Open-source multiplayer game server compatible with the RuneScape client

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JAGGRAB protocol

JAGGRAB is a very simple protocol used by the loader to fetch the game's code. It is only used as a fallback if fetching the code via HTTP fails. It is very similar to HTTP/0.9 - the first version of HTTP.

The loader opens a connection to the secondary game server port (443) and sends the 'switch to JAGGRAB mode' packet. As this packet has no payload, it only contains a single opcode byte: 17.

The loader then writes the following string:

JAGGRAB /<file name>

where <file name> is replaced with the name of the file to fetch. The string is followed by two line feed characters.

The server responds with the requested file and then closes the connection.

The file names are suffixed with their CRC-32 checksum (for example, unpackclass.pack -> unpackclass_-1911426584.pack). The same file names are used when the client requests the files over HTTP, so the suffixes are presumably for cache busting. The Old School RuneScape servers do not require the checksum suffix to be present or correct.

In build 550, the following files may be requested with JAGGRAB:

Remote file name Local file name Description
unpackclass.pack game_unpacker.dat packclass unpacker
runescape.pack200 main_file_cache.dat0 SD client (pack200 format)
runescape.js5 main_file_cache.dat1 SD client (packclass format)
runescape_gl.pack200 main_file_cache.dat3 HD client (pack200 format)
runescape_gl.js5 main_file_cache.dat4 HD client (packclass format)
jaggl.pack200 main_file_cache.dat5 OpenGL bindings (pack200 format)
jaggl.js5 main_file_cache.dat6 OpenGL bindings (packclass format)
jaggl_0_0.lib jaggl.dll OpenGL native library (Windows i386)
jaggl_1_0.lib OpenGL native library (Linux i386)
jaggl_1_1.lib DRI hack native library (Linux i386)
jaggl_2_0.lib libjaggl.jnilib OpenGL native library (macOS PowerPC)
jaggl_3_0.lib libjaggl.jnilib OpenGL native library (macOS i386)
jaggl_4_0.lib jaggl.dll OpenGL native library (Windows amd64)
jagmisc_0.lib jagmisc.dll Miscellaneous native library (Windows i386)
jagmisc_1.lib jagmiscms.dll Miscellaneous native library (Windows i386, MSJVM)
jagmisc_2.lib jagmisc64.dll Miscellaneous native library (Windows amd64)

Note that OpenRS2's client patcher changes the list of supported platforms:

  • MSJVM support is removed.
  • PowerPC support is removed.
  • amd64 support is added to macOS and Linux.
  • AArch64 supported is added to macOS.

This causes some differences to the list of supported files.

It also normalises some of the local file names (for example, jagmisc64.dll -> jagmisc.dll, libjaggl.jnilib -> libjaggl.dylib).