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED) {
if (input.readableBytes() < len) {
throw IOException("Data truncated")
input.readBytes(len).use { output ->
if (!key.isZero) {
output.xteaDecrypt(0, len, key)
return output.retain()
val lenWithUncompressedLen = len + 4
if (input.readableBytes() < lenWithUncompressedLen) {
throw IOException("Compressed data truncated")
decrypt(input, lenWithUncompressedLen, key).use { plaintext ->
val uncompressedLen = plaintext.readInt()
if (uncompressedLen < 0) {
throw IOException("Uncompressed length is negative: $uncompressedLen")
plaintext.alloc().buffer(uncompressedLen, uncompressedLen).use { output ->
type.createInputStream(ByteBufInputStream(plaintext, len), uncompressedLen).use { inputStream ->
var remaining = uncompressedLen
while (remaining > 0) {
val n = output.writeBytes(inputStream, remaining)
if (n == -1) {
throw IOException("Uncompressed data truncated")
remaining -= n
if ( != -1) {
throw IOException("Uncompressed data overflow")
return output.retain()
public fun isEncrypted(input: ByteBuf): Boolean {
return !isKeyValid(input, XteaKey.ZERO)
public fun isKeyValid(input: ByteBuf, key: XteaKey): Boolean {
val typeId = input.readUnsignedByte().toInt()
val type = Js5CompressionType.fromOrdinal(typeId)
?: throw IOException("Invalid compression type: $typeId")
val len = input.readInt()
if (len < 0) {
throw IOException("Length is negative: $len")
if (type == Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED) {
* There is no easy way for us to be sure whether an uncompressed
* group's key is valid or not, as we'd need specific validation
* code for each file format the client uses (currently only maps,
* though apparently RS3 is also capable of encrypting interfaces).
* In practice, encrypted files don't tend to be uncompressed
* anyway - in 550, this functionality is actually broken due to a
* bug (see the comment about enableUncompressedEncryption in
* compressBest above).
* We therefore assume all uncompressed groups are unencrypted.
return key.isZero
val lenWithUncompressedLen = len + 4
if (input.readableBytes() < lenWithUncompressedLen) {
throw IOException("Compressed data truncated")
* Decrypt two XTEA blocks, which is sufficient to quickly check the
* uncompressed length and the compression algorithm's header in each
* case:
* BZIP2: 6 byte block magic
* GZIP: 2 byte magic, 1 byte compression method
* LZMA: 1 byte properties, 4 byte dictionary size
* We never expect to see a file with fewer than two blocks. The
* compressed length of an empty file is always two XTEA blocks in each
* case:
* BZIP2: 10 bytes
* GZIP: 18 bytes
* LZMA: 10 bytes
if (lenWithUncompressedLen < 16) {
throw IOException("Compressed data shorter than two XTEA blocks")
decrypt(input.slice(), 16, key).use { plaintext ->
val uncompressedLen = plaintext.readInt()
if (uncompressedLen < 0) {
return false
when (type) {
Js5CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED -> throw AssertionError()
Js5CompressionType.BZIP2 -> {
val magic = ByteArray(BZIP2_MAGIC.size)
if (!magic.contentEquals(BZIP2_MAGIC)) {
return false
Js5CompressionType.GZIP -> {
val magic = plaintext.readUnsignedShort()
if (magic != GZIP_MAGIC) {
return false
// Jagex's implementation only supports DEFLATE.
val compressionMethod = plaintext.readUnsignedByte().toInt()
if (compressionMethod != GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE) {
return false
Js5CompressionType.LZMA -> {
val properties = plaintext.readUnsignedByte()
* The encoding of the properties byte means it isn't
* possible for lc/lp to be out of range.
val pb = properties / 45
if (pb > LZMA_PB_MAX) {
return false
* Jagex's implementation doesn't support dictionary sizes
* greater than 2 GiB (which are less than zero when the
* dictionary size is read as a signed integer).
* We also assume dictionary sizes larger than 64 MiB (the
* size of the dictionary at -9, the highest preset level)
* indicate the key is incorrect.
* In theory these dictionary sizes are actually valid.
* However, in practice Jagex seems to only use level -3 or
* -4 (as their dictionary size is 4 MiB).
* Attempting to decompress LZMA streams with larger
* dictionaries can easily cause OOM exceptions in low
* memory environments.
val dictSize = plaintext.readIntLE()
if (dictSize < 0) {
return false
} else if (dictSize > LZMA_PRESET_DICT_SIZE_MAX) {
return false
// Run the entire decompression algorithm to confirm the key is valid.
decrypt(input, lenWithUncompressedLen, key).use { plaintext ->
val uncompressedLen = plaintext.readInt()
if (uncompressedLen < 0) {
throw AssertionError()
try {
OutputStream.nullOutputStream().use { output ->
type.createInputStream(ByteBufInputStream(plaintext, len), uncompressedLen).use { inputStream ->
if (inputStream.transferTo(output) != uncompressedLen.toLong()) {
return false
} catch (ex: IOException) {
return false
return true
private fun decrypt(buf: ByteBuf, len: Int, key: XteaKey): ByteBuf {
if (key.isZero) {
return buf.readRetainedSlice(len)
buf.readBytes(len).use { output ->
output.xteaDecrypt(0, len, key)
return output.retain()