Add InvokeSpecialTransformer documentation

I've already forgotten all the details of how this works once!

Signed-off-by: Graham <>
Graham 4 years ago
parent 54aa9b738c
commit 31e9ac9170
  1. 38

@ -9,6 +9,44 @@ import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode
* A [Transformer] that replaces `INVOKESPECIAL` instructions in static methods
* with `INVOKEVIRTUAL` equivalents.
* The client contains some methods in `final` classes that use `INVOKESPECIAL`
* to invoke non-`<init>` methods on objects of exactly the same type as the
* containing class. Furthermore, these `INVOKESPECIAL` instructions are
* sometimes present in `static` methods.
* As the containing class is `final` and as the method reference is not a
* superclass of the containing class, these calls actually end up being
* treated in the exact same way as an `INVOKEVIRTRUAL` call.
* While these calls are unusual (and probably never generated by a standard
* Java compiler, as there is no way to express them in Java source code), they
* are permitted by the
* [JVM specification](
* It is likely that this unusual use of `INVOKESPECIAL` is an optimization
* (`INVOKESPECIAL` was originally used as a more generic `INVOKENONVIRTUAL`
* instruction, and non-virtual function calls are cheaper than virtual
* function calls) or an obfuscation technique.
* The [StaticScramblingTransformer] moves static methods containing these
* `INVOKESPECIAL` instructions to new classes. This change is still permitted
* by the JVM specification, which does not place any restrictions on the class
* referenced by the `INVOKESPECIAL` instruction.
* However, the
* [verifier](
* in modern JVMs is stricter and considers non-`<init>` `INVOKESPECIAL`
* instructions referencing classes that are not the containing class or its
* direct superclass illegal.
* This transformer replaces `INVOKESPECIAL` with equivalent `INVOKEVIRTUAL`
* instructions where possible, allowing the [StaticScramblingTransformer] to
* produce verifiable output.
class InvokeSpecialTransformer : Transformer() {
private var invokeSpecialsReplaced = 0
