forked from openrs2/openrs2
This change paves the way to feed the NameMap into the TypedRemapper, such that refactored names (and static member movements) are preserved across deobfuscator runs. Signed-off-by: Graham <>
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ |
package dev.openrs2.asm.classpath |
import dev.openrs2.asm.ClassVersionUtils |
import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberRef |
import dev.openrs2.asm.remap |
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode |
import java.util.SortedMap |
import java.util.TreeMap |
import kotlin.math.max |
class LibraryRemapper( |
private val remapper: ExtendedRemapper, |
private var classes: SortedMap<String, ClassNode> |
) { |
private class Initializer(val instructions: InsnList, val maxStack: Int) { |
val dependencies = instructions.asSequence() |
.filterIsInstance<FieldInsnNode>() |
.filter { it.opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC } |
.map(::MemberRef) |
.toSet() |
} |
private class Field(val owner: String, val node: FieldNode, val version: Int, val initializer: Initializer?) |
private class Method(val owner: String, val node: MethodNode, val version: Int) |
private val fields = mutableMapOf<MemberRef, Field>() |
private val splicedFields = mutableSetOf<MemberRef>() |
private val methods = mutableListOf<Method>() |
fun remap(): SortedMap<String, ClassNode> { |
// extract static fields/methods that are being moved between classes |
extractFields() |
extractMethods() |
// map remaining fields/methods |
for (clazz in classes.values) { |
clazz.remap(remapper) |
} |
classes = classes.mapKeysTo(TreeMap()) { (_, clazz) -> } |
// splice static fields/methods into their new classes |
spliceFields() |
spliceMethods() |
// remove empty <clinit> methods (so EmptyClassTransformer works later) |
removeEmptyClinitMethods() |
return classes |
} |
private fun extractFields() { |
for (clazz in classes.values) { |
clazz.fields.removeIf { field -> |
// do nothing if the field is not moved between classes |
val oldOwner = remapper.mapType( |
val newOwner = remapper.mapFieldOwner(,, field.desc) |
if (oldOwner == newOwner) { |
return@removeIf false |
} |
/* |
* Remove the initializer (if present) from the old owner's |
* <clinit> method. |
*/ |
val initializer = extractInitializer(clazz, field) |
/* |
* Map the field (it won't be caught by a ClassNode::remap call |
* during the main pass). |
*/ |
field.remap(remapper, |
/* |
* Store the field so it can be spliced into its new class |
* later. We key on the new owner/name/descriptor, rather than |
* the old one, as spliceFields's dependency tracking runs |
* after the Initializer::dependencies has been mapped. |
*/ |
val newMember = MemberRef(newOwner,, field.desc) |
fields[newMember] = Field(newOwner, field, clazz.version, initializer) |
// remove the field from its old class |
return@removeIf true |
} |
} |
} |
private fun extractInitializer(clazz: ClassNode, field: FieldNode): Initializer? { |
val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "<clinit>" } ?: return null |
val initializer = remapper.getFieldInitializer(,, field.desc) ?: return null |
val list = InsnList() |
for (insn in initializer) { |
/* |
* Remove initializer from <clinit>. It is stored alongside the |
* FieldNode so it can be spliced into its new class later. |
*/ |
clinit.instructions.remove(insn) |
list.add(insn) |
/* |
* Remap the initializer (it won't be caught by a ClassNode::remap |
* call during the main pass). |
*/ |
insn.remap(remapper) |
} |
return Initializer(list, clinit.maxStack) |
} |
private fun extractMethods() { |
for (clazz in classes.values) { |
clazz.methods.removeIf { method -> |
// do nothing if the method is not moved between classes |
val oldOwner = remapper.mapType( |
val newOwner = remapper.mapMethodOwner(,, method.desc) |
if (oldOwner == newOwner) { |
return@removeIf false |
} |
/* |
* Map the method (it won't be caught by a ClassNode::remap call |
* during the main pass). |
*/ |
method.remap(remapper, |
// store the method |
methods += Method(newOwner, method, clazz.version) |
// remove the method from its old class |
return@removeIf true |
} |
} |
} |
private fun spliceFields() { |
for (member in fields.keys) { |
spliceField(member) |
} |
} |
private fun spliceField(member: MemberRef) { |
if (!splicedFields.add(member)) { |
return |
} |
val field = fields[member] ?: return |
val clazz = classes.computeIfAbsent(field.owner, ::createClass) |
if (field.initializer != null) { |
for (dependency in field.initializer.dependencies) { |
spliceField(dependency) |
} |
val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "<clinit>" } ?: createClinitMethod(clazz) |
// TODO(gpe): check the <clinit> method only has a single RETURN and that it is the last instruction |
clinit.maxStack = max(clinit.maxStack, field.initializer.maxStack) |
clinit.instructions.insertBefore(clinit.instructions.last, field.initializer.instructions) |
} |
clazz.version = ClassVersionUtils.max(clazz.version, field.version) |
clazz.fields.add(field.node) |
} |
private fun spliceMethods() { |
for (method in methods) { |
val clazz = classes.computeIfAbsent(method.owner, ::createClass) |
clazz.version = ClassVersionUtils.max(clazz.version, method.version) |
clazz.methods.add(method.node) |
} |
} |
private fun removeEmptyClinitMethods() { |
for (clazz in classes.values) { |
val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "<clinit>" } ?: continue |
val first = clinit.instructions.firstOrNull { it.opcode != -1 } |
if (first != null && first.opcode == Opcodes.RETURN) { |
clazz.methods.remove(clinit) |
} |
} |
} |
private fun createClass(name: String): ClassNode { |
val clazz = ClassNode() |
clazz.version = Opcodes.V1_1 |
clazz.access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC or Opcodes.ACC_SUPER or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL |
| = name |
clazz.superName = "java/lang/Object" |
clazz.interfaces = mutableListOf() |
clazz.innerClasses = mutableListOf() |
clazz.fields = mutableListOf() |
clazz.methods = mutableListOf() |
return clazz |
} |
private fun createClinitMethod(clazz: ClassNode): MethodNode { |
val clinit = MethodNode() |
clinit.access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC |
| = "<clinit>" |
clinit.desc = "()V" |
clinit.exceptions = mutableListOf() |
clinit.parameters = mutableListOf() |
clinit.instructions = InsnList() |
clinit.instructions.add(InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN)) |
clinit.tryCatchBlocks = mutableListOf() |
clazz.methods.add(clinit) |
return clinit |
} |
} |
@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ |
package dev.openrs2.deob.transform |
import com.github.michaelbull.logging.InlineLogger |
import dev.openrs2.asm.ClassVersionUtils |
import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberDesc |
import dev.openrs2.asm.MemberRef |
import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.ClassPath |
import dev.openrs2.asm.classpath.Library |
import dev.openrs2.asm.getExpression |
import dev.openrs2.asm.isSequential |
import dev.openrs2.asm.transform.Transformer |
import dev.openrs2.deob.Profile |
import dev.openrs2.util.collect.DisjointSet |
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode |
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import javax.inject.Singleton |
import kotlin.math.max |
@Singleton |
class StaticScramblingTransformer @Inject constructor(private val profile: Profile) : Transformer() { |
private data class Field(val node: FieldNode, val initializer: InsnList, val version: Int, val maxStack: Int) { |
val dependencies = initializer.asSequence() |
.filterIsInstance<FieldInsnNode>() |
.filter { it.opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC } |
.map(::MemberRef) |
.toSet() |
} |
private lateinit var inheritedFieldSets: DisjointSet<MemberRef> |
private lateinit var inheritedMethodSets: DisjointSet<MemberRef> |
private val fields = mutableMapOf<DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>, Field>() |
private val fieldClasses = mutableMapOf<DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>, String>() |
private val methodClasses = mutableMapOf<DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>, String>() |
private var nextStaticClass: ClassNode? = null |
private var nextClinit: MethodNode? = null |
private val staticClasses = mutableListOf<ClassNode>() |
private fun nextClass(): Pair<ClassNode, MethodNode> { |
var clazz = nextStaticClass |
if (clazz != null && clazz.fields.size < MAX_FIELDS && clazz.methods.size < MAX_METHODS) { |
return Pair(clazz, nextClinit!!) |
} |
val clinit = MethodNode() |
clinit.access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC |
|||||| = "<clinit>" |
clinit.desc = "()V" |
clinit.exceptions = mutableListOf() |
clinit.parameters = mutableListOf() |
clinit.instructions = InsnList() |
clinit.instructions.add(InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN)) |
clinit.tryCatchBlocks = mutableListOf() |
clazz = ClassNode() |
clazz.version = Opcodes.V1_1 |
clazz.access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC or Opcodes.ACC_SUPER or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL |
|||||| = "Static${staticClasses.size + 1}" |
clazz.superName = "java/lang/Object" |
clazz.interfaces = mutableListOf() |
clazz.innerClasses = mutableListOf() |
clazz.fields = mutableListOf() |
clazz.methods = mutableListOf(clinit) |
staticClasses += clazz |
nextStaticClass = clazz |
nextClinit = clinit |
return Pair(clazz, clinit) |
} |
private fun MethodNode.extractEntryExitBlocks(): List<AbstractInsnNode> { |
/* |
* Most (or all?) of the <clinit> methods have "simple" initializers |
* that we're capable of moving in the first and last basic blocks of |
* the method. The last basic block is always at the end of the code |
* and ends in a RETURN. This allows us to avoid worrying about making |
* a full basic block control flow graph here. |
*/ |
val entry = instructions.takeWhile { it.isSequential } |
val last = instructions.lastOrNull() |
if (last == null || last.opcode != Opcodes.RETURN) { |
return entry |
} |
val exit = instructions.toList() |
.dropLast(1) |
.takeLastWhile { it.isSequential } |
return |
} |
private fun MethodNode.extractInitializers(owner: String): Pair<Map<MemberDesc, InsnList>, Set<MemberDesc>> { |
val entryExitBlocks = extractEntryExitBlocks() |
val simpleInitializers = mutableMapOf<MemberDesc, InsnList>() |
val complexInitializers = instructions.asSequence() |
.filter { !entryExitBlocks.contains(it) } |
.filterIsInstance<FieldInsnNode>() |
.filter { it.opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC && it.owner == owner } |
.filter { !profile.excludedFields.matches(it.owner,, it.desc) } |
.map(::MemberDesc) |
.toSet() |
val putstatics = entryExitBlocks |
.filterIsInstance<FieldInsnNode>() |
.filter { it.opcode == Opcodes.PUTSTATIC && it.owner == owner } |
.filter { !profile.excludedFields.matches(it.owner,, it.desc) } |
for (putstatic in putstatics) { |
val desc = MemberDesc(putstatic) |
if (simpleInitializers.containsKey(desc) || complexInitializers.contains(desc)) { |
continue |
} |
// TODO(gpe): use a filter here (pure with no *LOADs?) |
val expr = getExpression(putstatic) ?: continue |
val initializer = InsnList() |
for (insn in expr) { |
instructions.remove(insn) |
initializer.add(insn) |
} |
instructions.remove(putstatic) |
initializer.add(putstatic) |
simpleInitializers[desc] = initializer |
} |
return Pair(simpleInitializers, complexInitializers) |
} |
private fun spliceInitializers() { |
val done = mutableSetOf<DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>>() |
for ((partition, field) in fields) { |
spliceInitializers(done, partition, field) |
} |
} |
private fun spliceInitializers( |
done: MutableSet<DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>>, |
partition: DisjointSet.Partition<MemberRef>, |
field: Field |
) { |
if (!done.add(partition)) { |
return |
} |
for (dependency in field.dependencies) { |
val dependencyPartition = inheritedFieldSets[dependency]!! |
val dependencyField = fields[dependencyPartition] ?: continue |
spliceInitializers(done, partition, dependencyField) |
} |
val (staticClass, clinit) = nextClass() |
staticClass.fields.add(field.node) |
staticClass.version = ClassVersionUtils.max(staticClass.version, field.version) |
clinit.instructions.insertBefore(clinit.instructions.last, field.initializer) |
clinit.maxStack = max(clinit.maxStack, field.maxStack) |
fieldClasses[partition] = |
} |
override fun preTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { |
inheritedFieldSets = classPath.createInheritedFieldSets() |
inheritedMethodSets = classPath.createInheritedMethodSets() |
fields.clear() |
fieldClasses.clear() |
methodClasses.clear() |
nextStaticClass = null |
staticClasses.clear() |
for (library in classPath.libraries) { |
// TODO(gpe): improve detection of the client library |
if ("client" !in library) { |
continue |
} |
for (clazz in library) { |
// TODO(gpe): exclude the JSObject class |
val clinit = clazz.methods.find { == "<clinit>" } |
val (simpleInitializers, complexInitializers) = clinit?.extractInitializers( |
?: Pair(emptyMap(), emptySet()) |
clazz.fields.removeIf { field -> |
if (field.access and Opcodes.ACC_STATIC == 0) { |
return@removeIf false |
} else if (profile.excludedFields.matches(,, field.desc)) { |
return@removeIf false |
} |
val desc = MemberDesc(field) |
if (complexInitializers.contains(desc)) { |
return@removeIf false |
} |
val initializer = simpleInitializers[desc] ?: InsnList() |
val maxStack = clinit?.maxStack ?: 0 |
val partition = inheritedFieldSets[MemberRef(clazz, field)]!! |
fields[partition] = Field(field, initializer, clazz.version, maxStack) |
return@removeIf true |
} |
clazz.methods.removeIf { method -> |
if (method.access and Opcodes.ACC_STATIC == 0) { |
return@removeIf false |
} else if (method.access and Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE != 0) { |
return@removeIf false |
} else if (profile.excludedMethods.matches(,, method.desc)) { |
return@removeIf false |
} |
val (staticClass, _) = nextClass() |
staticClass.methods.add(method) |
staticClass.version = ClassVersionUtils.max(staticClass.version, clazz.version) |
val partition = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(clazz, method)]!! |
methodClasses[partition] = |
return@removeIf true |
} |
val first = clinit?.instructions?.firstOrNull { it.opcode != -1 } |
if (first != null && first.opcode == Opcodes.RETURN) { |
clazz.methods.remove(clinit) |
} |
} |
spliceInitializers() |
for (clazz in staticClasses) { |
library.add(clazz) |
} |
} |
} |
override fun transformCode(classPath: ClassPath, library: Library, clazz: ClassNode, method: MethodNode): Boolean { |
for (insn in method.instructions) { |
when (insn) { |
is FieldInsnNode -> { |
val partition = inheritedFieldSets[MemberRef(insn)] |
if (partition != null) { |
insn.owner = fieldClasses.getOrDefault(partition, insn.owner) |
} |
} |
is MethodInsnNode -> { |
val partition = inheritedMethodSets[MemberRef(insn)] |
if (partition != null) { |
insn.owner = methodClasses.getOrDefault(partition, insn.owner) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
override fun postTransform(classPath: ClassPath) { |
|||||| { "Moved ${fieldClasses.size} fields and ${methodClasses.size} methods" } |
} |
private companion object { |
private val logger = InlineLogger() |
private const val MAX_FIELDS = 500 |
private const val MAX_METHODS = 50 |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue