Refactor most of the GameShell class

Signed-off-by: Graham <>
Graham 4 years ago
parent 9a748035c7
commit 0350f7fe02
  1. 308

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ classes:
client!qi: "Class24" client!qi: "Class24"
client!qj: "Class4_Sub1_Sub25" client!qj: "Class4_Sub1_Sub25"
client!qk: "Class144" client!qk: "Class144"
client!ql: "Canvas_Sub2" client!ql: "GameCanvas"
client!qm: "Class145" client!qm: "Class145"
client!qn: "Class4_Sub24" client!qn: "Class4_Sub24"
client!qo: "Class146" client!qo: "Class146"
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ classes:
client!ub: "Class169" client!ub: "Class169"
client!uc: "Class4_Sub1_Sub36" client!uc: "Class4_Sub1_Sub36"
client!ud: "Class170" client!ud: "Class170"
client!ue: "Applet_Sub1" client!ue: "GameShell"
client!ug: "Class172" client!ug: "Class172"
client!uh: "Class173" client!uh: "Class173"
client!ui: "Class174" client!ui: "Class174"
@ -756,8 +756,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub5" owner: "Class4_Sub5"
name: "aLong17" name: "aLong17"
client!bg.r Z: client!bg.r Z:
owner: "Static1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean18" name: "replaceCanvas"
client!bg.u [Lclient!t;: client!bg.u [Lclient!t;:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "aClass160Array1" name: "aClass160Array1"
@ -1047,8 +1047,8 @@ fields:
owner: "LocalisedText" owner: "LocalisedText"
name: "CHATCOL0" name: "CHATCOL0"
client!cb.o I: client!cb.o I:
owner: "Static1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anInt526" name: "canvasWidth"
client!cc.a Lclient!gl;: client!cc.a Lclient!gl;:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "aClass4_Sub3_Sub5_1" name: "aClass4_Sub3_Sub5_1"
@ -1245,8 +1245,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "aClass60_2" name: "aClass60_2"
client!ck.db I: client!ck.db I:
owner: "Static1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anInt690" name: "canvasHeight"
client!ck.eb [I: client!ck.eb [I:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub5" owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub5"
name: "anIntArray57" name: "anIntArray57"
@ -1263,8 +1263,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "aByte1" name: "aByte1"
client!client.ab Z: client!client.ab Z:
owner: "Static1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean45" name: "shutdown"
client!client.cb I: client!client.cb I:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "anInt777" name: "anInt777"
@ -1509,8 +1509,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "anInt885" name: "anInt885"
client!db.i Lclient!ue;: client!db.i Lclient!ue;:
owner: "Static1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anApplet_Sub1_1" name: "instance"
client!db.l Lclient!fe;: client!db.l Lclient!fe;:
owner: "Static1" owner: "Static1"
name: "aClass56_Sub1_1" name: "aClass56_Sub1_1"
@ -2199,8 +2199,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static2" owner: "Static2"
name: "aBoolean76" name: "aBoolean76"
client!el.a Z: client!el.a Z:
owner: "Static2" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean77" name: "isJava5OrLater"
client!el.c [[B: client!el.c [[B:
owner: "Static2" owner: "Static2"
name: "aByteArrayArray11" name: "aByteArrayArray11"
@ -2475,8 +2475,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static2" owner: "Static2"
name: "anInt1634" name: "anInt1634"
client!fa.fb I: client!fa.fb I:
owner: "Static2" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anInt1635" name: "frameWidth"
client!fb.a [Lclient!fe;: client!fb.a [Lclient!fe;:
owner: "Static2" owner: "Static2"
name: "aClass56_Sub1Array2" name: "aClass56_Sub1Array2"
@ -3651,8 +3651,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static3" owner: "Static3"
name: "anInt2298" name: "anInt2298"
client!ia.b Z: client!ia.b Z:
owner: "Static3" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean158" name: "focus"
client!ia.d [I: client!ia.d [I:
owner: "Static3" owner: "Static3"
name: "anIntArray191" name: "anIntArray191"
@ -3939,8 +3939,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub11" owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub11"
name: "anIntArrayArray20" name: "anIntArrayArray20"
client!ij.D Ljava/awt/Frame;: client!ij.D Ljava/awt/Frame;:
owner: "Static3" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aFrame1" name: "fullScreenFrame"
client!ij.H Z: client!ij.H Z:
owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub11" owner: "Class4_Sub3_Sub11"
name: "aBoolean163" name: "aBoolean163"
@ -4989,8 +4989,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Text" owner: "Text"
client!ko.f Z: client!ko.f Z:
owner: "Static4" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean207" name: "openWindowJavaScript"
client!ko.g I: client!ko.g I:
owner: "Static4" owner: "Static4"
name: "anInt2979" name: "anInt2979"
@ -5727,8 +5727,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static4" owner: "Static4"
name: "anInt3326" name: "anInt3326"
client!mg.q Ljava/awt/Frame;: client!mg.q Ljava/awt/Frame;:
owner: "Static4" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aFrame2" name: "frame"
client!mg.r I: client!mg.r I:
owner: "Static4" owner: "Static4"
name: "anInt3327" name: "anInt3327"
@ -6738,8 +6738,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Text" owner: "Text"
name: "CHATCOL4" name: "CHATCOL4"
client!ni.l Ljava/awt/Canvas;: client!ni.l Ljava/awt/Canvas;:
owner: "Static5" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aCanvas115" name: "canvas"
client!ni.m [[Lclient!wf;: client!ni.m [[Lclient!wf;:
owner: "Static5" owner: "Static5"
name: "aClass185ArrayArray115" name: "aClass185ArrayArray115"
@ -8133,8 +8133,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class24" owner: "Class24"
name: "aClass58_13" name: "aClass58_13"
client!qi.j J: client!qi.j J:
owner: "Static5" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aLong26" name: "lastCanvasReplace"
client!qi.l [Lclient!mi;: client!qi.l [Lclient!mi;:
owner: "Class24" owner: "Class24"
name: "aClass119Array2" name: "aClass119Array2"
@ -8196,8 +8196,8 @@ fields:
owner: "LocalisedText" owner: "LocalisedText"
name: "MAINLOAD0B" name: "MAINLOAD0B"
client!qk.l I: client!qk.l I:
owner: "Static6" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anInt4380" name: "frameHeight"
client!qk.p [I: client!qk.p [I:
owner: "Class144" owner: "Class144"
name: "anIntArray463" name: "anIntArray463"
@ -8232,8 +8232,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6" owner: "Static6"
name: "anIntArray465" name: "anIntArray465"
client!ql.h Ljava/awt/Component;: client!ql.h Ljava/awt/Component;:
owner: "Canvas_Sub2" owner: "GameCanvas"
name: "aComponent2" name: "component"
client!qm.b I: client!qm.b I:
owner: "Static6" owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4397" name: "anInt4397"
@ -8559,8 +8559,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static6" owner: "Static6"
name: "anInt4506" name: "anInt4506"
client! Z: client! Z:
owner: "Static6" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean314" name: "fullRedraw"
client!rg.cb I: client!rg.cb I:
owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub26" owner: "Class4_Sub1_Sub26"
name: "anInt4507" name: "anInt4507"
@ -9273,8 +9273,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class4_Sub29" owner: "Class4_Sub29"
name: "anInt4858" name: "anInt4858"
client!sj.w I: client!sj.w I:
owner: "Static6" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anInt4859" name: "leftMargin"
client!sj.x [Ljava/lang/String;: client!sj.x [Ljava/lang/String;:
owner: "Static6" owner: "Static6"
name: "aStringArray28" name: "aStringArray28"
@ -10086,8 +10086,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class168" owner: "Class168"
name: "anInt5255" name: "anInt5255"
client!ua.O Lsignlink!pm;: client!ua.O Lsignlink!pm;:
owner: "Static7" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aClass196_4" name: "signLink"
client!ua.P Z: client!ua.P Z:
owner: "Class168" owner: "Class168"
name: "aBoolean357" name: "aBoolean357"
@ -10299,11 +10299,11 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "aLong35" name: "aLong35"
client!ue.L Z: client!ue.L Z:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean42" name: "miscNativesLoaded"
client!ue.M Z: client!ue.M Z:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean43" name: "error"
client!ue.Q I: client!ue.Q I:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt767" name: "anInt767"
@ -10566,8 +10566,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5437" name: "anInt5437"
client!v.w J: client!v.w J:
owner: "Static7" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aLong186" name: "killTime"
client!va.c [Lclient!ui;: client!va.c [Lclient!ui;:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "aClass174Array1" name: "aClass174Array1"
@ -10950,8 +10950,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "anIntArray638" name: "anIntArray638"
client!vl.b I: client!vl.b I:
owner: "Static7" owner: "GameShell"
name: "anInt5622" name: "topMargin"
client!vl.c I: client!vl.c I:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "anInt5623" name: "anInt5623"
@ -11130,8 +11130,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Static7" owner: "Static7"
name: "aBoolean399" name: "aBoolean399"
client!wd.tb Z: client!wd.tb Z:
owner: "Static7" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aBoolean400" name: "focusIn"
client!wd.wb Ljava/lang/String;: client!wd.wb Ljava/lang/String;:
owner: "LocalisedText" owner: "LocalisedText"
@ -11217,8 +11217,8 @@ fields:
owner: "Class185" owner: "Class185"
name: "aByte26" name: "aByte26"
client!wf.C Ljava/lang/Thread;: client!wf.C Ljava/lang/Thread;:
owner: "Static7" owner: "GameShell"
name: "aThread2" name: "thread"
client!wf.Cb I: client!wf.Cb I:
owner: "Class185" owner: "Class185"
name: "anInt5916" name: "anInt5916"
@ -15241,7 +15241,7 @@ methods:
locals: {} locals: {}
client!client.a (B)V: client!client.a (B)V:
owner: "client" owner: "client"
name: "method672" name: "mainQuit"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!client.a (Lclient!wf;)Lclient!on;: client!client.a (Lclient!wf;)Lclient!on;:
@ -15253,7 +15253,7 @@ methods:
13: "local13" 13: "local13"
client!client.a (Z)V: client!client.a (Z)V:
owner: "client" owner: "client"
name: "method663" name: "mainLoop"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
25: "local25" 25: "local25"
@ -15356,7 +15356,7 @@ methods:
1691: "local1691" 1691: "local1691"
client!client.b (B)V: client!client.b (B)V:
owner: "client" owner: "client"
name: "method673" name: "reset"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!client.b (Lclient!wf;)Lclient!wf;: client!client.b (Lclient!wf;)Lclient!wf;:
@ -15369,7 +15369,7 @@ methods:
10: "local10" 10: "local10"
client!client.c (B)V: client!client.c (B)V:
owner: "client" owner: "client"
name: "method681" name: "mainInit"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
174: "local174" 174: "local174"
@ -15397,7 +15397,7 @@ methods:
305: "local305" 305: "local305"
client!client.e (I)V: client!client.e (I)V:
owner: "client" owner: "client"
name: "method678" name: "mainRedraw"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
26: "local26" 26: "local26"
@ -36970,10 +36970,10 @@ methods:
53: "local53" 53: "local53"
147: "local147" 147: "local147"
client!ql.<init> (Ljava/awt/Component;)V: client!ql.<init> (Ljava/awt/Component;)V:
owner: "Canvas_Sub2" owner: "GameCanvas"
name: "<init>" name: "<init>"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "component"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ql.a (ILjava/lang/String;IZ)I: client!ql.a (ILjava/lang/String;IZ)I:
owner: "Static30" owner: "Static30"
@ -37000,16 +37000,16 @@ methods:
locals: locals:
50: "local50" 50: "local50"
client!ql.paint (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V: client!ql.paint (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V:
owner: "Canvas_Sub2" owner: "GameCanvas"
name: "paint" name: "paint"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "graphics"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ql.update (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V: client!ql.update (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V:
owner: "Canvas_Sub2" owner: "GameCanvas"
name: "update" name: "update"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "graphics"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!qm.a (IIILclient!fd;)V: client!qm.a (IIILclient!fd;)V:
owner: "Class145" owner: "Class145"
@ -42634,8 +42634,8 @@ methods:
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.a (B)V: client!ue.a (B)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method672" name: "mainQuit"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.a (BI)V: client!ue.a (BI)V:
@ -42679,13 +42679,13 @@ methods:
3216: "local3216" 3216: "local3216"
3240: "local3240" 3240: "local3240"
client!ue.a (BLjava/lang/String;)V: client!ue.a (BLjava/lang/String;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method670" name: "error"
arguments: arguments:
1: "arg0" 1: "error"
locals: locals:
35: "local35" 35: "ex"
56: "local56" 56: "ex"
client!ue.a (BZ)V: client!ue.a (BZ)V:
owner: "Static35" owner: "Static35"
name: "method665" name: "method665"
@ -42693,8 +42693,8 @@ methods:
1: "arg0" 1: "arg0"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.a (I)V: client!ue.a (I)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method666" name: "mainLoopWrapper"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
6: "local6" 6: "local6"
@ -42707,35 +42707,35 @@ methods:
locals: locals:
10: "local10" 10: "local10"
client!ue.a (IIIII)V: client!ue.a (IIIII)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method677" name: "startApplet"
arguments: arguments:
1: "arg0" 1: "cacheId"
locals: locals:
50: "local50" 50: "openWindowJavaScriptStr"
80: "local80" 80: "request"
97: "local97" 97: "ex"
client!ue.a (IILjava/lang/String;IZIII)V: client!ue.a (IILjava/lang/String;IZIII)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method679" name: "startApplication"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "cacheId"
2: "arg1" 2: "cacheSubDir"
locals: locals:
44: "local44" 44: "insets"
77: "local77" 77: "request"
94: "local94" 94: "local94"
client!ue.a (IZ)V: client!ue.a (IZ)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method675" name: "shutdown"
arguments: arguments:
1: "arg0" 1: "clean"
locals: locals:
43: "local43" 43: "ex"
49: "local49" 49: "ex"
70: "local70" 70: "ex"
77: "local77" 77: "ex"
87: "local87" 87: "ex"
client!ue.a (Lclient!fh;B)V: client!ue.a (Lclient!fh;B)V:
owner: "Static35" owner: "Static35"
name: "method667" name: "method667"
@ -42748,13 +42748,13 @@ methods:
136: "local136" 136: "local136"
168: "local168" 168: "local168"
client!ue.a (Z)V: client!ue.a (Z)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method663" name: "mainLoop"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.b (B)V: client!ue.b (B)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method673" name: "reset"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.b (IZ)V: client!ue.b (IZ)V:
@ -42765,170 +42765,170 @@ methods:
locals: locals:
13: "local13" 13: "local13"
client!ue.b (Z)V: client!ue.b (Z)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method669" name: "addCanvas"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
23: "local23" 23: "container"
57: "local57" 57: "insets"
client!ue.c (B)V: client!ue.c (B)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method681" name: "mainInit"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.c (I)Z: client!ue.c (I)Z:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method671" name: "isHostnameValid"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.c (Z)V: client!ue.c (Z)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method682" name: "method682"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
18: "local18" 18: "request"
48: "local48" 48: "ex"
client!ue.d (I)V: client!ue.d (I)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method674" name: "mainRedrawWrapper"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
14: "local14" 14: "local14"
18: "local18" 18: "local18"
42: "local42" 42: "local42"
86: "local86" 86: "insets"
client!ue.destroy ()V: client!ue.destroy ()V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "destroy" name: "destroy"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.e (I)V: client!ue.e (I)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "method678" name: "mainRedraw"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.focusGained (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V: client!ue.focusGained (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "focusGained" name: "focusGained"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.focusLost (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V: client!ue.focusLost (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "focusLost" name: "focusLost"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.getAppletContext ()Ljava/applet/AppletContext;: client!ue.getAppletContext ()Ljava/applet/AppletContext;:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "getAppletContext" name: "getAppletContext"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.getCodeBase ()Ljava/net/URL;: client!ue.getCodeBase ()Ljava/net/URL;:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "getCodeBase" name: "getCodeBase"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.getDocumentBase ()Ljava/net/URL;: client!ue.getDocumentBase ()Ljava/net/URL;:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "getDocumentBase" name: "getDocumentBase"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.getParameter (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;: client!ue.getParameter (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "getParameter" name: "getParameter"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "name"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.init ()V: client!ue.init ()V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "init" name: "init"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.paint (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V: client!ue.paint (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "paint" name: "paint"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "graphics"
locals: locals:
27: "local27" 27: "clipBounds"
client!ue.providesignlink (Lsignlink!pm;)V: client!ue.providesignlink (Lsignlink!pm;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "providesignlink" name: "providesignlink"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "signLink"
locals: {} locals: {}
client! ()V: client! ()V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "run" name: "run"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: locals:
10: "local10" 10: "javaVendor"
22: "local22" 22: "javaVersion"
75: "local75" 75: "i"
77: "local77" 77: "minorVersion"
89: "local89" 89: "c"
124: "local124" 124: "setFocusCycleRoot"
140: "local140" 140: "ex"
177: "local177" 177: "i"
197: "local197" 197: "ex"
client!ue.start ()V: client!ue.start ()V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "start" name: "start"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.stop ()V: client!ue.stop ()V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "stop" name: "stop"
arguments: {} arguments: {}
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.update (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V: client!ue.update (Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "update" name: "update"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "graphics"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowActivated (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowActivated (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowActivated" name: "windowActivated"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowClosed (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowClosed (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowClosed" name: "windowClosed"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowClosing (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowClosing (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowClosing" name: "windowClosing"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowDeactivated (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowDeactivated (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowDeactivated" name: "windowDeactivated"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowDeiconified (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowDeiconified (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowDeiconified" name: "windowDeiconified"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowIconified (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowIconified (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowIconified" name: "windowIconified"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!ue.windowOpened (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V: client!ue.windowOpened (Ljava/awt/event/WindowEvent;)V:
owner: "Applet_Sub1" owner: "GameShell"
name: "windowOpened" name: "windowOpened"
arguments: arguments:
0: "arg0" 0: "event"
locals: {} locals: {}
client!uf.a ()V: client!uf.a ()V:
owner: "Static35" owner: "Static35"
